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Suzy's P.O.V

I went straight to the salon to do my nails and hair just like I planned. My mood was ruined when Marcello aka my father finally found his first daughter from his legal marriage. I thought she would never come back but she did.

I've heard him talking to his second in command and all of his men to find his wife and daughter but to fail or rather to a sad ending, his wife had long gone, dead. I was happy when I heard about the news and Marcello's condition gotten worst then. I took that liberty to rob him of his fortune.

But then, she happened.

I never imagined that his daughter turned out to be the woman James fought for. She was the one he turned a monster to be and killed the man in cold blood. He was on a manhunt for months to find the person who targeted his wife.

I found out right after everything happened. But I didn't care, I only cared for my father's fortune but now my existence was jeopardized.

"What's gotten you thinking so hard like that?" That voice, the nail polisher who was doing my nails brought me back to reality. I was too engrossed in the little world that made me dazed out.

Minnie, her name, had always been the one who treated my nails whenever I came to the salon since the beginning. A big gossiper, that was her side job. She loved to gossip about anything and everything goes in her sight.

"Nothing that you can sort of." I snapped at her because I got irritated with her annoying voice. I felt everything and everyone was annoying now because I am annoyed with the situation.

"Chill, girl." She backed off right away and continued to do my nails.

I needed a plan, as soon as possible. I couldn't furthermore it because I would be in dipshit. He got what he wanted and everything was perfect in his life now. He got his wife back and his wife turned out to be the daughter that my father had been looking for. He could dump me into a jungle where I got nothing for my hard work in the mafia.

Well, what exactly did you do? My conscious asked in the back of my mind.

I fucking did everything for men to get on their knees for me. I was the good-looking woman in every men dream. That helped them get some of the deals.

Nobody told you to strip for men, not even Marcello.

That annoying voice in my head made me on the verge of exploding. "Argh!!!." I trashed my hand that was being held by Minnie and messed up the color everywhere.

"Can't you shut it?! If not, get out of the salon." Minnie shouted at me and I glared at her. How dare she?

I decided to shut up as I didn't want to walk out with messed-up nails. What would my reputation say? Hell Nah.

After everything was done, I drove to the Nicoli mansion, the one where James' father lived. I needed to talk to him or Vincenzio, whichever was available right now. I didn't give two shits if they were in a meeting. My matter was more important.

Arrived at their mansion, I told the security that I needed to see their boss but they refused to let me in.

"Didn't you know who I am?" I asked him in an intimidating way. "I am Mrs. Nicoli, James' wife. So, I need to see my family-in-law. Is it wrong?" In the end, I played to be the hurting one, the pathetic one.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," I smirked, knowing it worked. "But they were not home, nobody's home at the moment."

"Where are they?" I tried to get any information that I could to see one of them. I knew seeing Veronica Nicoli wouldn't help. She despised me from the start but she just didn't show it to people.

"I don't know, Ma'am, my apologies." He told me that he was sorry but his face looked blank and flat like a canvas.

I cursed under my breath and turned back around. I drove again to somewhere I knew where Vencenzio might be. If he was not there, then maybe they were out of the century, double shit.

There was this lair whenever they took place for meeting, like big meetings, they only use this place as it was hidden and transparent.

I drove about an hour until I arrived in the area. It was like a housing area owned by my father or whoever was next in line for the throne. I knew that my father stepped down from the throne, so I needed to make sure my place in the community stayed.

Parking the car in the lot, I walked up to the small house. I had to knock, so I knocked twice and give a pause about five seconds before knocking the next one.

"Is Vincenzio Nicoli around?" I asked a young man who opened the door for me.

"No, why would he?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I slid his attitude as he was just a little kid.

"You're playing poker downstairs, aren't you?"

"Yes, so what? Nicoli doesn't play poker." He rolled his eyes in annoyance and I almost slapped him some sense.

"I know that! You think I didn't know about my family?!" I snapped at him as I got tired of his little attitude, such a waste in the community. "Who you're here with? The Spanish?"

He nodded.

"Do you know who I am?" This time around, I raised an eyebrow at him.

He shook his head.

"Suzy Blakemore Nicoli, daughter of Marcello Blakemore and wife of James Nicoli," I claimed, so he needed to respect me from now on. I hated facing people with attitudes like him.

In a flash, I saw fear but only for a few seconds before it was gone.

"Okay, Miss. Do you want to come in or not? I need to go back downstairs now."

Thank you for reminding me, I am past my update time because I forget as always. Finger crossed for the next chapter lol.

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