Strange Mishap.

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I stood as the train was approaching; the train chugged, and halted. I got my compartment, and went inside; I looked around, and found an empty seat. The train whistled, and was set in motion, and as the train left the station, the ticket checker came to check the ticket. He came to me, and asked for ticket, and then, he stared at my ticket.

I was confused, the TC said sternly, "Come with me." I asked, "What happen? He replied, "There is not time for argument.... Come with me." I asked politely, "Sir, isn't the ticket ok?" He snarled at me, "The ticket is a trash, now come with me." I was surprised, and got up. He took me to the end of the compartment, there was a small seat, and he told me to sit. The TC looked at me, and uttered, "This train will meet an accident, so brace for it." I was startled, and exclaimed, "What!!! What are you...?? The TC went to the dark passage, I was about to get up, and the train began to shake. I looked out, the compartment seemed to be vibrating, and there was something bizarre here. I didn't know what to do? I decided to sprint off the train, perhaps this would be foolish, and then, I sprinted off the train, and landed hardly on the ground.

My body was throbbing with pain, fortunately I was landed on the barren land covered with misty meadows, I looked at the train, and with a booming sound the train crashed, the bogies were pounding on each other, and the train was derailed. I was wiggling as I stood on my feet, I was almost laming, as I was moving ahead, I had water bottles, so I uncapped one of them, and washed my face and hands. I looked and moved ahead. This incident was something bizarre, there was something eerie in this place. I checked my mobile but still the signal was ruptured. Singh was right, the station was definitely haunted, and old too. The ticket window and the ticket checker were bizarre; there was something loathsome about it. I saw few lights of the vehicles, and I was glad that there is a road out there. I lamed towards the road, and finally I reached the road. I saw a bus stop; I was delighted, and sat on the bench. I stretched my legs so that to give rest to my legs.

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