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"What are you doing here, silly girl?" Diane asked as soon as she opened the door of her house for me. She let me in and told me to sit.

Her house is like the average houses here in Misilly. I am glad that I knew her first before I came to James' household. In this house, even just for a few weeks stay, I got a taste of a mother's care.

She came back with a glass of orange juice and placed it down in front of me on the table.

"I wanted to visit you and wish you to get well soon. The work at the house must be tiring you out and then you fell sick. I'm really sorry that I couldn't help much like I used to." I apologised on our behalf. It was James' decision to not employ another worker to help Diane's work.

"Don't be silly, I was just not feeling well. The work at the household is nothing." She dismissed the topic. "Tell me, what's wrong with James?"

"I don't know, Diane. Today, his parents came and things happened. Veronica asked if I am married, because she saw the ring." I begin to speak. As the mentioned of my ring, her eyes casted down to where it is supposed to.

"Where is it?" She asked in curiosity.

"I left it."

"You never took it off. What did they say about you to upset you to this point?" She moved closer and tried to comfort me like I wished James did.

"Why would he marry a lower class maid like me, Diane?" I asked just like what Blake said. She frowned at my question.

"You both fell in love and no classes matter to him. He loves you, he fell in love with you. It was a pure love between the two of you. There's no reason as to why he married you." Diane said, bringing me to the brim of tears.

"He denied me in front of his parents, Diane. Blake said that." I sobbed and she quickly brought me to her embrace. "Help me, please." I begged her.

"Of course, I will help you. Whatever you need, just tell me." She rubbed my back in a comforting way.


"Why do I smell something is not right?" Nicholas asked as we arrived home. I have bought foods for dinner on the way home, just like I promised.

"What are you talking about, Nicholas. Please, take your time to eat dinner." I said to him before getting out of the car with foods in my hand.

I walked in to the house and found James walking towards me. He welcomed me with a hug and kisses.

"I thought you'll be late. You haven't had dinner, have you?" He asked. He took the food bag out of my hand and carry it himself.

"No." I replied to him.

"Let's eat." He said, grabbing my hand and dragged me to the dining room.

He placed the food down on the table and take the boxes out of the bag. So, I walked to the cupboard to get a plates for us and other essentials.

He have seated on the chair, waiting for the plate. Putting the plates down, I grabbed the food box to put the contents out. But my hand was grabbed before I could do so.

He took my hand, my left hand and brought it closer to him. I looked at him while his eyes staring down at my hand. I knew he's looking at my ring finger which is bare now. I can feel his hand tightened around mine.

"Where's your ring?" He asked, his voice came out deep and then he looked up to me. I avoided that question and tried to take my hand off his grip.

He got up from the chair and grabbed my shoulders to make me look at him.

"Jamee, where is your ring?" He knew the fact that no matter what, I never took off my ring. He emphasizing the question is to intimidate me.

My eyes moved down to his pocket and he immediately get what I was trying to pointed out. With his eyes still on me, his hand dipped in to his pocket. It won't take him a while to find it. Once his hand is in, he will immediately feel the cold metal.

I can see the sadness in his eyes even though he was trying not to show it. He gripped on my forearm with his other hand while his hand is still inside of his pocket.

"Give me your hand." He commanded. I keep still while still looking at his eyes. I didn't give in, I stood my ground.

"I said give me your hand!" He shouted. I saw him shouts and screams, but this time is different. He was shouting in helpless. He held me, but on my right hand, what he need is my left hand.

"Who told you to take it off?" He asked darkly.

"Time. Maybe it was time for me to take it off." I replied.

"There's no definite time to tell you to take your wedding ring off. It was not for you to decide when, because there's no when. It is a symbol of our marriage, you as my wife." He said out loud.

"I never asked you to introduce me to your parents. But when they asked, I thought you will tell them the truth. But James, you broke the only trust I have. I trust you to take care of me and I believe you only want to protect me from your father's life." I pointed my forefinger to his chest. My eyes got blurry.

"You denied me as your wife. So yes, James, it was time who told me to take it off."

"No, it's not." He objected. "I told you to listen to me first."

"What could you possibly said to heal my open wound, James? I wished you would comfort me, but no, you acted like nothing happened." I finally got to say that to him.

"It hurts, James." I confessed and he pulled me to his arms right away. But he was too late, I have found my comfort.

Once again, I sobbed on his chest. I let everything out on him as he held me tight.

"You need to be safe, Jamee. For us." He murmured very quietly and I almost didn't caught that. But, I was too tired to react

Jamee must have felt deeply hurt😔.

Our poor Jamee *hug*.

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