Chapter 4

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Previously on "Mate of the third strongest espada"

Daniel: *blush* I-I hope the other pair of clothes work nicely

Harribel: *blush* Ye-Yes thank you once again

Daniel: *blush* No problem

Harribel: *blush* What do we do now?

Daniel: *blush* Now? well *heard his stomach growl* I guess it's lunch time

Harribel: *starts to lose the blush* I am feeling a bit hungry

Daniel:Then let's go to the food core of this place

Things were surprisingly able to calm down after changing the subject to go eat and so that's what they did

They got some food, talk to each other even though they got a little embarrassed and then after finishing left the mall with eat bags of clothing

Then drove right back home where they put all the bags they got for Harribel in the guest room

Daniel:Alright I'll leave for now to test your set of clothing

Harribel:Thats fine I will call you if I need you

Daniel:Got it *goes to leave* I'll see you downstairs

And with that Daniel left the room and Harribel was left alone to think on the events that have happened today as a memory flash back of the position she and Daniel were in appears in her head

Harribel: *placed a hand on her chest* What could this feeling be? the one that I feel in my chest every time I'm with Daniel *looks at herself in the mirror with a blush* I feel like something is rapidly moving in my chest when I'm with him and most of all I could feel myself heating up in that moment today

Harribel thought thought on what was going on with her but no answer seem to appear in her head

Harribel:Daniel *blush grows* just what are you doing to me?

Daniel: *narrating* Well what can I say other than that my relationship with Harribel had been well hmmmm quite interesting and heheh very awkward

We see both Daniel and Tier Harribel enjoying so separate quality time as we see Harribel reading a book titled "Explaining the different feelings that you can get" while Daniel on the other hand was playing a Nintendo game which was Pokken tournament DX as he used Aegislash and his opponent had Sceptile but it seem that the battle was more of a one sided fight because his opponent was literally 5 Hp and Daniel's Pokémon had only lost three hp

Daniel:Alright now I end this with the ultimate

Press two buttons at the same time which cause Aegislash that activates Aegislash Ultimate which hits the opponents Sceptile changing scene to show what Aegislash does which is actually very cool

Daniel:And with that *puts the controller down* I win

The screen shows Aegislash in its victory pose while the words WIN appear above him signaling that Daniel had one the fight easily and with out much issue

Daniel:Hmmm *turns to Harribel* hey Harribel what you reading?

Harribel:. . . . . .. . . . . . . .
Daniel:Huh? hey Harribel?

Harribel:. . . . *mumbles* . . . . .


Harribel: *mumble mumble* Hmm *mumble*

Daniel: *gets closer to her and then leans close to her right shoulder going in to see what she's reading and spoke in a low voice* Hey what you reading?

Harribel:Huh? *sees how close Daniel is* Daniel! *face start going red*

Harribel's sudden reaction makes her drop the book that she's reading and move her face away from Daniel's who also moved back surprised by her reaction

Daniel:Hey hey it's just me

Harribel: *sighs* I know it's just that you caught by surprise I am truly sorry for my reaction

Daniel: *waves his hand* Its fine and don't worry here let me help you get your book back

Harribel:Oh! don't worry it is not necessary

Surprisingly without neither of them knowing the both went down to pick up the book that Harribel had dropped and once they reached it Daniel had his his hand placed on top of Harribel's

This came to a surprise to both of them as both their faces became red as a strawberry after feeling the skin of their hands touching one another and then they both turn to one another and see how red their faces were making them both quickly look away from one another and Daniel moves his hand away

Daniel: *blush* I-I see you had that covered

Harribel: *blush* Y-Yes but I thank for doing this simple task for me

Daniel: *blush* Your w-welcome

Daniel: *narrating* Yeah over the coarse of one month that has passed ever since Harribel started staying with me with had this moments like this and while it may seem odd it's certainly something that we have as even the slightest of touch of our skins makes us both blush

Both Daniel and Harribel were seen walking side by side, but out of nowhere when both their right and left arm touched they moved away from each other and their faces turned red

Daniel:So yeah that took some time to getting used to but at the of the day we managed

Daniel and Harribel were seen having breakfast together and when Harribel's hand was about to grab sone bread it accidentally landed on Daniel's hand and she took hold of it and once both realized what had happened they blushed

Harribel: *blush* Sorry! I was going for the bread

Daniel: *blush* I-It's fine *smile* just an odd coincidence that my hand was there and you took hold it that's all

Harribel: *blush but let's out a smile and giggles* Yes it would seem so

Daniel's smile brightens seeing Harribel's personality start to loosen up and become more kind

Daniel: *narrating* And while we did have our moments that are awkward we still found fun and learning moments where I thought Harribel a few things and showed her a few things and the first thing that I did was teach her how to cook and well *chuckles*

Harribel is seen standing in front of a a large fire that comes from a burning stove but luckily Daniel comes to rescue with a fire extinguisher and turns off the flames

Daniel: *narrating* She may have almost burned the house once or twice though she was able to get good at it and now she knows how to make one meal of each time it's time to eat so that's a plus but leaving that alone I was also able to make her play video games with me and while the first three games I won but when fourth game came

Harribel's face showed a smug smile that wax directed at Daniel who had a shocked expression on his face as on one side you had Harribel's screen side saying that she won while Daniel's side said that he lost making him faint and fall to ground while Harribel giggles at his reaction

Daniel: *narrating* I lost horribly and then I lost the next game and I can say is that Harribel is one quick learner when it comes to video games because dang I lost my pride there

Daniel is seen on the corner mumbling "how could I lose" repeatedly while Harribel was patting his back while he had this crisis

Daniel: *narrating* I had that going for me for two days but forgetting all of that through out this month I've also been able to take Harribel to some places like the movies where she surprisingly started liking action and even horror movies then drama and romance like other girls and I was also able to take her around the city where she was introduced to many restaurants, stores and business building that reside in this city and well that's about the just of things that we did in the first month


Daniel: *narrating* Now it's time we head back to the present *out loud* what!?

Harribel:Lunch is ready!

Daniel:Okay! I'll be there soon!

Daniel grabs his phone and stands up as he puts it on his pocket and then starts to leave his room and head down stairs as he goes said flight of stairs he turns left and enters the kitchen where he sees Harribel placing down the plates on the table

Daniel: *whistles* Looks good

Harribel: *smiles at him while taking a sit* Thanks I tried my best to do something different and not try to burn the house

Daniel: *chuckles* That's good to hear *walks towards his chair and takes a sit* alright then let's eat

After wishing each other a good meal the both began to eat their lunch and when Daniel took his first bite his eyes showed stars and he made a happy and loving sound

Daniel:Man! this is amazing *smiles at Harribel* you really leveled up to cooking schools this time Harribel this is great! *continues to eat*

Harribel:T-That's good to hear *blushes*

Harribel: *blush* I really put a lot work into that so you better enjoy it

Daniel:Heheh don't worry I will *takes in another bite*

Harribel could really see that Daniel was enjoying her cooking which brought a warm and proud smile to her lips as she as well when back to eat

Daniel:So then what do you wish to do today Harribel? *takes in a two piece bite*

Harribel:What do I want to do?

Daniel: *swallows* Yeah I mean a month has passed and you've gotten yourself quite adjusted to your new surroundings so except of me deciding I wanna hear what you want to do *takes in another bite*

Harribel:What I want to do? hmmm *takes a bite and thinks in her mind* Yes there a lot of things that I've seen in the human world that I'm interested in but today feels relax so maybe me and Daniel could *blushes a little* maybe go out together for a nice walk *swallows and speak* I would. . . like to go on a walk with you if that's okay?

Daniel:Go on a walk? yeah yeah that sounds nice I'm actually feeling quite relax today so a walk in the park might be what we need

Harribel:The park?

Daniel:Huh? oh right I haven't taken you there yet *takes in another bite but eats it quick* so let's finish this wonderful meal of yours and let's go

Harribel:O-Okay *nods* I'm looking forward to this

Daniel: *smiles* I'm glad to hear that

After eating Harribel's well cooked meal the duo had decided to change clothes into more casual and a bit out going clothes as we see Y/N coming out of his room all ready and prepared and not to far away from him Harribel comes in ready to go

Daniel:All set

Harribel: *nods* Yes let us proceed

Daniel: *nods* Alright then let's go

The both of them made their way downstairs and then when into the garage where Daniel press a button to open the gates and they both went into his car as they drive out of the garage that later closes before they start to make their way to their new destination

Inside the car we see the duo in silence as Harribel had her right arm resting on the door while she looked outside and Daniel had his hands on the steering wheel as they drove to the park

Harribel:Hmmm *turns to Daniel* any particular place you are taking us that with've seen on our different explorations

Daniel:Weeell hmmmm I don't think I've taken you to park or in area near this park actually so this will be a new adventure for us *turns to her with a smile* so I hope your ready to see something amazing *looks back to the road*

Harribel:I see are you implying that this park holds beauty in it

Daniel:Oh yes and a bit of lord too


Daniel: *chuckles* Don't worry I'll tell you there

Some time later

They reached the park and are now walking down the path while being below large and long trees that hold so much green plus the green bushes that are on the path too

They kept walking while enjoying the scenery Harribel more than Daniel who was just chilling while the arrancar looked in awe at what was around her

Harribel:This place. . . . . . it holds so much life

Daniel:That it does plus is a nice place to enjoy a nice walk and relax

Harribel:It really is it at least holds much more life than in hueco mundo

Daniel:Hueco mundo huh? you know you really haven't talked much about hueco mundo or those three arrancars you told me about

Harribel:It is really not a topic I wish to talk about

Daniel:Hmmmm alright then just *stops and places a hand on her shoulder* know if you ever want to talk about something or get something out of your chest remember that I'm here for you okay?

Harribel: *nods and smiles at him while having a small blush* Yes and I thank you for your kindness Daniel I'll think about it see if I can tell you more about my previous life but even after the days that have passed I still feel distraught about the life that I had

Daniel:It's fine take your time and when ever you want to reveal more I'll be there to listen

Harribel smile widens as those Daniel's as after that they continue their walk for little awhile that is until Daniel stops them in front of a small five stair path way

Harribel:Daniel? is something wrong?

Daniel:Nothings wrong *turns to the right* we're just going to take a detour


Daniel doesn't say anything as Harribel turns her gaze towards where he's looking and finds another path way but except of being one that's connected to the one they are now this one seems more out of the bounds of the park and into the forest

Daniel:Come on I wanna show you something

Harribel:Is this path even allowed to walk on

Daniel:Well it is for me *turns to her with a smirk* plus I'm sure you'll like the spot we're taking us too *starts walking down the path*

Harribel: *follows after him* Are you sure this is good?

Daniel: *stops and then turns towards her* You trust me right?


Daniel:Then let me show you my spot *extends his hand towards her* somewhere where we can just relax

Harribel:Umm hmmmm *takes a moment before taking his hand* then let's go

Daniel: *smile* Hold on to my hand this path is a bit. . . . dangerous

She nods before they went back to walking down the new dirt path that was surrounded by many trees and true to his word the path they were going on was a bit dangerous as it had narrow paths, hole that lead further down the forest and a rock area where they were forced to move in her the rocks that lead to much more calmer and nice dirt path with enough space and safety

They walking for a couple minutes where they walked on a flat dirt ground that lead to something that was showing light that when they walk through it they were then brought to clear area that had one huge tree

Daniel: *motion to what was in front of them* Welcome to DJ's secret spot

Harribel: *a bit in awe of the location* H-Hos did you find this place?

Daniel:Founded at a time where I was dealing with some issues and well after that I've coming here to find peace, train, rest and think about my life

Harribel:Hmmm I see

Daniel:Yeah but let's ignore that let's just reach the top and rest for a bit

She nods and both then started moving closer towards the tree that was in the middle of all this clearing as they reach the top the first thing they do is sit down and put their back on the tree that covered them from the sun

The tree looked like it had spent it's time here for quite some time but has kept its mature and strong posture and remains standing here

Harribel: *relief sigh* Just sitting under this tree makes me feel safe and calm

Daniel:Right it truly is a great place and really am glad that I found this place it really helped when I was feeling. . . . . . down

Harribel turn to look at Daniel and sees that he had a sad face while looking down at the ground this sight alone made her feel bad about him as she placed her right hand on his shoulder

Harribel:When we arrived you said this place helped you deal with sone issues would like to talk about them?

Daniel:No no no it's fine that's a story I really don't wanna talk about nor ever remember again *sigh* so sorry I'll have to tell you some other time

Harribel:O-Oh alright it's okay just like how you you told me I'll tell you tell me when you feeling like you need to get something out of your chest know that I'll be there to listen so *smiles* take your time

Daniel: *turns to her with a smiles* Thanks Harribel and don't worry I'll tell you

Harribel: *mind* It seem that he is also in distraught from events that might have happened in his past he already told me why he was kick out of soul society but it seems his pain doesn't end there *out loud* Like you are there for me Daniel I am there for you

Daniel: *smiles with a small blush* Oh thanks Harribel it's nice to hear that and like you said I'll be there for you if you ever need me and that's a promise

Harribel: *smiles with a blush* The s-same for me I promise to be there for you

They stare at one another with passion in there eyes as their blushed faces remain only in their cheeks they had warm and sincere smiles on them this moment truly was nice for them and nothing could really interrupt this moment now right?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I stand corrected and so are the duo as their eyes widen and they both turn towards where they came from and see a bunch of hollows starting to materialize into their sight vision


Harribel: *shock and scared* Why now?

Five small hollows have appeared but not to far away from them appearing out of forest were two giant size hollows that are ugly as fu—

The hollows where starring at them like if they were prey and they seemed hungry too

Harribel:Hollows but how? Abs why would they go after us?

Daniel:Probably because of me *stands up* so stay here Harribel I'll deal with this

Harribel:What? but Daniel you said that your powers were sealed by soul reapers awhile ago so we should run

Daniel:No *fist clench* after pulling this stunt and ruining are peaceful time I'm destroying this fools

Harribel: But how are you supposed to do that without your Zanpakuto

Daniel:Ah! that's the thing Harribel too much time has passed ever since they sealed my powers away and in that time thanks to someone's help I've been able to get back what I've lost


Daniel: *turns to her and smirks* Let me show you

A white aura began to surround Daniel as once it covered completely he lead out a word which began his transformation


Out of nowhere a white and black substance sprouted out his body and started to form itself around him making and armor that covers him completely, create red eyes, summon king silver hair and to finish it off his face was covered by a mask that showed no sign of eyes or a mouth

Daniel:I present to you HAKUMEN

Harribel was now beyond shocked right now as she literally sees her friend standing in front of her wearing an armor that she does not know off or even heard off and most of all is that Daniel is the one in this thing

Harribel:Da-Daniel what is this

Daniel:An armor and something I'll tell you later as now

Daniel:I must deal with this file beast that dare interrupt our peace plus I do believe they are after the small spiritual energy you've gain so *tightens the grip on his sword* I won't let them hurt you

Harribel:Daniel. . . . . please be careful

Daniel:I will and don't worry this won't even take five minutes

Harribel:Okay *leans on the tree* now please go destroy those fools

Daniel:With pleasure

After having some conformation Hakumen dashes straight towards the hollow who could not even react on time as he quickly cuts down three hollows that where on the front before turning towards one that was lunging towards him as he thrust his sword forward and through the hollows face splitting in two and then he turns around and cuts the head of the one that tried to attack him from behind in which he then kicks the head onto the hollows that was charging straight him stoping him in his tracts and before he could even respond he was cut in two by Hakumen who appears behind him and then jumps away for the split body that turns into ash ad one the big hollows started to attack him but the last small hollow decided to attack Hakumen from behind but finds this strategy quickly bad as  he was stab right through the face by Hakumen who wasn't even looking at the hollow that soon turn to ash

Hakumen:Small one's down big guys left

Big and ugly hollows: *hollow roar! at him*

Hakumen.Alright ugly one and ugly two I'll end this quick

Hakumen charges first at the hollow that attacked him first said hollow tries to crunch him with his fist but Hakumen dashes under the fist and goes for the hollow's left leg

Hakumen:Lotus flower

Sending a low sweep kick into the left leg making it explode immediately after the black leg made contact with the hollows leg which makes the hollow now start to fall forward which is what Hakumen intended to happen as he changes grips on the sword and goes in for a rising upward slash

Pushing the blade with his right hand he slashed the hollows face in two with the both area staying on the body while it's nose and eyes were in the air before falling to the ground

Hakumen: *lands on the ground* Ugly one down ugly two next

Behind Hakumen the hollow he just took down falls onto the ground before beginning to turn to ash and as it did that he turned to the last hollow who was looking down at him

Hollow: *hollow roar and starts to send a punch down at him*

Hakumen moves out of the way once and then dodges the next punch from the hollow as he starts to gains some distance

Hakumen:Alright here we go *raises his sword upwards*

Hakumen:Void formation

Energy begins to appear surrounding Hakumen as the same energy goes to his sword which starts to get covered by a black glow that surrounds it completely

The hollows sees this and starts to stomp his way towards Hakumen and while Harribel sees this she finds it intriguing

Harribel:What could this void formation be?

Back with Daniel behind the mask he had his eyes closed while still making his energy known by making his sword's black colored energy start to burst a bit and at the moment the hollow was going to be six feet away from him


Huge downward sword slash which releases a projectile wave that heads straight towards the the hollow which it consumes and disintegrates him completely

After the attack ended and the hollow was destroyed Hakumen raises his sword and spun it around him and then sheaths it in its sheath

Hakumen:It is done


Hakumen: *turns to see Harribel be the one that does the claps as she walks towards him* Enjoyed the show

Harribel:Yes and you *points at him* owe me answers

Hakumen:And shall give them to you but first *walks over to her and out of nowhere he picks her up in a bridal style* lets go home

Harribel: *blush* Daniel!

Hakumen:Don't worry *blush* I'll get us home quicker like this so just hold on

Harribel: *blush* Al-Alright

Hakumen nods before then he starts appearing a sort off light under his feet which he uses then after jump upwards and above the trees and that same light then boost him out of there and disappear

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