An Odd Railway Station.

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I strap the duffle bag across my body, and walking down the deserted street. There were some vehicles moving across the road, but there were less street lamps across the street. I was briskly walking towards the station, as I had eaten a lot on dinner, so a walk will help me to digest the food, so I was walking down the road. However, as the road splits ahead, I took the left turn naively, and as I went ahead the road was silent, and there were very few street lamps, and that was flickering. The road was deserted, and it seemed that it is cut off from rest of the world. It seemed that the road leads to another dimension, the road was covered with tall trees, and as the tree was tall, so its branches were spread out, covering the roads from above. I walked ahead, however, the eerie silence groped me, the cricket was chattering, and from the distant, I could hear the howling of the wolves incessantly.

In a flash, I remembered my previous incident, where I came across the uncanny incident, however, I pish-posh it and moved ahead. The site appealed to my emotion, it seemed that, the trees seems to be spreading acres to acres, crowding so thickly, and swarming everywhere, where our eye can reach. The trees were watching, waiting, listening to some bizarre forces of the nature, it seemed that, they were spellbind by some unknown, and were standing in an array like soldiers, who are ready to march forwards, the clouds stood staring down, without any motion. I looked at the watch it was ten minutes past ten. I looked around, but I could see only dark clouds and the large ocean of deserted land.

I heard the violent gushing of the river; I saw the alders at the river bank, I moved ahead, and saw a bright light from distant. My happiness knew no bounds, as I knew it was the railway station, I jogged towards the railway station, my duffle bag was bouncing, hither and thither. I finally reached the station, but it was deserted, I looked around the station, and there were no living soul present there. I walked towards the ticket counter, the ticket counter was covered by cardboard so, I couldn't see anyone across the window, and only the hole was visible. I stooped, and asked for the ticket, I requested for a first class ticket, a hand tucked out of the window and collected the money, and in few seconds, the hand tucked out again, and handed over the ticket. I noticed the hand, it was hairy, and the nails were large and dirty. I thanked him or her; the room seemed to be darker, as I stooped.

I stood and moved towards the platform, there were no porters to carry the luggage, and then, I remembered about Mr.Singh who said about the old station. I tuck my mobile out to call Mr. Singh, but unfortunately the mobile signal was diminished. "Oh!!!! My damn luck." I thought, and then, I sat on the bench waiting for the train. I looked at the track which was rusted, and worn out; the track seemed to me hundred years old. I decided to knock the ticket-counter, however, I heard the shrill whistle of the train, the lights of the train shone brightly, and I was gladdened to see the train.

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