Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 48

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A/N: A couple of you requested in the last chapter I Don't describe the birth. I know details are crucial in moments like these, yet it can also be very sickening for some people to read. There is really no clean way to go on about the birth of children, not if you're me. I am a perfectionist. I love to have my things as accurate as possible. The chapter won't be as spectacular if I don't, but I will put a warning notice below for those who don't wish to see it. <3

I love you! Proceed to read!

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Forty Eight

Time seemed to move all too fast. Dargon had pushed the door open so hard he was sure one of the bolts had popped out of place when it'd hit the wall. Nicola reached Scarlet before he did. His Bounder was on the floor, screaming in agony.

Her arms held her pregnant stomach, as if she were protecting them when it were her who needed to be saved from them. Dargon's heart was beating so quickly. He fell to his knees at her side. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know the situation would be this severe. He felt like he was being snatched into two different directions, where he knew he would lose no matter which side he succumbed too.

And the fear of having three beings who depended on him and not knowing which would actually make it out alive was jolting for him.

Nicola pulled up the gown that covered her body, and grazed a cold hand over her stomach. The babies within her were actively kicking, so hard she could see the apparition of their little limbs.

"Please!" Scarlet's voice cracked, and she whimpered. The pain, worst than anything she'd ever been through. Worse than Sin putting his hands on her, worst than the feeling in her heart when she thought Dargon would never make it back to her. It felt like they were raking their nails against the lining of her stomach and tossing her intestines around.

Dragon's hands shook as he placed them on Scarlet's cheeks and demanded she not give in to whatever force was pulling her when her olive eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Nicola rose from the carpet, grabbed the pair of  scissors Scarlet had used the day before to cut the ribbons for the nursery, and was gone.

A few seconds later Dargon could hear water running in the bathroom, powerfully hitting the tub's acrylic flooring. Nicola, coming back into his sight, kneeled down, scooped Scarlet's floppy body in her arms, and carried her to the bathroom with her mate right behind them. "This is happening," She said.

Dargon refrained from sarcastically swearing aloud. Of course it was happening, he'd gotten that much. "What do we do?"

"There is nothing we can do," She told him.

She was lying. She had to be lying. He couldn't just sit here and watch. It was like his own personal hell decided to step forward and traumatize him. "What do you mean? Yes, there is. We're going to get them out."

"You don't understand, Dargon." When she set her in the tub, she worked on removing the dress from her body completely. "There is nothing we can do. Not for a scenario like this. If I try to take matters into my own hands, Scarlet will die."

Scarlet's eyelids were droopy, and she moaned and groaned, fading in and out of consciousness.

The immense discomfort and torment was reaping all energy and life from her body. Inside her head she hoped her babies were okay and made it out safely, even if she herself failed to in the process.

Dargon's eyes became wet, and he tried to blink the stinging sensation away but it only allowed full bulbs of tears to drive down his face. He staggered backwards. He saw Nicola reach down in between Scarlet's legs, inch by inch until her hand could no longer be seen. When she retracted it, red blood coated her fingers, and the water became hazy.

She twisted the nozzle off, and breathed out quietly. "One of the heads have descended, her body will know what to do from here . . ."


Nicola's fingers gently massaged Scarlet below, encouraging the first baby out. She couldn't help her, as much as she wanted too. She knew things had to progress naturally, at their own pace, or things would go downhill fast. She didn't want to further put the twins in distress. She softly whispered words of praise. Scarlet's eyes were squeezed shut.

Suddenly, they shot open, and she tensed up. The head of one of her babies reached its crowning peak, and she gripped onto the sides of the tub in a bellowing screech as her body unavoidably stretched to make leeway. This terrible nightmare proceeded for minutes, worsening by the second. Her body naturally contracted and with each one, her baby was lowered down even more.

The water turned into a foggy pool.

Nicola's looked back at Dargon. "Come here,"

He quickly shook his head. Nicola could feel the hair of baby number one. She once again beckoned for him.

Swallowing, he weakly got up to his feet, and advanced over to the cramped up space between the toilet and the tub. Nicola grabbed his hand, and guided it into the water. His fingertips brushed against soft, wet strands of hair.

"Ahhh!" Scarlet shrieked again with the benign pressure, and in a second's length, their first baby was pushed through the birth canal, and her vaginal opening tore due to the child's size. Blood quickly discolored the water further, spurting out of her, and Scarlet's body weakened again.

As if Dargon wasn't traumatized enough, he was the one who felt the weight of his child sink into his hand. He instinctively dropped another hand into the water when he supported his baby's body and brought it out of the water and into the world.

Their baby girl, in a kicking, whining, fit, had made it.

Nicola snipped the attached cord with the pair of scissors that was on the sink, and the waiting game restarted. One down, one to go.



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