plan 1

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Next day zihuan,yibo brother was waiting at the airport to fetch, zhan family..with a flower bouquet s..

And as the evil minded friends planned. ..yibo, Hakarian and xue were follwing zihuan for morning till here..they were sitting in there..just few car behind his car.. completing focussing infront..

Zihuan went inside the airport and came back with a middle age man and woman..

"Hey yibo..there only..two old young one.."xue spoke.. peeping out of the car window.

" Are you sure..they will come today.."
"Yes .,I heard dad talking zihuan pickup them.."yibo replied.

" They must be your in-laws.."..
"Stop calling them my in-laws..I am still unmarried.."shouted yibo..

"Okk.okk.but look your future mother in-law..look strict.."teased xue xeng.

" No wonder..both families made this old fullfil after so long.."replied Hakarian.

" Can you both..stop talking about my in-laws..and focus on finding xian.."

"In-laws......laws.."both said in Union..
"What??"yibo chuckled..and ask in embarrassment.

" I heard someone doesn't want them to be called in-laws.."teasing him.

Giving a patt on his friends head.."focus.."yibo shouted .

Suddenly three more people came, rushing behind them..with there luggage s..
One lady and two young man..
Lady was wearing simple dress with purse in one hand..and spec on eyes.
On other of the boy was wearing black T-shirt..with a jacket..and ripped jeans.. headphone around the neck..busy playing with phone..and other was wearing bigsize white stripped shirt,with faded jeans..and a black long converge jacket with a cap.small bag on his shoulder..holding red rose bouquet..but both were wearing face masks..

"Look they came.."
All three focused back to them..

"Hey look..that lady is pretty.. beautiful"Hakarian said out of nowhere..

" Hey ,she is not xian.. focus on him.."

" She is pretty right.."Hakarian said again..

" I am not going to marry my mother in-law nor ..that lady.. please ..look for xian.."yibo shouted out of frustration.

" Calm..okkokkk. we will.."

Driver came forward and started placing in one of the car..
Both old citizen..sat in the car took his departure.. while other three along with zihuan , moved toward other car.

"Hey..there are two ..which one is xian.."asked Hakarian..

" How would I know..I never met or saw himm..may be with flower.."said yibo..

" Why..he..I with headphones.."interrupted xue..

" Why..he ..I am right.."
" my one..I am good in guessing.."
" My luck is better then you.."

" are one.. unlucky to marry.."
" That doesn't count.."

...." both stop fighting..."screamed Hakarian..

Both went quite..and turned towards him.

" I will decide..I have an idea.."
"What.."in Union.
"Give me your hakerchief..."

Yibo gave him his black hakerchief.. Hakarian took it and folded it and wrap it around..his face hiding his face..moved out of the car and started moving closer to them..

Driver placed all the remaining luggage in the car....and moved to the driver seat..while zihuan asked other to sit too...lady moved in from one side..while two young were standing.

Hakarian went a bit closer to them..and shouted..

" Xian..xian.."and turn back at once..

The man holding flower turned back..while other hopped in the car..

Hakarian return back..
"Hey..which one turned back.."
"Flower one.."


Zihuan saw xian looking back..
"Xian what happened.."
"Nothing I just..heard someone calling me....may be because of travel.. felling strange.."
"Sit..let's go.."
Xian nodded and hopped in..

"Hey..yibo..they are moving..start the car..follow them.."

Yibo killed the engine...and started following them..with a distance.

After half an hour of driving..there car stopped .. Zihuan car had stopped infront of a cafe..

Zihuan and jiang came out of the car and went inside the cafe..

"..yibo should  go but closer..or next to there car.."
"No bro will catch us.."

"Hey look ..he came out...but Damm that mask..."

Xian came out of the car..he was looking his was his first main town.. developed city..

Yibo, Hakarian and xue came out of the car..moved closer.. hiding behind behind one of the car..

Suddenly xian eyes stopped in there direction..did he saw them..hidding.he moved toward there direction..

Seeing him coming closer..all three moved back..after few minutes.. nothing happened..they looked witness xian..
Xian was sitting on his knees.... rubbing back of a fairy white small.puppy...he took him in his embrace and stood up..and about to turn when.. someone called himm.

"Excuse me..sir.."
Xian turned was xue xeng...but still unfamiliar to xian..
"That puppy..."
Zihuan interrupted his

" Xian you go car.."
Xian went back..

Yibo and Hakarian ..have already diverted there eyes in opposite direction seeing zihuan approaching..when they turned back..on was there..
"Yibo..where is xue.."
"And where is xian.."
"..I don't know.."

Yibo felt someone patted his back..ones twice..thrice..

"Hakarian ..stop it..let me see.."yibo slapped the hand..
"Looking for xue..or.."

Felling a similar voice.. behind..he turned back..
".. brother..bro...".. zihuan was standing infront of all three.. giving them a death glare.

" What are you three doing here.."
" We....e we..came to have.. coffee.."
" cream.."

Zihuan took a deep sigh.."..well if you all have finished your.. cream....then..go back to college.....b, have too meet someone..there.i...will go back.."

All three rushed inside the car and .. engine started once again..

Both the car..moved toward there particular direction..

Thanks for reading..
But what was zihuan talking whom..??

Support if you like my trash...
Meanwhile.. smile..

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