Chapter 5: Nights Like This

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A/N: There will be a little bit of GirlxGirl action in this chapter, but nothing intense. You've already been noted and warned. 

I've stated before that I am very supportive of the LGBTQ+ Community and my page is a safe space for those who are within the group. Any homophobic or hateful comments will NOT be tolerated or accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS! The comments will be deleted and you'll be reported. 


Delilah's P.O.V.

"Do you two have to go?" I asked Wyatt and Wynter as they got ready with his dad and a couple of the Elders to leave the Forbidden Forest for a few days on pack business. 

I had finished my alpha duties for the day. It wasn't easy, but if Claire and my grandmother were able to, so can I.

"Don't worry, babe. We'll be back before you know it." she replied. 

"Yeah. We'll be fine. I promise." he replied.

I hugged them both before kissing them on their cheeks. "Be careful, please. I mean it. We already have enough worries about rogues in the area. Last thing the pack needs to hear is two of their strongest Betas getting hurt or worse."

They nodded, taking it very seriously. They knew that safety was the number one thing this pack relied on. Not just for the pups, but for the leaders as well.

After saying bye to my mates and the Elders that accompanied them, they all left and I retreated back to the den. It was already night, so the pups were already sleeping as well as the majority of the pack. That was until I noticed that two of the pups had trouble sleeping. They were twins.

I went over and knelt down beside them. "What's the matter, little ones?" I asked.

"I can't sleep. I miss my parents." the little girl replied. I pulled her into my arms and she snuggled close to me, her brother doing the same.

"I know, honey. But, they'll be back in a few days. Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" I asked her.

The little boy looked at me. "Can you sing for us?" I smiled and nodded, kissing their foreheads. "Just relax, little ones."

I cleared my throat as I began to sing a lullaby my mother always sung for me when I was a kid. Whenever I had trouble sleeping or when there those times I had nightmares, she always sang to me to make me feel safe.

Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillowLay down your head
And close your eyes
And when they open
The sun will riseHere it's safe
Here it's warm
Here the daisies guard
You from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place
Where I love you

I looked down, seeing the two pups sleeping soundly. I smiled before slowly getting up and putting them with the rest of the pups. 

I smiled at them before retreating to my room. I looked and saw Willa there on the couch we had, looking at the outside. Smiling, I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her frame. She growled softly before leaning into my touch.

"Hey, love." I greeted.

"Hey." she replied, kissing my arm was we looked at the night sky. I nuzzled my face into her neck, inhaling her intoxicating smell of cinnamon. It made Hera go insane as she purred in delight and content at our touch-starved needs now being satiated.

Willa looked at me and the love she held in her eyes was enough to make me feel sparks throughout my body. "Why don't we go for a run?" she asked.

"Sure. I'm already done with Alpha duties and the pack is sleeping." I said. I decided to mind-link my uncle, telling him if he can watch the pack since I was going for a run with my mate. 

He agreed, but made sure to tell me to be careful, since we were still on edge about rogues.

I grabbed Willa's hand as we walked and made it out of the den. The moonlight shined and the sounds of the night animals made me smile. The both of us walked together, talking and laughing with each other before we finally made it to a place where we could begin.

"Delilah?" she asked. I looked at her as I began un-dressing. Willa did the same as well before I concentrated on shifting. 

Once I was in my wolf form, I looked to see my mate already in hers. Her coat was a beautiful dark gray and her eyes were glowing the same golden color. I nuzzled her with my snout, to which she whined playfully, nudging me.

I picked up my clothes with my mouth as she did the same with hers.

I booped her with my nose and began running, instigating a little game of tag. I saw her running behind me while we passed by trees, streams, etc. 

It went on for almost 20 minutes until I felt myself panting. Suddenly, I let out a yelp as I felt Willa tackle me down, the both of us rolling until we ended up by a nearby stream.

Once she got off me, she whined before nuzzling my cheek. I responded by giving her a playful bite on her neck. I leaned down and began drinking from the stream, since I was freaking thirsty. I guess shifting really does make you more tired than what you would expect.

Realizing Hera was done for the night, I shifted back into my human form. I looked and saw Willa in hers as well. 

Before I could even do anything, she pressed her lips against mine, kissing me. It only took me a matter of seconds before kissing back.

It was then she pinned me to the ground before kissing my neck where her mark was. She got off of me and the both of us just lay there, looking at the stars.

"Look at that one!" I said, pointing to what looked to be a constellation.

"Which is it?" she asked as she interlaced our fingers together.

"I believe that's Orion. Have you heard of it?" I asked. Willa shook her head with a giggle as she looked at me. 

"It depends on which version you heard, but the one I heard growing up is tragic, but beautiful. In Greek mythology, he was a hunter. A great one. He was associated with Artemis, the goddess of the moon and one of the twelve Olympians. I'm not sure if they were best friends or lovers since she's a maiden. In the story I heard, her twin brother and god of the sun, Apollo, got jealous and tricked her into killing him. Then, she felt guilty and decided to make him into a constellation." I said.

Willa gasped in awe. "That's so sad."

I nodded in agreement before snuggling close to her. We continued looking at the stars above us, me teaching her the constellations, and just enjoying each other's company.

It was then I felt her pressing small kisses to my neck, making me smile. I already had my mates' marks when we completed the mating process a while back. Individually at different times, of course.

Willa's mark is on the right side of my neck, Wyatt's is on the left, and Wynter's mark is on my left collarbone.

She and I were spending the next couple moments just kissing until we were practically making out. It was perfect. Well, at least it was until we heard the sound of twigs snapping. 

Out of instinct, we got up and I looked at her. "We need to shift. Better to be safe than sorry."

She nodded. "Good idea." 

I quickly took my clothes off and shifted into my wolf form. After turning, I saw Willa in her wolf form as well. I caught the strong scent of rain and blood, which made me very alert.

As soon as I saw the shadow, I leapt and landed in front of what happened to be two wolves that were smaller than I was. One was black and ended up being a male while the other was a russet brown color and a female.

I didn't feel any malicious energy coming from them, which made me feel a bit at ease. However, I wasn't going to let my guard down and risk the pack getting hurt.

I just wanted to know what they were doing on my territory? 

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