plan 2..

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Yibo was called in office..well that not principal office,but his big brother.. office in the college..where he stays when present here.

Yibo was..bit confused..why his brother called him.. during college was first time..and rembering what zihuan said earlier ..was bringing a chill..and strange feeling through his body..

He entered the office.. together with his both friend s..his partner in crime..

"..hey...yibo you came.."zihuan stood where he was sitting and came closer to greet him..and his friends..

Hugging him.."behave.."..yibo heard a slight wishper in his ears..

" them.."zihuan said , pointing toward the people sitting on the sofa..

Two familiar figure ..stood from the sofa..and moved closer to them..
"Meet her..she is your sister In- law...Qing zhan..and he..*turning toward other..* is your brother in-law.. Jiang...

Yibo was standing dumb folded..his brother pushed him forward to greet them..

"Hello..I am wang yibo..."..
Qing was looking him.. silently.. while Jiang was scanning him from top to bottom..wanted to rippout all his secrets..lies.. behaviors.. thought s.

Suddenly Qing hugged him.. parting from yibo..she pinned his cheeks..

"You are really too handsome..same as I heard.."

" Not as my brother.."Jiang commented..
Qing gave him a death glare..
" You both will ... really make a good pair,.. perfect match.."

" Jiang..greet your brother in-law.."Qing forced him..

" Hi... in-law.."Jiang said placing his hand forward.

Yibo somehow felt him rude..illmannered..but did he forget he was same too.
" Hi...nice meeting you.."yibo took his hand..

*Cough..*"hii.."Hakarian tried to catch there attention..

Everyone turned towards him and xue..who were standing at the door.. silently, witnessing family get-together..

"Huh..I forgot to my friends..hak..."

Hakarian jumped forward.. placing his hand cutting yibo speech..
" Hii , I am Hakarian..yibo childhood friend.."

Qing found it strange..she avoided physical contact..and bowed him....
" Hi..I am xue xeng.."
Everyone bowed eachother..

" Yibo..Qing will be teaching here..and Jiang will be studying here..same branch as your...."zihuan explained.

" Really..what would she teach..." Hakarian asked in excitement.

"... graphics.." replied Qing.

" Take them..with you ..and give them a round..of college." Zihuan asked.

"Yes.. please..."Hakarian was cutted in middle ..
" I will go with my brother in law.."Qing said..

" Yes..please.."yibo replied ..

They all left..the room..

All were moving in the collidoor..yibo and Qing forward..while Jiang,xue,and haka... following them..

"Hey your sister single.."
"Hhhh"Jiang looked in confusion.

" I mean..she is so beautiful ..shemust have..a boy friend.."
" BOYFRIEND.. never..she don't"

" Why she loves someone.."
"No...she just hate who flirts.. without any felling."

"Ooo I see....but did no one confessed her.."

" happened ..two daring young ones.. confessed her..but.."
"But what..."

" She caught them flirting with other and then..sad ending.."

"Oohhh so sad ..she must have cried..lot.."

" Yes.. cried,but not her...they cried..."chuckled..
" Why.."haka*asked in shock..
" She broke..there legs.....they ended up in hospital for one month.."

" Most who admitted them ..there was she only.."

" Tough girl..".haka* sighed..
" Very tough and strict.. teacher attitude..but loving also.."
" Yes..very loving.. beautiful.."

" Hey. ..why you so interested in like her.."Jiang asked.. staring at him.
"Yes.. "haka*nodded.
" Want help.."
" Would you..??"
" But what will I get..for helping.."

" Any thing..just ask..."
" Then hook up someone.."
" like someone.. who.."giggled.

".. someone..very smart..I will tell later...but you have to help.."

" Done... to.."

Xue who was listening all there Conspiracy.. finally broked his silence..
"Hey .you two, really hoping hand.. that also against your own sister.."

" jelous..Don't worry..your time will also come !!right partner"haka* teased him.
"Right.."Jiang replied.. giving him a highfie..
"You twooo...shu..t"xue was pissed off..

College ended..

It was noon..Wang family was going to visit.. zhan family for some ritual..

" Haka* you know what to do.."

"Don't worry plan is perfect..noo error....I will personally go to meet xian.."
" What will you say to him..??"
Haka*smiled ..
" Nothing more..just that .you ARE PLAYBOY...YOu HAVE MANY GIRLFRIEND..and BOYFRIEND.. YOU DRINK.. SMOKE...a d FORCED To MARRY..One who marry you will in hell.."

Yibo hit his stomach hard..
" You are breaking my marriage or my fool..say something good.."

" you think.. marriage will broke if I saw good...and why are you you are so innocent..."

"Yyyy..I know..I do some of them,but still...if family will know about it..I will be kicked out of the house.."

". Don't worry I..have cure of it too..I will say..that I am your friend..and you send don't want to spoil xian love someone else...and hidding from family.....I will beg xian to not to tell the family..about it.."

"Will he agree..!!"
" From what I heard.. about him..he is too simple..and innocent..he will on my tears.."

" you say.."

" Hey .but where is xue..he will not come.he is late even him.."


"Hello.. xue.."
" Where are you..late even today.."
"Sorry yibo..I can't come.."
" Why are going back on your words.."
" Sorry..I Know..but I am in car.."
" Car..why.."
" My father asked me to bring an important his other office....and it was very I can't avoid.. sorry.."
".. when will you return.."
" After two days..."
" That mean are not going to attend the wedding. "

"..Hhhh like it really going to happen..hey did you hanged your mind.."
"..we will enjoy our freedom after your return..okk drive safely.."

" What happened..where is he..??"
"He can't all"

Both the family greeted each other..they sat ..but in different rooms..
First zhan family came to see yibo..and they were pleased seeing him..yibo came forward .. greeted them...placed the bride price..( gifts.. wedding dress..etc) to them..and officially confirm the marriage.

Later Wang family went to meet xian..they were really happy.. mesmerized by his innocence and beauty..and same ritual.. followed..they talk for sometime..

Meanwhile Hakarian stood up.. excused to himself to visit bathroom..
But was really going to meet xian..

He successfully reached the door..but was stopped .. Qing..

" What are you doing here.."qi g asked in suspicious way..
" Nothing..just came to visit you.."
"Seen...then go back.."
"Wait..wait..I think that..I came so at least meet the bride..I should also..look..who is going marry my friend.."

" Sorry ,but you are allowed..only family members can come..wait one more day.."

" Sis...what happened..any problem.."xian asked from inside..

" No.. nothing..just a insect is revolving around here..stay there..I am coming.."

And Hakarian was pushed back..far Qing....and not allowed to come back.

Yibo was really disappointed.. useless friends..busy in there own life..a d only last way remained.. running away from marriage..

Day ends..and marriage date...great celebration day..came..

Thanks for reading.🤗🤗🤗
Who are on yibo side..and who are with our innocent xian..

Choose your side..bride..or broom..

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