Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 44

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A/N: Completed At: Saturday, 10:56 PM

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Forty Four

Starlet continued to stroke her fingers down Dargon's cheeks, across his jawline and over his lips. Their foreheads were pressed together, both sets of eyes closed though Scar was sure that she'd lulled him to sleep half an hour ago with the constant hair playing and face tracing. The ride back home was spent in silence. Whether it be the disbelief that overtook both of them, or the secrecy of being amongst a human in the cab. When they'd made it back to and inside their new place, Dargon had swept her up in his arms bridal style, and led her towards the bedroom.

The two had been laying noiselessly for almost three hours. As Scarlet's eyes slowly opened, she stared into Dargon's handsome face; smoothed over into a content and peaceful feature. One of his hands was pressed against the bulge of her belly. Her stomach was full and round. Dargon had told her five weeks never looked so good mentally on the way back. Even though they dared not to talk aloud, it made her smile, and the driver caught sight of her through his mirror. He'd flashed her a particularly curious and awkward look, but she brushed it off and instantly averted her eyes out the window. She never did respond to him, verbally or mentally, but she slid her hand across the seat to grab his. Physical contact seemed to be everything to them now. Feeling one another. The skin-to-skin sensations. It was perfect. It made up for all the lost time they'd been forced to partake in due to Sin's demonic games.

They would never be apart again. Scarlet thanked the Moon Goddess every second for bringing him back to her and vice versa. She couldn't be happier. They would have the ideal life. Her and their children. She hoped so at least.

The twins would be so unexplainably flawless. One boy, and one girl. The perfect set. Scarlet and Dargon could experience raising both genders. Get the pros and the cons, and everything in between. Half wolf, half dragon. Hm, what would that be like?

Scarlet knew it would be different from all the other pregnancies she observed. She did feel intimidated. Hybrids had a bit of a bad reputation. They were like newborn vampires. Or so they say. She knew that all of what she'd heard could be rumor and rant. Myth and fiction. And she wouldn't be 100% positive until she gave birth. It was hard to believe she was even five weeks. Going on six . . . And then a deep frown pulled at her lips. She not only had to provide for one baby, she had to provide for two now . . .

She adjusted on her back, and carefully pulled herself up. Dargon's limp hand fell to the bed, and a clicking noise sounded deep in his throat. A part of his dragon side she'd heard only once before in his sleep. She folded his arm over his stomach, and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She thought about someone who'd made a big difference in her life, and her eyelids fell. Her heart throbbed. She figured what she was about to do was a mistake. But she had to . . .

She closed her eyes, and focused.

'Hello, Maria . . . I don't know if you'll get this . . . Haha, its like a letter I'm sending overseas, yet not sure if it'll ever reach its destination or if I had done all the work for nothing. I just wanted to thank you for all you'd done to help me. I know I never did before . . . I left. And I hope that . . . . . I hope Sin is okay. I pray he is . . . I know you love him . . . And I hope the rest of the pack is alright too. The baby . . . My baby, its actually two, I just felt like you should know since you were sort of the, God mom, in our relationship. Its a boy, and a girl. Dargon and I found out today. He's completely healed. He's doing good, if you're at all curious. But . . . That's all. Um . . . Goodbye, Maria.' She paused for a moment. 'I love you . . .' And then she closed it.

She wasn't sure what part of her kept possessing her to check in, or what part of her thought about Sin . . . Cared for his wellbeing. He'd done so much to hurt her. He didn't care about her, at all. And as much as the scars reminded her of their past, she still couldn't find it in her to completely hate him. Because in a way he did some good. Sin did have the option to leave Scarlet there to die. The girl felt she was as good as dead anyway. The man she thought would be her new father had raped her in a very harsh and forced way before he left her. Almost as if he'd marked her with himself. She didn't know why he was so cruel to her. Didn't know why he hated her so much, didn't know why they couldn't be the family she craved, and didn't know why her mom chose him over her . . . But it happened, unfortunately.

Sin had carefully scooped her up into his arms upon discovering her, stared down at her face and held her close. He'd told her everything was okay, that she would be alright. That she would live. He brought her into the pack, where for the first few years she was treasured and treated like a Queen. Then when she'd turned sixteen, Sin, in the midst of being drunk one night, had slid his hand up her thigh, drew her near, and told her that the Moon Goddess 'Blessed' them. That they were mates. And she was so leeched to the everlasting feeling of being in his debt for saving her life, she believed him. He was older . . . But she thought love didn't have a age. At least that's what she assumed what they had was. Love.

So she accepted what he'd given her. She held him close and kissed him back as hungrily as he did her. She was young. Dumb.

Thinking back on it, opening her legs for that monster was one of her biggest mistakes. He didn't deserve to be that close to her, to be inside of her. But God, she admitted, her hormones were everywhere at that point. The season of heat was getting to her and she didn't have anyone but Sin. It'd hurt so bad, but felt so good. She remembered holding him close, never wanting to let him go as his body hovered over hers in rhythmic, bed-creaking thrusts. His powerful hips had rocked her into a heavenly coma and even if she knew he would turn out to be a bastard, she wouldn't have found the energy to stop him anyway. After that night, the Sin she knew had transitioned into Satan.

Now that she was older, mature, it made her sick - nauseous, and ill. Scarlet gripped her stomach, her face contorting in disgust. She felt like vomiting. Even now, she knew that there was nothing that could be done. She only knew that Dargon was her true mate.

She was . . . Grateful, that Sin pulled her out of the pit she was in. Yes, he clothed, fed, and protected her. Through all the bad, he still kept her alive. Alive long enough to run into the injured dragon that would soon become her entire life.

She did owe more to him than she originally gave him credit for. However, what he did was not right. The deception . . . How did he get a kick out of that?

"Scarlet?" Dargon whispered. She looked back, to see that his arm was feeling around the bed where she was supposed to be. Smiling weakly, she laid back down, and snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arm around her, his face smoothing over again. Placing his lips to her forehead, he whispered an, "I love you."

Her eyes closed and she melted against him.

Unlike Sin, Dargon actually meant his words.

<Word Count Of Everything Except This: 1365>

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