Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 49

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Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Forty Nine

Dargon's eyes gazed into the sleeping face of his mini beauty. The towel that was once wrapped around her small, fragile body to clear it of blood and guck was now draped across his lap. His daughter was now in a fitted pink onesie with a ladybug print across the chest. He was so mesmerized by her beauty he didn't care about the afterbirth that was over his pants legs. She was perfect. He saw acute similarities between her, his Bounder, and her twin brother.

He got up from the sofa chair that was next to the bookshelf of their bedroom, and slowly paced over to the bed. Scarlet was laid there, eyes closed, arm over the stomach that still held the shape of expectancy. Her breathing was a little ragged, and she shivered every once and while. He hated to see her in this state, but he was so thankful that she made it out alive. A few inches from her body, on a separate blue blanket, their son lay. He'd went through an even bigger struggle than his sister, but he knew all three of them were equally worn out.

Dargon and Scarlet had already decided on names. They knew that when this day came, their baby girl would be born as Amariah Elizabeth Navarro, courtesy of Scarlet's mom so very long ago. Through everything that tainted her heart about her mother, she knew she still wanted her first born daughter to take after her, and of course the surname came from her Beloved dragon mate. To complete their little family, was their son - Davick Adeon Navarro. He was named after a man Dargon admired as an idol for all his life leading up to the slaughtering - his dad.

They knew they wanted their kids to become a memorial for two important people that were no longer in their lives.

After the grueling birth, the fatally exhausted she-wolf was carefully transported back to the bed after being tended too by Nicola.

Scarlet had second degree tearing, and overall wasn't in the best conditions. It would take a while before she was back on her feet. Nicola took the risk of leaving Scarlet to herself a few minutes in the tub, to retrieve some things from home that she wished she would have grabbed on her way out the first time.

By the time she'd returned, Scarlet was in a completely new position, partially standing out of the water, and Nicola was stunned to see that Davick's body was already halfway out of her, feet first.

She'd came at just the right moment to catch the child before he fell into the water and hit the tub's floor. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. Scarlet was so focused on getting him out, and Dargon was preoccupied with Amariah at the time. She was wailing so loud he feared something was wrong.

Nicola knew there was no way Scarlet would have been able to catch Davick in her situation. If she were a second late, the poor boy would have dropped right out, and the umbilical cord wound around his passageway to air could have easily became a noose.

Nicola and Dargon were then put up against Amariah - who's lungs seemed like they could collapse at any moment with her relentless cry - Davick - who was a breech infant seconds away from death - and Scarlet, whom after delivering her son was quickly bleeding out and losing her consciousness once more.

It was only by a miracle that Nicola was able to successfully recall a procedure she'd monitored over a hundred years before of a mom in Scarlet's exact case, and mock the actions of the doctors there to save her life. Barely. Scarlet had no morphine or medicine to save her from the needle that had to be used to stitch her back up down there. She'd screamed and cried for so long Dargon almost lost his sanity.

Now was the first time all was quiet, and calm. Scarlet was up about twenty minutes prior to her getting settled into the bed, long enough to absorb the features of the twins she'd waited so long to finally meet. With the course of time she was also able to feed Amariah. The little girl latched on like a expert and hungrily relieved one of her full breasts. She wished she could have gotten the same response with Davick, but he refused to even open his mouth. For the nipple or for a bottle. Scarlet feared the length of time he would keep this up, especially seeing as that he was already considerably smaller than Ama.

But Nicola let the girl know it was alright, and that she needed to rest, so that she could try again later. She'd just left less than ten minutes ago. She promised she'd be back, and Dargon knew she would. He was a little on edge, being left alone, but he knew this was his life now, and he couldn't depend on Nicola to teach him how to be a dad.

Davick seemed okay right now. His breathing was steady - more steady than Scarlet's, his pulse seemed fine, and he passed the other tests that Nicola performed on him. He were just a little underweight compared to his sister, said Nicola when she'd put them through one of her custom made weights.

Amariah disliked it strongly, but she did come out at a delightful six pounds, fourteen ounces.

Davick only weighed five pounds, eleven ounces.

And newborns commonly lost weight during the first couple weeks, so his low number alongside his resistance for food wouldn't play out too well in his future.

Dargon was cautious as he lowered down to place Amariah by Davick. When they were side by side, he couldn't refrain himself from staring. These were his children . . . They were here. They came from Scarlet, made by his sperm. He held back an amused chuckle.

He had his house, his mate, and now his kids.

Looking at their pure, innocent faces, he easily forgot they were a hybrid species. That book . . . How dare it try to influence those reading to take the lives of these perfect infants.

A part of him knew the future was unclear. Maybe there were some extra measures Scarlet and he would have to take raising their - Pupgons, Dragups, and whatever other name the two spent hours during the pregnancy laughing about - but he knew as of now, it wasn't even worth looking too deep into.

He would live in the present, and they would take this one day at a time. He leaned down, placed two tender kisses on the temples of his offspring, and moved on the other side of the bed to join his mate. He took her warm hand in his, and brought it up to his lips. "Thank you," He whispered into it.

Eyes still closed, a smile pulled her lips upward. Despite all the pain she was feeling, she also felt utter bliss. The Moon Goddess sent him to her for a reason. And now they had two beautiful babies together.

Her entire life took a dramatic shift for the best the day she was Mated To The Dragon.

She had to say, after pushing two kids out of herself, she felt pretty great. She parted her lips, and muttered in a cracked whisper, "I love you."

He smiled and lowered to nuzzle into her neck. "I love you so much more . . ."


A/N: Guys ... o.o I think, this is the last chapter? I don't know how I can beat this type of ending or where I could actually lead the story. So I seriously think Chapter 49(hate odd numbers. XD) marks the final one for MTTD.

(Also yes, the original ending was 47 chapters but I just finished labeling all the chapters and I did mess up somewhere in that mix by using a chapter twice and some other stuff so its actually 49. :P)

And... my heart hurts. XD

Hm, if the author in me starts tingling, I will gladly let it do its job for this book, but for now I am declaring this the end of Mated To The Dragon. </3

I want you guys to know how thankful I am for the tremendous growth of my account and the popularity of this book. I couldn't have ever made it this far without my devoted readers. (I am very aware I express my graciousness a lot but its completely true and as a author who never thought I'd make it this far, I must let you guys know how big an impact you have on me.)

Please DO NOT delete this book from your library yet. There will more than likely be an Epilogue.

Until then, I love you all. <3333
And as always:





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