Chapter 4: Together...

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Max P.O.V.

"Come on Gidget, get off of me." I said laughing, "Hey, that tickles!!"

"Ok, fine." she said as she got off of me, "I'll get ya back later!"

We both smiled. I loved when she jumps on me like that. I only made her stop because I was ticklish, and it was awkward only being best friends. but not for long!

"I know you will, but how soon?" I asked.

"When you least expect it." she said.

"You sure?" I asked smirking a little

"Yup!" she said, looking cute as she said it. She said it so confidently, ha, she has no idea!

"Well you are wrong!" I said, "It'll be sooner than that."

She looked at me confused. Oh, she had no idea what was about to happen. This was gonna be a day she won't forget.

"What do you mean?" She asked. She was never going to expect this, of course she probably wanted it, but this was reality now!

I was ready!

"Gidget, we have been best friends for too long," I started. I paused. I was nervous. kinda a little scared, "How would you feel if we went up a bit?"

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, wagging her tail a little, smiling, looking cute! Ok, I was officially ready to do this! No turning back now!

"Will you be my... girlfriend?" I asked. I felt like I got all the weight off my shoulders. Now feeling a little light headed, not gonna lie.

 Finally I said it!! I hope she says yes!!

Gidget P.O.V.

Did I just hear what I think I heard? YES!! This is what I have always wanted!! Now to answer that question!! It was without a dought yes!!

"Max, you know the answer to that!" I said, "You know it is a yes!"

He smiled and hugged me again. I love it when he hugs me like that, even though its only happened a few times.

"You are the best, you know that?" I asked.

"No I'm not!" Max said, "You are the best!"

We both smiled. He was still hugging me like he did when I was nervous, but I wasn't nervous this time, I was just enjoying it.

I jumped on him again and started to lick him. He started to laugh.

"See, I told you Gidget!" Max said, "It was going to be sooner than what you had in mind."

"Oh shut up Max!" I said with a giggle. I just kept hugging him. I loved the way he felt. He was so warm, and his fur was so comfortable. I could stay this way all day!

Max P.O.V.

I had to admit, I enjoyed hugging Gidget this way now. No one was around. Not to mention how soft and fluffy she was. I could definitely get used to this. She was very cute, and looked beautiful no matter what. I don't regret any of this. I just wish I could have done this earlier!

"Can we stay like this?" Gidget asked.

"I wouldn't mind at all!" I replied, "Katie is on a vacation to London for the next three months."

"My owners are on a business trip for the next four months," said Gidget.

"So we can meet up all day everyday for the next three months." I said.

"Fine by me!" said Gidget, "I love this!"

"So do I," I said, "I love this, I love you too."

At this point we got on the couch and begin to cuddle. I enjoyed this a lot. By the looks of how Gidget was, she definitely enjoyed it! I don't blame her. And her fur is softer than it looks.

"I don't think I ever want to stop doing this." She said.

Well that proved the theory of her enjoying this!

Please don't murder me!! I have to end this chapter here! I need some water and a cuddle! Sorry, but I can't write about two characters cuddling on a couch and not have a cuddle for myself!! Just kidding, I am too lonely for that! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one! Promise you it will be crazy!! Next chapter will be out in a few hours!!

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