For Everyone Who Needs A Boost of Confidence Concerning Their Sexuality

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Because we all know I'm freaked the freak out.

I had to make like fifty alternate titles because it kept telling me it was too long

Hello friends, it's Lili!

So I've talked way too much about this. Your probably hate me in the most loving way possible by now!

Speaking of by, I'm bi.

Anyway, that was a stupid joke.

Let's move on.

I'm not out of the closet when it comes to most people. I really do want to be, and I'm dropping subtle hints. I cut my hair short, and I legitimately have "I'm bisexual" written on my shoulder, hoping someone will see through my sweatshirt and confront me.

Everyone still thinks I'm straight as a bar line.

Yeah, I've got a girlfriend, and yeah, she's great. She makes me happier than I've ever been. To be fully honest, she's the only one I can be me around.

And you might think, ah, it's stupid to be scared of your sexuality, it's just who you decide to love. The truth is, it isn't stupid. It's you, and you're not stupid.

Don't ever let anyone make you think that because you identify with something else or whatever, that there is something wrong with you.

It might be scary to be you. Actually, it is scary to be you. You're going to hate it sometimes, and if you don't, teach me your secret.

But I promise, you'll be ten times happier when you come to terms with yourself.

Don't be pressured to come out before you yourself is ready. If you don't feel like it, take as much time as you need.

But if you're right about ready to bust, tell people. Even if it's just a close friend, because chances are, they'll help you through it.

I mean I got a girlfriend, and shes very gay and very closeted, because her gaydar was going off. If you can find someone who understands, go to them!

And if worse comes to worse, hit me up. I'm still in the middle of this mess too, so we can cry over crap together.

Most importantly, and I can't stress this enough, you are relevant, you matter! There is a place in this world for you, and I promise you'll come to terms and find it someday. It might be tomorrow or ten years from now, but you can do it!

Best wishes! You do you until you're all you-ed out. Then become an actual fre shavacado.

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