Chapter 3

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"Alright. I understand." The blonde hung up the phone and turned around to face her assistant, rubbing her temples "Seems like it is all over the news."

"This is bad. What should we do Elicchi?"

She sighed in defeat "I don't really know..."

"In any case we should keep Nico away from the media until it has cleared up." The purple head manager tapped her chin in thought.

"We are lucky that the press haven't found out which hospital she is in."

"Yet." Nozomi added.

The duo sighed trying to think of something.

"That was crazy out there." A long lost voice sounded down the hall.

The two of them looked up and smiles spread across their faces naturally.

"Umi!" They exclaimed in sync.

"Nozomi, Eli. It's been so long!" She went up and gave her seniors a hug each.

"What are you doing here?" Eli asked as they pulled apart.

"Kotori told me what happen so I thought i come visit."

"It's like a reunion don't you think?" The cheerful voice of Kotori joined the group.

"Umi-chan!!" A cat like figure pounced on the blue hair girl.

"Rin-chan, your really have to stop doing that."

"Sorry~!" She got off Umi.

"I'm surprised you two even manage to come in." She said with a small chuckle.

"Why do you say that?" The blonde asked.

"There's like a huge crowd at the entrance."

Eli and Nozomi exchanged worried looks.

"That means they found us, Elicchi. What should we do?"

"Geez, does she always bring bad news with her?" A grumble cause the whole group to turn.

The red head doctor walked down the hallway towards looking quite irritated.


"Oh Umi-chan. It's great to see you." She looked over to the closed door of the room and sighed.

"Sorry for a the trouble, Makicchi."

"It's not your fault but we better do something about it. It is disturbing the whole hospital."

Just then a panicked looking nurse ran up from behind and tapped the doctor on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Miss Nishikino but the press got pass the guards and are coming up as we speak."

Everyone fell silent as the doctor tapped her chin in thought.

"I got it. Kotori bring Nico to my office."

Kotori nodded as she understood, she went in with Umi and both of them helped a confused idol out. The designer knew her way around and quickly walked away from the group and down the corner just as the media arrived.

"Miss Nishikino, we hear you are the doctor in charge of Yazawa Nico can you please say something on this matter?" Reporters and cameras were shoved up into the face of the stone cold doctor.

Being used to this sort of attention she kept a straight face and stared into the nearest camera "Unfortunately for you the patient has already been discharged so before I call the security please to leave the hospital immediately."

Another guy asked the question this time "We heard that this is her room if you would just let us see it, we will leave."

There were some buzzing. Maki eyed everyone in front of her.

"Do you promise?"

Everyone exchanged looks and agreed.

"Very well. Once you do, I request you leave and do not come back." She stepped aside and the crowd pushed past her into the now empty room.

"If that is all please do not be of any disturbance to the rest of the hospital and leave quietly. thank you."

Security ushered the group out and watched them leave.

"Thank you Miyuki. You may take the day off for your help."

"Thank you, Miss Nishikino." The nurse bowed and walked off with a smile on her face.

"You handled that very well." Umi commented in shock as the rest nodded their heads, some with their mouths still a gape.

"It was no big deal and now to check on the patient." She said like it left a sour taste in her mouth.

She walked to the elevator and the rest took it as a sign to follow. They went up to the top floor in silence.

"I never never there was an office at the top of hospitals." Hanayo stated with amazement.

"It is only for the heads of the hospitals."

"So, that means you are one of them?" Eli as they walked down the halls.

"Naturally, after all this is the hospital that my parents own."

They reached the door and Maki opened the door, walking in with no hesitation.

"Why did you ask to bring Nico here, Makicchi?"

"Because there is a room in here where I sometimes stay in when I have a night shift." The walked to the end of the room where another door stands.

"Maki, you are back." Kotori greeted them as they entered and gathered around the sole bed in the center.

"How's the patient?" She was the last to walk over.

Kotori updated the doctor.

"I see so she can be discharged by tomorrow." The doctor stated.

"Can you stop talking as if I'm not here?" The idol in bed exclaimed.

"Well, it's good to know that you are better but we still have to worry about the media." The blonde manager started.

"Makicchi, maybe we can let Nico hide here? Just until the thing blows over." Nozomi tried to persuade.

"That is out of the question. She isn't my problem."

"You say it as if I want to stay here." The idol retorted back.

"They are fighting again, nya."

"Well, this is your fault after all." The feline friend was ignored as insults and comments were being thrown between the two.

"Stop it you two, you aren't helping the situation." Eli managed to shut the two up.

"Maki, if you just do us a favor and keep her here for a while. We will try to settle the issue at hand in the shortest amount of time." The old president of the school negotiated.

"I don't think it's a bad idea,Maki." Kotori said with intentions being hinted in her voice.

The doctor couldn't do anything but to sigh and agree.

"This is like a reunion nya~!" The orange hair driver exclaimed in delight.

"Really does, only Honoka isn't here." Umi smiled as she looked at her previous idol group members. She hasn't seen them in such a long time, being in the same room together made her felt nostalgic.

"Ne, Umi-chan. What have you been doing?" Hanayo asked with a sweet smile.

"Me? Well, I have inherited my parent's dojo."

The eight of them ended chatting for the next hour or so, only Maki and Nice never spoke the other directly. The rest left leaving only the two of them behind.

"You are still running a fever go sleep." The doctor said as the door, fingers on the light switch.

The idol opened her mouth wanting to talk to her ex-lover but the room turned dark and the door closed before she had the chance too. She stared into the empty space in front of her before burying herself under the covers with only her thoughts as her company.

The doctor who stood outside staring at the wooden door held her hands i fists. She bit down on her lower lip as her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath and walked out of the office and went to do her rounds, leaving her thoughts behind.

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