Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 45

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A/N: Completed: Saturday, 10:11 AM

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Forty Five

The next couple days passed in a blur. Dargon had taken Scarlet out whenever she needed to eat. He'd monitored her hunts, or in his case, doing the hunt and gifting her the meal, or he'd pulled from the stash his parents had saved for him, and introduced her to some of the five star restaurants. It made Scar feel a little more normal - though her anxiety was quite high when they were out in public. She wasn't used to so many sets of gawking eyes, not use to all the Pure scents. The average conversations that were centered towards bills, groceries, and pets instead of the next upcoming battle or the running off of chores that needed to be done.

At the restaurants, all the foods were prepared with the utmost care. Scar loved that. Some places even cooked it in front of the person. Scar was completely fascinated with the scene. She'd wanted to join in herself. Maybe it was the old part of her that did all the cooking. Seeing someone else handle the job was foreign to her. She wasn't complaining though.

One thing that did startle and frustrate her were the pairs of hands that found themselves on her belly. From strangers! They didn't even ask! Dargon would tug her a little closer anytime one of the Puries decided to invade their personal space and dawn over her bloated stomach. She was only pregnant, it wasn't like she was the host of an extraterrestrial being the Humans had been researching for decades. Sorta . . .

Regardless, women were expecting all over!

The questions grew annoying too, let alone the remarks . . .

How far are you?

Boy or girl?

Oh wow!

Twins?! You've got a handful.

I'd have snatched my hair out in your position, I can barely handle one!

'No one cares what you can handle.' Is what Scarlet wanted to say, but instead she smiled and responded in such a light voice you'd have never known that was what was truly going on in her mind. Dargon knew that Puries had a thing for pregnancies and babies. He'd lived in a human community for years growing up, but now that this was his baby, his, babies, he couldn't help but feel protective. He didn't want them touching Scarlet. Who's knows where their hands had been?

In one of the restaurants they'd visited, Dargon took note of a particularly touchy couple. And the same two people ran into them later on the walk back to their place. The idiotic man had the nerve to request to rub her belly after Dargon was positive he saw his hand under his date's dress. Disgusting.

"Touch your own stomach, I'm sure it feels the same." Dargon had nonchalantly told him, his body language signalling he wanted them no where near her. Scarlet bit her lip, restraining a smile. The man was a little . . . Plump.

Flushed and embarrassed, the guy merely apologized and led his lady away.

Besides all of that, Scar was starting to ease into the stage of discomfort, pain, and impatience. Her feet hurt, her back hurt, her everything hurt. She couldn't sleep in one position either; she was constantly tossing and turning at night.

And to sling that cherry on her sundae, she was coming to terms with the fact her nine week mark wasn't coming fast enough.

"Choose," Dargon insisted. They were currently at a car lot, where new and old vehicles resided. So many colors, makes, and models. All so beautiful, but all seemed so . . . Useless. Who needs a car when you have paws?

"Beloooved," Dargon droned in a sing-song voice. Her eyes met his when he cornered her against the gate surrounding the dealership. His fingers gripped the thin metal, and his hair covered one of his eyes. He gazed down at her. "This isn't what you're used too, I know. But we have to fit in. And moving all day everyday to get to certain places can't be healthy for you."

Her knees felt weak. His hot breath tickled her, and his body was letting off so much warmth. "I just wanna go home," She whispered, feeling her bladder squeeze up when one of the unborns decided to make it a chair.

"And we can. When you pick one, please." He jutted his bottom lip out, and she whimpered, shuffling on her feet. "Dargon, I gotta pee."

He smirks. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me you agree to find the vehicle that will transport us and our two pups wherever we need to go." Dargon knew how hard it was for him as a Dragon. How horrible and excruciating the first shift was. It was easier for the wolves, so he wanted to think of them as replicas of Scarlet instead of a cross breed. He just didn't want them going through what he did as a young child.

Locking their eyes together, she slowly eased down his body, her fingers lacing into his belt loops. He clenched his fingers against the gate, harder and harder until it hurt, then he groaned as Scar slid her hands up his shirt. "What are you doing . . .?"

"Not what you think," She removed her hands quickly, and ducked from under his arm, cradling her pregnant belly close as she waddled to freedom.

She didn't get far.

Dargon's arms circled around her waist and he buried his face in her neck. Her lips broadened into a toothy grin, and her musical laugh rung out. "Stop, before I pee!"

In the near distance, an older woman clutching her purse hit her husband. "Why don't we ever have moments like those?!"

"Ah, hun, that's young love. We've experienced our fair share of moments. Those two have their whole lives 'head of them. Course they gonna get lovey dovey in the center of a car lot. Its what they do," His Texan accent was heavy.

The woman looked at the young lovers once more. Saw how both of their eyes were lit with excitement, beaming with emotional attachment. She noted the stomach that was carrying their future generations, saw how close Dargon held her, how he kissed her freely. How she'd slide her fingers into his hair and bite her bottom lip when he nipped into her neck.

She remembered days where she got that kind of affection, and inside she felt warm. She smiled at them, and whispered, "God bless you . . ."

<Word Count Of Everything Except This And Below: 1080>

A/N: No wifi again or I would have put this up for you all like two days ago. I published it yesterday but somehow it didn't work so I'm republishing it. -.-

Buut, Guuuyyss ..... I see a end coming near. Get ready, this book can't last forever and its reaching its final chapter. <3



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