Chapter 19: Take It Back

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Delilah's P.O.V.

The next morning, I lay in my bed coughing as Addison sat beside me. She gave me some water and was covering me with a blanket. Zed brought me here with my friends and she offered to look after me. I didn't feel like confronting my mates or anything. At this point, my adoptive sister was all I needed.

Addison took the tip of the water bottle away from my chapped lips before she grabbed a wash cloth and placed it on my forehead.

"I'm sorry this happened." I apologized.

She shook her head. "Don't apologize. It's my job to take care of you when you're sick. I told Mom and Dad I would help you out. They've been so stressed out."

I let out a cough as I tried to sit up, but she stopped me. "Just rest, sis."

I nodded as a knock at the door sounded and Missy came in with a warm smile. "Addison, you need to get to school, sweetheart. I'll look after your sister."

She nodded before getting up and grabbing her backpack. She hugged me and we said bye as she exit the room.

Missy came over and sat next to my bed. She got me some medicine. Once I was done, she stayed with me for an hour before my necklace went green and I coughed.

"Here, sweetie. Go to sleep so you can get even a tiny bit of energy back." she said.

I nodded my head before snuggling under the covers and letting my exhaustion take over until I was out like a light.


I woke up to some knocking at my window. Getting up, I looked and saw Zara and Eliza at my window. I got up and opened it, seeing they were in formal wear.

"Girls? What's up?" I asked.

"Get dressed, we're going to crash the Prawn." Zara told me.

I chuckled a bit. "Breaking the rules?"

"Pretty much." Eliza agreed.

"I'll be ready in a couple minutes." I told them. They nodded before I closed the window and they jumped off.

I laughed before I went to my closet and got my dress that I had originally planned on wearing. I put it on along with my mint green heels. For my hair, I straightened it until it was as straight as a board. When I looked in the mirror, I was happy with the result.

I opened my window and saw the werewolves and zombies there. I ended up getting my mates' attention as I stepped out and jumped off the balcony, landing perfectly on my feet.

Perks of being a werewolf.

"You looks amazing, girlie!" Zara told me.

"It brings out your eyes." Zed added.

"Aww, thanks." I replied as I fist-bumped them.

My mates were looking at me with longing, love, and regret. I could feel it through the mate bond. I was still hurt by what they said, but I wanted to just run up into their arms and love them. But, I knew it would take a while for me to forgive them, since my life has been impacted so much.

"Listen, Del. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I was just afraid that if you became a werewolf, I'd lose my second little sister. You mean so much to be, Delilah. I was stupid to prevent you from following your destiny, but I let my fear get in the way. I just hope you forgive me because I need my best friend and sister. If Addison and her family didn't adopt you, I for sure as hell would. As my sister, though, if it sounded weird." Zed laughed at the last part.

I knew I couldn't stay mad at him. He was my best friend and literally the only one I had close to family besides Addison.

I smiled at him and nodded. "You didn't hurt me, Zed. I mean, you did, but not badly. You were just scared and I understand where you were coming from. I understand you want to protect me as a brother and all, but I finally found my pack and am old enough to make my own decisions. You will never lose me, bozo! I just want you to support me with whatever decision I make."

He nodded and hugged me. "I promise."

I smiled as we pulled away. I noticed my mates looking at me with scowls.

Before anybody says anything, they rejected me and Zed was just scared. Rejection is far worse than someone trying to protect you out of fear. When Willa, Wynter, and Wyatt rejected me for losing a piece of jewelry, I felt a pain in my heart. Like as if I was on fire. It was nothing like what Zed did.

"Let's go, everybody! We got a Prawn to crash!" Zed announced, making all of us cheer as we walked to the school.

I led the werewolves, standing next to Zed as we walked like we owned the place. We ended up at the school and walked as Bucky's limo drove off.

I looked at my friends and smirked as we made our way to a shocked Bucky and Aceys.

"You guys can't be here. There are laws against this." he argued.

"Bad laws are meant to be broken." Zed said. "And monsters don't follow the rules." Eliza added, slapping his hand.

"Zombies are a part of Seabrook, Bucky. We deserve to be here." Zara said.

"Well, we're a part of Seabrook too. The originals, in fact." Wyatt reminded him.

Bucky turned and eyed the Z-Alarm. "Someone's gotta stop you." he retorted. He went to pull it until I went in and snarled at him, making him yelp. "Welcome to Prawn."

I turned off my wolf mode and then coughed. Wyatt and my mates came over, but I turned my head sharply and snarled, making him back off a bit.

"Come on." I said as I led the pack and zombies inside the gym.

We got inside and I was taken away by the theme of the Prawn. It was beautiful and soon everybody's attention was on us.

I saw Addison look at me before she walked over. "Oh, Del. You look so gorgeous! I love it!"

I laughed as I hugged her. "Thanks, Sis."

When we pulled away, Zed came over and looked at us. "I'll leave you to talk." I said.

I ended up going to sit next to a pack member named Wendy. I felt her lay her head on my shoulder, clearly weak. I decided to let her because she happened to be the youngest teenager in the pack.

It was then my mates came over and they looked at me. "Delilah? Can we talk?"

"You get two minutes." I sighed as I looked at them.

"Look, Delilah, we're sorry for what we did. We didn't mean any of it. We were just angry at the thought of losing something that means so much to our pack, it blinded us from thinking about your feelings." Wyatt explained.

"You've gone through so much and we were stupid to make you feel what you tried so long to get rid of. The three of us just want to put this behind us and have you as our mate. There was a reason we were all brought together. What we're trying to say is..." Wynter explained.

"We take back our rejection and hope you forgive us for accusing you and give us a second chance." Willa finished.

Did they really think I was going to simply let this slide?

"Your forgave Zed, why not us?" Wyatt asked.

"For your information, that was different. He was just scared that he would lose someone from his family. He's been there for me longer than you three have. I understand where he was coming from. I forgave him because he's my family and I love him that much. You three rejected me out of anger and didn't even give me a chance to explain. You didn't feel what I felt. I felt a pain in my heart as if it was on fire. I never knew that a moonstone was more important than your mate. I understand that you tried to save the pack, but to lash out at me and not giving me a chance to talk was enough for me to turn off my emotions at least for a while. Before you say it's the same thing, it isn't. Why? Because I'd rather have someone prevent me from doing or becoming somebody else than be rejected by the ones who are supposed to love me and help me solve anything." I explained.

They all hung their heads, easily filled with regret.

How stupid did they think I was? If they want me back, they're gonna have to work for it. I'm tired of letting people in easily that will end up hurting me in some way, even if they mean to or not.

"I'm not going to let you off the hook that easy. I'll forgive you, but if you want to earn my trust and me as your mate again, you're gonna have to earn it. I'm not playing Miss Nice Girl anymore. Right now, we can start from the bottom. If you fail to keep your promise and hurt me in any way again, don't expect another chance." I explained.

They nodded in understanding, but with smiles on their faces. "We promise." they all said together.

Suddenly, the place began to shake, causing everybody to run out of the gym as Bucky hid under a table. I led my mates and the wolves out of the gym to get them to safety.

What was going on?

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