Chapter 5: Closer...

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I just want to say that the front cover of the book took me almost an hour and a half while trying to download an editor, making the edit, and finding the file. Now that I got that done, I am gonna write a few more chapters today. let's get started, and something tells me this is gonna be a long one.

Max P.O.V.

Gidget and I were still cuddling on the couch. I turned on the TV and we both watched the telenovelas that I know Gidget absolutely loves.

"Now I get the two things I love." said Gidget, "You and my shows!"

I began blushing. I never expected this to happen first day! 

"Well I got one person I love more than anything else in the world," I said, "There is only one of you."

"Oh stop Max, there are several little white dogs like me," said Gidget.

"Yeah, but none of them as cute and caring as you," I said.

Gidget didn't have anything to say after that. She just hugged me as if I was a stress ball.

Gidget P.O.V.

Well, looks like I no longer have to sleep with that pillow that I pretended was Max. (wait, what!? 0-0) Now I have Max. My Max. I am never letting go. This is way to comfortable

"Max," I said.

"Yeah?" said Max.

"Just hope you realize I am not letting go!" I said.

"I can live with that," he said with a smile.

Sorry to cut in the middle, but is it just me or are things getting extremely awkward?

"Do you want to go out tonight?" he asked

"Maybe tomorrow," I replied, "I like this too much!"

"Fair enough," he said, "I like this too!"

"I have wanted this since I first met you" I said.

(6 hours of sleeping together later...)

Max P.O.V.

Ok, so we both fell asleep 6 hours ago, giving both of us a six hour nap. Our first time sleeping together. I woke up first. I was going to wake Gidget up, but she looked so cute when she slept, so I think I might have spent another hour or so with her, looking at her cute face as she slept.

"Gidget." I said quietly, but loud enough to wake her up.

"Yeah?" she said, very sleepy.

"Do you want to go to the park now?" I asked, "Its still not too late!"

"YES!!" she said, excited. Well she woke up pretty quickly! she shot up like a rocket!

"Ok then," I said, "let's go!"

"Wait," said Gidget.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can you sleep with me from now on?" she asked.

"I will, but why?" I asked.

"That was the best sleep I ever had, with you by my side." she said.

That made me smile.

"I will sleep with you if you want," I said, "Also, you look pretty cute when you sleep."

 She blushed.

We both went outside and began walking to the park, then I realized.

"Hey Gidget," I said, "When are we gonna tell others about this?"

"Soon, I guess," she replied.

We arrived at the park and the sun was beginning to set. It made Gidget's fur a glowing orange color. She looked beautiful. Yes, I will say this over and over again. For some reason, she looks more and more beautiful every time I look at her. We sat by a bench next to the pond that was showing the sun's orange reflection.

I guess she realized I was daydreaming about her. She looked at me and asked.

"What are you thinking about?" 

"Nothing," I said.

"Riiight, you are just staring at me because you want to," she said sarcastically.

"Well actually, I do just want to stare at you!" I said.

She giggled, "Oh Max!"

I smiled and slightly blushed.

"What can I say, you look so beautiful in the setting sun!" I said.

"Don't look as amazing as you!" she said.

"You don't need to lie to me right now!!" I said, "I am not nearly as amazing as you!"

She smiled, I smiled too. We just sat there, watching the view, admiring each others presence.

Yup, it is the end of this chapter and holy shizzles has progress been made!! Sleeping together, the compliments, the scenery!! Plus, I am not even anywhere near the beginning of this story!! There is so much more to come!! I won't spoil anything. The next chapter will be up in a few hours!! I will see you guys soon!! OH WAIT!! Let me not forget to tell you!! This chapter is just the beginning of what is going to happen, the next chapter continues this!!

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