Chapter 1: A Month Later...

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Max P.O.V.

It has now been over a month since Gidget saved me from the animals on that bridge one night. I never thought a girl like her could do that. I have to admit, I was extremely impressed. I also found out that night that she liked me. Now I kinda like her too. I really do at this point. I mean, she did save me from animals that almost killed me.

I don't know what to do, I know she likes me, and I like her too. The problem is how should I talk to her. My friends are definitely gonna get a good laugh, which I honestly could care less about that. I want her and don't care about how others will think.

It's just, I want to make it more than just a simple question, and at this point, I don't have the courage to ask her out, nonetheless ask her to go out somewhere with me. I tried to think of ideas. Nope, couldn't think of any. How do you ask a girl out?

"Hey Duke!!" I yell. Katie hasn't even woken up yet, so I still had time to plan out how today was going to go.

"What is it Max?" asked duke, in an extremely tired tone, he literally just woke up.

"Remember when Gidget saved me from the animals on the bridge?" I said.

"Yeah! How could I forget?"

"Well, I was extremely impressed and-"

"I know what your gonna say!" interrupted Duke with a wink, "Go get her!!"

He knew me too well, but I was confused on how he knew what I wanted.

"I want to, but how?" I ask, "I really want ask her out!"

"It can't be that hard, I mean, she likes you, her saying no is not possible." said Duke, "No matter what you say or do or how you say or do it, she will love it!!"

I knew he was right. There was just one thing that made that difficult.

"Yeah, but I wanna do more than just ask her out!" I said.

"Just ask her out first and see how that goes," said Duke, "If that goes well, then we plan the next move."

"Ok," I said. He had a pretty good plan there, so I was going to follow it. Ask her out, then on a date.

"Bye guys, I'm Going on vacation for three months!" said Katie. She gave a us a pat on the head and left. She locked the door, we were officially home alone for the next three months.

For the first time in my life, I actually was happy for Katie to leave on vacation. I had my chance now! I was extremely nervous, slightly scared, but I wanted to do this! This was gonna be my day!!

Gidgets P.O.V.

I wonder if he cares? *sighs*

I love him, but can't get him to notice me. I have tried everything, but I am not giving up on him yet! He is MINE!! ok, ok, settle down. I'm getting way too carried away! I DON'T CARE!! I LOVE HIM!! I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYBODY ELSE THINKS!!

I just wonder of he loves me? If he loves me the way I love him?

I want him badly, I cant stand these days alone. I want Max and only Max by my side. I am too scared to ask him out because what if he doesn't like me? I really want to be with him. Looks like I'm just gonna have to wait longer.

I really care about him. Waiting isn't a good idea. I am clearly obsessed with him. What do I do. *sighs* I'm just gonna wait till my owners leave for their bussiness trip so I can watch my TV shows and think about something.

Max P.O.V.

I talked to Duke about what I should or should not do. Also talked about back up plans and other stuff if anything went wrong. All the stuff preparing for the worst possible outcomes. I had a bit of confidence.

I got ready for my next move. I was going to do this! This was gonna be the day I finally get to do this.

I hope you guys liked this first chapter so far, I will get the next one out tonight. Tell me what you think!! I will be working on this fanfiction for a while!! 

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