Till death do us apart..

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Finally the day came..for both families to unite together.There long waited promise was going to fullfill , because of there children..a ever lasting contact.
Both families have aggread on having a traditional wedding.with modern influence...it was held at ,Wang outhouse..30 km from the main residential of wang family.

Xian was standing infront of the mirror,in his wedding dress.. looking himself,but lost in deep thought.
It was first time,he would finally see his, husband.would he be loving him,will this marriage work successfully??.was it not too quick,an arranged marriage,was he also waiting for this day, since birth..like xian..last day of xian with his family..new life,new name..new mom..dad.. different surrounding..how will they accept him..like him...all sorts of questions was wondering in xian mind.. untill he was called back..

" Gege , stop looking..you are looking good.." teased Jiang.
" Jiang..stop teasing your brother.." yelled Qing.

" Gege are you afraid.."
" Yes..I am..even I am terrified..."
" So .. childish,how can a mature person be scared like you.."

" Jiang stop bothering him..it happens with everyone.."
" Hhh like you are very experienced in it.."
Qing gave a hit on head..
" Sis..you are very rude,why not saying to gege.."
" Today is his last day..with us.everything for him is okk.. "
" Xian gege..go get married, and leave fast..I will take all your stuffs..your bed, pillow,your clothes.and even your teddy.."

" No..I will take my teddy.with me.."
" No..you can't,it belongs to me.."
" Stop .."Qing yelled..
" Jiang can't you be behave now..you will regret and miss him , when he will go.."
" I will not.."Jiang replied.
" But I will.."xian explained..tears appeared in his eyes..
Seeing xian..both Qing and jiang went forward and hugged him.. tightly..
" Gege if you want..take me with you..as a dowry..I am ready.."jiang commented

Xian smiled hearing him..and hugged him.tightly.

On the other hand ,yibo was also ready in his wedding dresses.. for the ceremony standing infront of the mirror.. in the room accompanied by his friend Hakarian and his brother zihuan ..checking his looks..
" Yibo..are you ready.."zihuan asked
" Looking good.."
"Thanks...bro you don't have any work...I mean you should go , attend the guest.."
" No..it's your biggest day of life ..how can I leave you alone.."

" Alone..he is not alone gege..I am with him.."haka* replied..
" That's the biggest problem..that you are with himm...so it's my responsibility to look after you both.."zihuan teased.

Yibo pouted and haka*chuckled..
" No. Bro..it's really fine..you can go.."
" Hhh why do it's look like ,you both are trying to push me out.....what crazy idea is going on in your minds.."

Both froze .. caught red handed..there plan of running was just disappearing bit by bit..
" No... nothing bro..just stay..."yibo said with fake smile.

Guest started coming..both families were greeting each and every guests..Though there was not too much crowd..close relative s,friends.. official trusted client..were present .

Zihuan accompanied yibo to the main hall were ceremony would be held.
Yibo along with his brother greeted every guest with a face smile..fake enough to catch there trust..He never wanted this marriage,..his plan was to run away,he wanted to be free bird..not bounded by any unwanted relation..with an unknown person..he hated this moment..his all trick,ideas of avoiding it had gone in vain..his one and last ..plan was also runnied by his brother ,who was not ready to leave him..not even for a second..

The moment arrived..both the families entered in the hall with there last guests..they came forward...yibo stood at broom place.. announcement of bride arrival was made..

Yibo really did not wanted toward the entrance..from where xian was about to enter..untill he heard a foot steps..his head automatically turned toward that direction..why it happened was unjustified.. something are beyond explanation.

Yibo was mesmerized ..his world stopped..time froze..he had seen many beautiful girls and boys before..but the one coming closer to him was ...too far .. unimaginable..
Xian entered the room with his siblings..face always down..maybe because of shyness..

Yibo's view went better and better..now xian was standing just infront of him..at few inches..face held bit down avoiding eye contact ..yibo looked him from top to bottom..head to toe.. cherry blossoms..mixed with rose flower crown placed on his black hairs,some hair falling from side.. hidding his forehead, small almond eyes..nude blond at his eyeslashes.. blinking non stop... having a low makeup ,as he was naturally stunning.little rosy pink  cheeks,..lips.. plump lips were red and wet  as blood.. jawline sharp as knife..
He was wearing a creamy white cheongsam (long gown structure)with golden and red embroidery.. although it was looking little big on him,but the red rope used as a belt around his waist..was giving him a perfect feature..slim..

Yibo was too focused ,..that zihuan had to push him..to bring to reality..
Yibo moved forward ..close to xian..and slowly took both the hends of xian in his..
It was soft..soft like cotton trembling....yibo could feel it  shaking of his hand his hand..

As xian hand was taken by yibo.. xian stood his..face to see his husband..there eyes met..

Xian ..gazed the good looking man infront of him,from top to bottom.. welcomed by purely combed blonde grey hairs,fair milky white skin, small eyes with sharp corner s, plump soft lips..complete black attire...calm expression..his touch was a relief.. promising..
Smile appeared on xian face...and yibo once again lost his breath.. xian eyes had an innocence in it..

Both said there vows..
" I Wang yibo , take xian zhan ..as my lawfully wedded mate..I promise to stand by his side in all good and bad.. health..till death do us apart."

"I xian zhan..take mr.wang yibo..as my lawfully wedded husband.i promise to stand by your side..in all thin and thick..with my soal..till death do us apart.."
Both exchanged the wedding ring..

Everyone cheered and apalused.. blessed them..newly wedded couple sat together beside each other..all guest one by came forward ,gave them gifts and there blessings.. followed by a luxurious feast..

But although yibo and xian were beside each other..but no one said a word ..no one spoke..but we're able to capture few glances of there mates.. without being caught..

Ceremony ended plesentlly..one by one every guest took there farewell....

After the tiredsome day..Wang family along with xian drove.. towards there residential mansion..
Family forward..and yibo and xian together in other car.. behind them..

Thanks for reading.🤗🤗🤗🤗💜💜💜💜🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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