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James' P.O.V

She had been quiet since we got back to the house. I insisted that she should take the room downstairs as I could keep an eye on them. I am slowly could take care of Fiorelli, everything other than bathing her.

I sat on the barstool in the kitchen, phone in my hand. My fingers swiftly played with the screen of my phone. I needed to talk to Vincenzio, he had been gone and I forgot to ask mother about his whereabouts.

I called his number and put the phone on speaker. Then, I laid the phone on the counter.

"What, James?" He picked up the phone grumpily. I frowned hearing that and wondering where he could be.

"Where are you?" I asked my brother.

"In a house." His answer was ambiguous. There were so many houses, which house was he in?

"With a woman?" I guessed or rather pointed it out.

"Yes. What do you need, James? It's literally dawn here." Now, that was sketchy. He was definitely not in the country. But, by himself?

"It's night here," I replied. "Forget that, Marcello saw me with Jamee in the hospital and Fio." I started. I waited for his response but only to hear a grunting sound. "Are you listening?"

"Yes, continue."

"You're not getting a head, are you?" I scrunched my face in disgust.

"No, James. I'm getting up, so?" He asked me to continue my story as he was listening per he said.

"Right. Lena, have you heard of that name?"

"Mhh, your wi- I mean Jamee. Lena is her middle name, isn't it?" I kind of disappointed when he corrected himself.

"It is, but not her. Lena as in the first name and Blakemore as the last name." I explained to him. Maybe, it was kind of in riddle but it was to explain thoroughly.

"Lena Blakemore, Marcello's late wife. I've heard but only a few people get to meet her, like mother. Heard they were best friends."

"They were," I confirmed. "Do you want to ask mother why she call Jamee with-," I had to cut my sentence when I saw Jamee walking towards me. She was alone and looked ready but I'm not sure what for.

"What about mother, James?" Vincenzio's voice became blurry in my head as I focus on her. I quickly cut off the call with Vincenzio to solely had my eyes on her.

She walked wordlessly towards me and I only watched her and see what she was going to do. I couldn't predict it when she wrapped her arms around my neck, I was caught off guard. "What's wrong?"

As I had my left arm on her back, my right hand caressed her hair and she stood between my legs.

"I want to leave, James." She said against my shoulder.

"Where do you want to go, Jamee?" I softly asked her. I wanted to comfort her and be the shoulder she could lean on.

"Somewhere." She replied shortly. I could have guessed but given the timing, I am not sure. The orphanage would be my guess. "I put Fiorelli in your care in the meantime. I won't be long, I just need to go and be alone." She continued. She deserved the time. It was not easy to adjust something like that. She just discovered her father was still alive and ruling.

"Will she be okay with me?"

"Of course, you are her father." She looked at me as an assurance.

"Okay." I agreed but I had something else to say before she cut me off.

"Then take care of her, I'm going to the quarter now. You can just order out breakfast. Can you also bathe her? Don't forget to give her the bottle if she's asking for it." She listed out everything that I should be doing while she was gone and I felt kind of overwhelmed. It felt so sudden to me and all over again, the only difference, she was asking for my permission.

"You're leaving her with me now?" I asked and my eyes got a little bit widened.

"Yes, of course. I put my trust in you, James. Don't let me down."

That got me to shut up and I couldn't object.


I panicked. Jilly was gone, yes, but I am not panicking over that. The sun was almost setting and she was not back yet. I tried not to panic but it slowly got on my nerves.

I called my mother in the morning as I needed her help with Fiorelli. I know that I was supposed to take care of her and she was trusting me with our daughter, but I couldn't help it. I was new to this and still afraid of hurting her. So, I dialed someone who wanted to spend more time with Fiorelli which was my mother.

"I need to look for her now," I announced. Fiorelli was asleep in the room downstairs and my mother lounging in the living room with me.

"If she needs your help, she will call. I'm sure she's fine, just give her a little more time to herself. I, myself still can't wrap the fact that Jamee is Lena's daughter. I've been calling her Lena since she worked here without knowing who she was. If I get a chance, I would like to visit her grave, James."

"I will talk to him," I replied.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. I quickly made my way to the front door and open it in hope to find Jamee.

"I heard you've been waiting for me." Arms wrapped around my neck out of the blue. That annoying voice that I despised, what the hell?

"The hell are you doing in my house? Haven't I warned you enough? Do you want me to put my words into action?" I pushed her off of me and she stumbled back. Just a little bit of push, she would fall off, what a shame.

"Don't be like that to your wife. I'm here to meet my daughter and see my husband, of course." Her dazzling white teeth looked too fake.

"What are you doing here?" A tired voice that I had been waiting for all day long was finally here. I let out a sighed of relief and walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her body that fitted perfectly.

I forgot to say this,
Happy new year, lovelies. I wish you all to have good days, weeks, and months ahead of you.

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