Chapter 1

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"Thank you everyone, you have been a great audience. Have a good night!" The idol on stage bid her farewell to her adoring fans before exiting the stage. She was greeted by her two friends who also works as her managers.

"Another great show, Nicocchi!"

The idol flipped one of her two pigtails she had on her head and with a smug smirk replied the purple haired friend. "Of course, that is needless to say. I am the number one idol after all."

The blonde sighed, shaking her head at her friend "Seems like you would never change, would you."

"I don't see the need for such things." Nico took a seat on the couch in the dressing room, receiving a bottled water from Nozomi.

"Anyway, today marks the end of your Japan tour. What would you like to do?" Eli consulted the black planner in her hands.

The proud idol tapped her  chin in thought for a moment before deciding "Celebrate of course. Let's go clubbing, girls."

Nozomi seemed excited and clapped her hands in approval however the same can't be said to the other.

"Clubbing? That's outrageous, you know very well that if anything happens the public would be able to see."

She waved her hand in dismissal "You worry too much, Eli. Besides what could ever happen? Its settled then, tonight we party!"

"This is a bad idea, I tell you." The blonde tried to warn the two even eyeing the idol who just ignored it.

"Let's go, Elicchi!" The purple haired manager played on her girlfriend's hand and they both followed the idol.

They reached a nearby club in no time and all three of them climbed out of the limousine.

They had all changed their attire to something more appropriate and now made their way up to the entrance.

"IDs please." The man standing tall in a black suit requested at the door. The three of them pulled out what's require and smiled on their way pass the guard.

The music blasted in their ears and only lights from the disco ball lighted their surroundings. Bodies bumped into them as they squeezed their way inside.

"Nico, are you sure you are alright?" Eli shouted into the other's ear over the music.

"I'm fine, really Eli. Don't worry."

The blonde released her grip from the idol, looking highly concerned.

"Come on Elicchi, dance with me." The blonde was pulled by her partner onto the dance floor.

Eli couldn't help her lips from curlimg into a smile beside her lover. It's been a while since it was just the two of them. Nozomi held her by the waist, pulling her closer to her body.

Eli was lost in the deep purple eyes she had, sweeping a lock of her behind her ear sweetly.

They were snapped out of the moment by the lights being turned on, music was turned off replaced by mutters filling the room.

The two were curious and pushed their way to the front of the crowd.

"Nicocchi!" Nozomi kneeled beside her and lifted her limp body of the floor.

"Nothing to see here. Go back to your thing." Eli shouted and eyes the owner. He immediately nodded nervously, switched the lights back on and blasted the music once more. Some people still lingered, watching the scene with their mobiles in their hands but most went back to wither drinking or dancing.

"Come on Nozomi. We have to get out of here." She quickly picked the idol of the floor and walked out of the club in a hurry.

The limousine had moved their position to the back where parking was allowed.

Nozomi opened the door for Eli and they hurriedly got in, shutting the door behind them.

"You guys are back already? That was fast nya." The orange haired diver turned and looked at the situation.

"What happened to Nico-chan?" The one seated next to her turned around as well.

"No time to explain. Get us to the hospital, Rin."

It took a moment for the words to register.

"Yes, of course!" She turned back and started the vehicle, driving off faster than their usual speed.

"I knew this was a bad idea." Eli cursed under her breath, chewing on the nail on her thumb. Nozomi took her wrist and removed her hand from her mouth. She reassured the blonde with just looks of her eyes and the other nodded. Eli looked down at where Nico laid in her laps, breathing with some difficulties. She swept back her fringe and touching her forehead. She cursed know this was partly the reason yet she didn't do anything to stop it.

"We are here, Eli." Hanayo informed the two from the front.

With a quick thank you the two of them exited with the collapsed idol.

"How may I help you" A nurse politely asked the two as they entered the place.

"Our friend...she collapsed..." Somehow Eli couldn't find the words to properly ask for help.

"Hmm....Miyuki what's the problem?" Another nurse came up from behind.

"Kotoricchi?!" Nozomi was surprised by the familiar face. "I didn't know you were a nurse."

The initial nurse walked away seeing how things were under control.

"Nozomi-chan, Eli-chan it's so great to see you. Actually, I don't work..."

She was cut off by Eli who walked up in front with a stern  look "I'm sorry, Kotori we don't have time to talk. Right now, Nico is..."

Kotori set her eyes on the unconscious girl and gasped. She asked Miyuki to quickly bring a stretcher and the two brought her in.

Only after a while did Kotori reappear.

"Nico-chan, is under the doctor's care right now. She will be alright." She delivered the new with a smile.

The managers finally let off a breath.

"So, Kotoricchi what are you doing here?"

"Oh well, I sometimes volunteer here when I have some free time. I find it quite rewarding."

" you don't work here?" Nozomi was perfectly calm, in contrast to the other seated beside her.

"No. This is a little embarrassing to say but I'm the owner of 'South Bird'."

"Really? You own that fashion brand?!" Eli finally spoke up, interested in the conversation.

Kotori scratched her slightly pink cheek in embarrassment but nodded.

"My, maybe you could design some of Nico's costume in the future." The purple hair suggested.

Kotori eyes seemed to sparkle at the thought "I would love too."

"We can also discuss it. Here's our name card. We are Nico's managers."

"Thank you Eli. Ahh. ..managers I see. So, what happened tonight?"

Eli was the one who spoke up "We went to a club to celabrate the end of her tour. When we weren't looking she suddenly fainted."

Silence fell among the three of them only to be broken by an excitedly shout.

"KOTORI-CHANN!" The nurse was attacked from the back into a tight hug, nearly causing her to stumble.

"Rin-chan, you shouldn't shout in a hospital."

"Sorry, Hanayo. I was just so excited to see Kotori-chan!!"

The nurse was released from the grip and turned to see her two juniors.

"Rin-chan. Hanayo-chan. It's so nice to see you. What are you doing here?"

"We are Nico's driver." Hanayo answered with a kind smile

"Wow, so many of you working together..."

"I guess we still wanted to be part of an idol in someways." Rin commented.

"Besides not everyone can put up with Nico." Nozomi said with a teasing smirk.

"Even we aren't the best." Eli sighes with with a slight chuckle.

"There's only one person who really could...." Nozomi stated and the rest of them nodded.

Down the hallways, turn right, the third down on the right. That was where Nico's assigned room was. It was a private room specially for the idol.

A tall female entered the room and picked up the clipboard from the patient's bed.

She tapped the black pen against the board a few times, sighing and placing it back.

She walked closer to the patient and check the monitor,  everything seemed to be fine.

The female wearing a long white coat took a glance at the idol lying in bed.

"Guess you never changed." She commented and started to walk out of the room.

The idol heard some noises and tried to pry her eyes open. She only caught a glimpse of red before she went back into slumber.

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