Chapter 2

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The idol slowly flutter her eyes open to see five people crowding around her in an unfamiliar place. She coughed serval times and a nurse passed her a glass of water after helping her sit up.

Nico took a sip of water and batted her eyes clear. She took a look at the nurse and her mouth dropped "Kotori-chan?!"

"Seems like you are awake, I shall inform the doctor." The nurse smiled, bowed and left the room.

"Nicocchi, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Nozomi. I'm guessing I'm in a hospital?"

"Afraid you are right." The blonde on the other side nodded.

"But it doesn't matter as long as you are fine nya~"

"You guys are here too." Nico felt warm inside, knowing she was surrounded by people who truly cared for her.

"You guys are still dressed the same. What time is it?" She noted all their clothing and even her own.

"It is two in the morning."

"Huh?! What are you guys doing here, you should be at home."

"We wanted to be by your side when you woke up, Nico-chan." The soft sweet voice of Hanayo made the idol smile.

"You guys shouldn't have." She said, rubbing her freezing arms and sneezing.

"Here." Eli pulled out a jacket from the chair nearby and wrapped the idol up.

"Thank you Eli."  She pulled the jacket close to her body.

There was soft talking from outside the door and a click notify them that someone was entering.

"Thank you so much, Kotori-chan but you really shouldn't have stay so late." The idol froze at the sound, even after so long there was no way she could forget that voice.

"It's really fine besides I chose to do it."

The door fully opened and Kotori entered first, holding the door. Another came in, wearing a clean white coat and hair pulled up in a low pony tail.

Everyone had their attention on the pair entering, especially on the later.

Kotori walked over and passed the later the clipboard from Nico's bed. The doctor accepted it with a small 'thank you', pulling out a pen from her chest pocket.

"Yazawa Nico, is that right? How are you feeling?" She asked without looking up from the board.

Nico's mouth dropped and she had to shake herself slightly before she answered "Erm..better. Just slightly dizzy and itchy throat."

The doctor passed the board to Kotori and walked towards her, Nozomi and Rin quickly moved away to let her through.

The doctor placed a thermometer in the patient's mouth and checked the monitor.

"Slight fever." She reported to the nurse who jotted it down.

"Could you lean forward for me?" The idol did as told and felt a cicular object press agaisnt her back.

"She has a flu, nothing too serious." She kept the stethoscope and walked back to Kotori.

"Erm..then Maki-chan.." Rin said with much caution. The doctor turned her attention to orange head.

"Why did she faint nya?" She said softly as if up against her angry mother.

The red head expressed no emotion on her face, her eyes directly at the idol in bed "Let me take a guess here." She slid her hands into the pockets on the front of her coat.

"This idol here already had a fever but being as stubborn as she is, she went on with the concert. I can only diagnose this as overwork."

"You are right, Maki-chan." Eli said much to her amazement.

"Huh?! Elicchi why ddin't you tell me?" Nozomi complained.

"She told me not to."

All eyes on the idol now.

She crossed her arms with a small pout "It wasn't serious..."

"But Nico-chan, you should have told us!" Hanayo argued with the prideful idol.

"Guess she reminds you of a certain someone huh?" Kotori added, placing the board back where it belong.

"Guess you are right, Kotori-chan. How is she doing?" Maki smiled asking the nurse.

"She is currently touring Europe isn't she?" Nico added in.

"Who are you guys talking about nya?"

"Rin-chan, you don't know?" Her best friend chuckled. "They are talking about Honoka-chan, she became a very well known idol as well."

"Really, I didn't know that either." Nozomi commented.

"I called her a few days ago." Nico stated.

"Guess idols keep in touch, huh." Eli smiled.

The idol nodded, her eyes never leaving a certain person in the room.

"Nicocchi, Kotoricchi here is a fashion designer, maybe she could design some of your costume?"

"That would be great." Nico said simply, not really paying attention.

"So, you really became a doctor." She said and everyone fell silent.

"Yes, as you can see." The red head replied.

"Are you happy?" 

"I don't need to be."

"What a dumb statement. Of course you have to be happy."

"Why does that concern you?"

Nico paused, "Who said it did?" she quickly rebutted.

"As childish as always." The doctor folded her arms and started to twirl her hair.

"Who you calling childish?!"

"Nico you two shouldn't be fighting in here." Eli tried to stop them but to no avail. Everyone started the attempt of stopping them.

"Obviously, the one acting like a child." She shot back. The idol was flaming now, her hands on her waist.

"At least I'm not snobby like you."

"Me? Snobby? At least I'm doing something useful unlike playing around and being an idol."

"You didn't have a problem with being an idol five years ago."

The whole room fell in a dead silence.


"What?! Did I say something wrong?"

Without saying another word the red head doctor turned her back and started to walk out of the room.

"Maki-chan." Kotori said as she walked pass her. However, Maki just instructed her to take care of the rest and the door closed shut behind her.

The doctor walked with fist in her pockets down the hallway and up the elevator to the top floor. She she quickly shut the door of her office and locked it. She leaned against the cool wooden door, breathing heavily. She banged it with one of her fist and looked up at the dark empty space. Warm wet tears fell from both eyes illustrating her frustration. She sobbed and slid down the door onto the floor, burying her face in her knees. What was all these emotions she was feeling?

"What's up with her anyway?" Nico spat, lying back down into the pillows.

"Maki-chan.." Rin said in a distant voice.

"Why did you have to fight with her?" The blonde sighed, shaking her head.

"She was the one who started it."

Kotori watched as this happen, not really sure what to make of it.

"It was nice to see her though." Hanayo commented quietly with a small smile.

Everyone else nodded.

"In any case, I'm sorry but visiting time is over." Kotori announced to the rest.

The four of them turned to look at the idol.

"I'm fine, just go already." She slid down into the covers and hid herself.

Looks were exchanged before they slowly exited the room.

"Rest well, call if you need anything." Was what she always said before she switched off the lights in the room.

"Guess we should all head home then." Eli mentioned once outside.

"I'll inform you if anything were to happen."

"Thank you, Kotoricchi."

With that they all exited the building and headed back into the black limousine and drove off into the night.

The nurse stood at the glass doors and watched them sped off into the night, sighing silently to herself as she looked at the time.

"Kotori, why haven't you come home yet?" The deep smoothing voice rang over the phone making a smile appear on her face.

"Something happen and I couldn't just leave. Sorry for worrying you, Umi."

A sigh came from the other side "You always put others before you." A chuckle escaped her lips.

Kotori bit down softly on her lower lip and took a deep breath.

"Kotori..? Are you alright?"

"It was Nico-chan, Umi.." There was silence. "The rest were here too. Nozomi, Eli, Hanayo and Rin."

"I see...and I'm guessing they met her?"

"Yea." Kotori leaned agaisnt the wall and nodded.

"How did it go?"

It was the little bird's turn to sigh "The two fought."

"How is she?"

She shrugged and realised the other couldn't see. "I haven't check on her yet."

"I understand. Well, then I'll head to bed first. Good night, I love you."

"Good night, I love you too." With that she hung up and walked to the elevators, going up to the top floor.

She softly rapped on the door "Maki-chan.."

The soft call could be heard from inside the room.

"What do you want?" The red head still behind the door sniffed.

"Let me in."


"Are you crying?"

"Of course not, why would I be?"

"It's okay to be scared, Maki-chan."

There was soft clatter from within the room and the door unlocked. Kotori stepped into the dark room, closing the door behind her.

Without a word she embraced the doctor who is has been working with for the past two years.

"Why did she come back?" She sniffed into the shoulder of the older.


"I think we should break up."

"Huh? Why are you saying this suddenly?"

The girl with pig tails tighten her grip on the pair of hands in front of her.

"It's for the best, we won't have time for each other once I become famous."

The other pulled her hands roughly away from her. "So, it's all about you again isn't it?"

"What are you talking about? This is about the both of us."

"No it's not. You have always only thought about yourself. Thinking what is best for you. You never really put my feelings into consideration."

"Of course I have."

"Forget it, you are right. It is for the best, so from now on never contact me again."

"Fine, I woudn't have a reason to anyway."

The soon to be number one idol didn't see the tears roll down the face of the other as she turned and walked away. She didn't see the tears she shed in the following days and she didn't know about the emptiness in her eyes that stayed through the years.

'The emotionless doctor' is what the other staff members called her. She who only plaster a smile when needed.

The only one who knew for her suffering was the fashion designer who  volunteered at the hospital a few months after she had officially became a doctor.

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