10 days before ..

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10 days before.:

"Wow ,only five more days left to your marriage..are you okk xian"..asked Jiang.
Xian turned back to meet his younger brother..Jiang zhan..call him xian although he is younger but they more of friends..sole partners.

"..yes,..I am okk.."
". I mean are you scared.."jiang asked again.
" No why should I be scared..I have always been made ready since birth..for this marriage.."

But did he really had a choice,it was fixed since his birth..he would marry with the second son of wang family..or more we can say..for family shake.bidding ..there friendship to family..and he was the bait for it.

All along 18..years..of his life..xian was told about his mate..the partner of his whole life.
And as he was taught..xian never dare to love anyone..not even had a crush..
being a fully pure,obdient, truthful wife of his future husband..but it not that he never experienced such things.. because of his beauty ..he often get love letter, proposal s.. confession s..and gifts..from his stalker..which he always reject kindly.

"But xian you don't know him..never saw..not even know his name.." jiang asked bringing him back from his daze to reality.

"It doesn't matter now..only few days left..I believe in mom and dad..they will choice best for me.."

"..xian..xian..if you want ..I can do a spy check..or research on him..atlest we can get a photo of him.."

" Don't you dare..you know..what mom and dad said..bride and broom can't see each other before official marriage...for first child wedding..they had promised a vow.."

"..yyy I know..but they promised..you didn't..I also did not.."
" Please..jiang.. don't create anymore trouble..let it go.."

"But..xiannnnn.."before he  could complete..we heard a knock on the door..
My..I mean our elder sister peep inside the room.

"Xian..jiang..come downstairs..in the hall..your marriage clothes and other..things came..come check.."
And she left.

Qing zhan..is xian and jiang elder sister..a teacher by profession..but so kind to be strict..she loves her brothers from heart more than her life.. possessive towards xian..,since xian is a bit shy..in nature..never speak about his life, problem s, dream..even his approval for his own life..which makes her concern about him..

On other hand ..yibo was sittings in a pub..with Hakarian and xue xeng.
Drinking, dancing.. flirting with girls..
Completely drunk..

"Yibo..you are going to marriage..your life is over..finish.."Hakarian commented.

" Why finish..??'"replied yibo..
" I mean ..after marriage..your mate will rule you.."

". No one can force ...yibo..I will ..be free... forever...."
" Yes..that my friend..ice cool.."cheers xue.

"Hey..yibo do you know him..have you seen him..his name.."

"..no I have not seen himm..I don't want also..my dad is forcing me marry him..or he would kick me out of his house and property.."

"So sad..so mean..but do you know his name.."
"..yy his name is xian zhan.. second son of zhan family."

" Why second son..not first.."
"..go and ask my family..you are very interested in them..go get marry at my place..save me.."yibo shouts out of anger.

"Oooo calm down..calm..you want to stop the marriage.."

" Yes..i even have a plan.."
" What plan.."both ask out of curiosity.
" Running away..on marriage day.."

" Flop..very boaring.."
"What flop..you have better..one.."yibo giving them death glare.

"..yes..let's threaten them..to cancel the marriage.."

" Let's..meet them.."
"We can't.... because they are not living here..they will come tomorrow..to settle here.."

" It's good..then let's meet ..your wife.. tommorow.."
"Wife.."yibo choked himself.
" Stop calling him my wife.. beside zihuan bro is going to pickup them from airport....and in the presence of him..no chance.."

"Yibo.. don't understimate us..we can give our life for you..we can do it.."xue said in confident.

" And if we fail tomorrow..we can meet him in college..he will be attending same college as us..right.."Hakarian gave another idea.

Yibo though for sometime and finally thumbs up..
" Let's do it..you wait ..my Future wife...I am coming.."

Xian family lives in side city.. running a small bussiness..They wanted to extend there bussiness ....so they finally decided to move in main town..where Wang family lives..
They had already bought a house..and a company to expand the business..in which Wang's are helping them.

They will be moving tommorow to there new house.xian and jiang would be transferred to same college as yibo.
Yibo family owns the college property so it was easy for them.
Qing will continue being teacher in this college as profession..

Zihuan ,yibo elder brother..is member of college authority and handle s Wang company ..which would be transferred to yibo after his graduation..and Zihuan will become board of directors..

Xian never says or show ..his fear related to his marriage..but a fear of being not loved..or getting a wrong partner...struck him..from birth till now and may be further..till marriage.

While yibo.. disagree..with this marriage..and would do every possible trick to cancel it..
He wants to enjoy his youth life...he almost rejected xian even without looking him..

And why second child marriage...its because xian and yibo were born on same date..but different year..yibo is one year elder then xian..but due to lack of interest in study..he ended up with same year as xian.

On there first birthday..both families had gathered together to celebrate the birthday party of there child..and out of nowhere ..an idea popped in there minds for marriage..on there eighteenth birthday..but it was later expendended one more year..further.. because of some business ..

Lets wait and see how and what yibo does to stop this marriage..as we know..it will happen on any cause...

Or is xian fear correct..would they be a perfect match..
Can xian change yibo..or will he get changed..

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