Chapter 6: Who Are You?

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Delilah's P.O.V.

My mate growled at the two werewolves in front of us. The male seemed to be protecting the female, since she was whining and he stood in front of her. Although, she let out snarls here and there.

I could sense the emotions coming from them. Fear and anger. The smaller one looked scared and I could sense that she was sad as well.

"Willa, stand down." I told her through mind-link. 

"What?! Are you crazy?! They're rogues!"  she shouted back. "They could kill us, babe! You're insane!" 

"NOW!" I roared, making her wolf whine and put her ears back.

My mate settled down as she growled, stepping back. I went behind some trees and I shifted back into a human, putting on my clothes.

When I was done, I saw Willa having a stand-off with the male, brown wolf. I went over to my mate and caressed her head, making her calm down and purr in content.

I turned my attention at the male wolf in front of me as he growled, but Willa stood her ground and in position just in case.

"If you're not here to hurt us, go shift into your human forms and then come back. I won't give in easily." I told them.

Both wolves growled before they disappeared behind some trees and I waited for them to come out. Once they did, they were dressed and I got a good look at their features.

The male was tall, about 6'0. He had piercing blue eyes and dark hair. He was undeniably handsome. The female looked about 5'7. She had fiery red hair and brown eyes. She was very beautiful. What really caught my eye was the fact that she had a large, swollen belly; a baby bump to be exact. 

"Who are you and what business do you rogues have being on my land?" I asked.

"Not until you tell us who you are." the guy told me as he had an arm in front of the girl.

"I'm Delilah Wells. Great Alpha of the Lykensen Pack. This is one of my mates and Betas, Willa."

My mate snarled at the two rogues before I sent her a look, which made her back down with a whine, but she kept growling.

"I'm Matthew and this is Davina. We're from the Rogue Pack." he replied.

I felt my inner wolf fighting the urge to come out and maul them as my mate snarled at them in anger and defense.

"Babe, stand down! Let me deal with this and don't do anything until you have to!" I told her, making her settle down.

I looked at the two rogues in front of me.

"You do know that you're on Lykensen territory? The Rogue Pack has been our biggest enemy for a long time since the battle all those years ago." I told them.

"We know who you are. That's why we came here. We came here to warn you." Davina explained.

"How? Out of all the packs in the world, why choose mine?" I asked.

"Because you're in danger!" Matthew told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "How? The rogues were kicked out hundreds of years ago." I asked.

"Just hear us out, because we think we know why you need to be warned." the scared girl begged.

I looked at Willa and mind-linked her to go and shift back into human. She quickly went behind a tree and I heard the sound of her shifting before she came back out, fully dressed.

"You better have a good explanation for this, because rogues are forbidden from this territory." Willa retorted.

"Babe." I told her.

"Do you know a place where we can go talk to these two?" I asked.

She nodded her head. "Yeah."

We all ended up going to an area where there were fallen trees as well as rock formations. I noticed that Davina kept close to Matthew, clearly shaken up and all. He had an arm in front of her protectively and I could somehow feel their connection. Deeply devoted and a strong love of family.

"Now, tell us why you are here or we're going to have to talk to our Elders about it and trust me, things won't end well for you." Willa told them.

I sent her a look and she gasped. "Sorry, was that a little too much?"

I chuckled a bit. "More than a little, Willa." I told her. She groaned.

I turned my attention back to the two. "Start talking."

Matthew was the first to speak up. "We were part of the Rogue Pack. Born into it, actually. The pack has been around the same amount of time as yours. The pack has grown ever since the battle with the Lykensen Pack. We have had a new alpha for about 6 years now. My former best friend and her ex-mate, Zane."

He continued on with the story. "Our previous Alpha, Cameron, wanted your blood in his pack to make it stronger and more dangerous than any other pack in the nation. His brother and former Beta, Wes, betrayed the pack for his mate, who was in your pack. When the battle began, most of our pack was slaughtered and he wanted revenge. For what the previous Great Alpha did with hiding you. So, he decided to train Zane to be just like him, since his parents died from not having enough moonstone energy. Eventually, Zane became like him, although he still hesitates once in a while. The both of us got into a fight because me and my mate, Alex, wanted to leave, but he was pissed. Cameron had me locked in a dungeon and killed him. I was tortured until he let me come out. I pretended to follow their lead. After that, Zane selected me to be his Beta."

The red-headed girl was the next to talk, but tears fell down her cheeks in the process.

"He's my mate. Well, ex-mate now. We found each other back in 2017 when he became Alpha. He was nice at first and accepted me as his Alpha Female. We were happy. However, everything went downhill four years later in 2021, when Cameron announced that it was time the pack needed an heir. We tried getting pregnant for a while, but no luck came. After 2023 hit, Zane changed and became angry with me. He blamed me for not having a kid. He believed I was infertile and started sleeping with my cousin, Heidi for that entire year. He believed I was useless and that she would give him the heir he wanted. I didn't know, but the rest of the pack did and didn't even care to tell me. I found out after catching them, and I've never felt more betrayed in my life seeing my mate with another girl. At that second, he declared her as his chosen mate and new Alpha Female." She said, tears falling down her face.

Matthew placed an arm around her to comfort her before she continued.

"He ended our mate bond right then and there. I was devastated. Now, some time after we left, I found out I'm pregnant with his child too. I don't know how to tell my child that their dad is never gonna be with them. Our ties with him were shattered because we were scared of the person he became. So, we met up, broke our connection to the Rogue Pack, and left. Now, here we are." Davina finished.

I felt so bad for them both.

Willa stepped forward. "I'm sorry that all that stuff happened to you two. But, what does this have to do with my mate?"

"They're planning on coming to Seabrook High in order to take Delilah and use her to have her bloodline within the Rogue pack. They're planning using her to produce a very powerful heir for Zane and Heidi that will cause utter destruction and chaos." the new girl explained.

"We're lone wolves at this point. We have been trying to search for you and now we found you. We've already proved ourselves harmless. What were asking is if we can join your pack? We have no where else to go." Matthew asked.

"If that's what you want so badly." I replied.

"No, Del! You can't! We don't even know them!" Willa exclaimed.

"Call me crazy, but I met my mom in a dream and she told me what they just told us. About my uncle, Cameron. He clearly wants a fight and these two have obviously been through enough. I know they're telling the truth, because they're heart rates are steady. I can also hear another heartbeat coming from her. My uncle is probably after Wes and Winona as well as revenge for him turning on the Rogues after falling in love with her." I explained.

My mate had a look that clearly said she didn't believe me.

"Fine. You know, what? I have this ability where I can do this." I said as I grabbed her hand.

"Every heard of looking into a wolf's memories?" I asked them.

"Yes. We can show you. Do it, Great Alpha." Davina said.

"It won't hurt because we're used to it." Matthew reassured.

I led Willa to them. They gave their full consent before I sunk her claws into their necks. She seemed to be in a trance, her eyes glowing.

After a few moments, she pulled her claws out and breathed heavily.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I held onto her to make sure she wouldn't fall over or something.

She looked at the two of them with a look of sadness. "They're right. About everything."

"You see? We just want to find refuge." Matthew said.

I walked to the two rogues in front of me and knelt down until I was at their level. "You are more than welcome into the pack. However, they may not be welcoming since you two came from our biggest enemy, but I'll make sure you're safe and welcomed."

They showed me smiles of gratitude before the red-headed girl lay her head on his shoulder.

Then, his head snapped into my direction. "Wait, is everything you said about Cameron true? You're related?"

I nodded. "The former Big Bad Alpha of yours is my psychotic uncle. Clearly, he's gone insane. Wes left your pack years ago after he met my aunt. He lives with us now in Lykensen territory as a doctor."

"What?!" my mate exclaimed.

Oops. Forgot to tell her.

"So, is Zane your cousin?" Willa asked.

"Oh, goodness, no! They aren't related. He was taken in by Cameron as his protégé. There's no blood relation or any kind of relation at all. This is why they want to use her to make a heir for their pack. Although he already has a heir on the way with Davina over here." Matthew explained.

I smiled at the two former rogues in front of me. "Come with us. Let's go home."

I went to Willa, who took my hand in hers. We walked back to the den as the two newbies followed.

"Oh, and as for you and the child, I promise that the pack will protect you both. I, myself, hope to be a mother one day and I can't imagine what you're going through. My own mother died protecting me and I will not allow another child to grow up without one the same way I did. You don't have to worry about anything. We have the best she-wolves that are very experienced midwives, so you'll be fine. Just let the remainder of the pregnancy pass. Okay?" I asked.

She nodded her head and I smiled at her.

I knew Zane and Cameron wanted a fight. They were back and more vicious than ever.

If it's a war they want, it's a war they shall get.

A/N: I decided to use the pregnancy time-span of regular wolves' pregnancy, so just go with it, okay? Next chapter will be up soon!

Also, this is all taking place in 2024. I like to assume that the films take place in the years in which they were released.

Also, Davina and Matthew are older than Delilah and her friends. They're both at least 25.

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