CHAPTER TWELVE, nothing to lose

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Tessa couldn't believe she was here. She was at The Orpheum getting ready to open for the band Panic! At the Disco. She loved that band and the fact she and her friends were opening for them was so exciting. Yet knowing what will happen after they're done saddened her.

"Tessa, look at you!" Julie gushes as she entered the dressing room and saw Tessa dressed in the rose colored dress her parents got her. "That dress looks amazing on you! You look stunning." She smiled brightly.

"Thanks, Jules. My mom and dad got me the dress, and it's gorgeous. I'm still surprised they got it for me." Tessa admits, glancing down at her dress with a bright smile. She then looks at Julie with a grin. "But come on, I'm not the only one looking stunning, Julie. Look at you! That dress looks incredible on you."

Julie smiles shyly, her eyes lighting up as she glances down at her dress, twirling around. She wore a short dress, the top half was purple with sparkles on it, the bottom half was a mix of purple and blue. The bottom half looked more like a tu tu and she wore a black leather jacket with colorful sparkles on them. Her hair was curled and pinned back on the right side with some colorful hair clips. She also wore a her 'julie' necklace she always wore. "Thanks, Tess. I'm still in shock that I'm actually here. And we're opening for a band we love."

"Yeah, that's pretty crazy." Tessa laughs, feeling nervousness and excitement wash over her. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Julie raised a brow curiously, nodding. "Sure, what's up?"

Tessa's face turns red as she replies with, "I told Reggie I love him..." Julie gasps, her eyes widening. Before Julie could speak, Tessa continues. "And we kissed." Julie gasps louder at that, staring at her with surprise and disbelief. "I know it's crazy...But somehow we're able to touch. It's not a normal touch obviously, but it's there. It was weird and surreal."

"W-Wow, that's crazy, Tess. How did it happen?" Julie asked, still surprised by this news.

"Well, Reggie found me after I had my break down earlier. He comforted me and we confessed how we felt. Then we found out we could touch." Tessa explains sheepishly. She looks apologetic at Julie. "I'm sorry, I feel bad since you and Luke can't touch. I know how you feel about him." Julie had told her about her feelings for Luke and she felt awful about this.

Julie shakes her head with a soft smile. "I'm okay, Tess. Yeah, I wish Luke and I could touch and we could kiss, but I'm happy for you and Reggie." She reassures Tessa, taking her hand and gently squeezing it. "It must've been an incredible feeling. The ability to touch and feel him."

"It was." Tessa nods, smiling. "It was weird, but so incredible. It felt right, like it was meant to be." Her smile fell as she continues. "But now we're performing at the Orpheum and they'll cross over. I don't want to lose them." She mumbled, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Oh, Tess." Julie sighs sympathetically, pulling her friend into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry. I know this is hard, but they have to complete their unfinished business...They're jolts are getting worse. It's only a matter of time. You know this is the best for them."

"I know, I know." Tessa sniffles, hugging Julie tightly. "It doesn't make it any easier." She muttered, her heart aching at the thought of losing the boys.

"I know." Julie murmurs, rubbing her back soothingly. "But everything will be okay, I promise." She had to do her best to stop herself from crying, her own heart hurting at the thought of the boys crossing over.

"How are you so positive about this? I'm jealous." Tessa chuckled weakly, pulling back and wiping her eyes, being careful to not mess up her makeup.

"I have to stay positive." Julie says, shrugging her shoulders with a small smile. "If I wasn't, I'd probably have another break down." She tried to make a joke, but the seriousness in her voice showed how true her words were. Tessa frowned, worried and concerned for Julie.

"You had a break down?" She questioned, her eyes filled with concern.

Julie nods, feeling embarrassed. "Yes, but don't worry. I'm okay now...Or as okay as I can be for this situation." She shrugged her shoulders, trying to lighten the mood.

"Jules, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I-"

"Hey, don't worry about it." Julie cut her off with a soft smile. "You didn't know. Besides, you're going through your own stuff. It's fine." She reassured Tessa, not wanting her friend to feel bad.

Tessa was still worried and concerned, but she nods. "Alright...Just know if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"I know. Thank you." Julie smiles appreciatively, thankful to have a friend like Tessa. "Same goes to you." She added, gently bumping their shoulders together.

"Thank you." Tessa grinned, bumping her shoulder against hers in response. Her gaze went down to the necklace she had on, her face falling slightly. The necklace was one the guys had given her. Well, her mom had bought it, but the boys had picked it out for her. It was a silver necklace that had three charms on it each one representing the boys. Drum sticks for Alex, guitar for Luke and a music note for Reggie. There was also a ghost charm as well. It took her all she had in her not to cry when her mom had given this necklace to her, explaining that the boys picked out the charms for her. Her mom had given it to her before she got out of the car when she brought her to The Orpheum. She thought it was so sweet the boys did this, and she will forever treasure this gift.

"Is something wrong, Tess?" Julie noticed the change in Tessa's mood and expression, growing concerned.

"Huh?" Tessa snaps out of her thoughts, looking at Julie. "Oh, no. Nothing's wrong. Sorry." She says, managing a small smile. She pauses before adding, "Actually...I think I'm gonna get some fresh air, to try and calm down and clear my head." She needed a moment to breathe and get her thoughts together.

Julie nods in understanding. "Sure. I'll be here when you get back." She smiled, reaching over to give her a gentle squeeze on her arm.

"Thanks, Jules." Tessa sent her a grateful smile before she left the dressing room and went out the back. She took a deep breath as she's met with the cool night air. She takes a few moments to collect herself, enjoying the fresh air and the peace and quiet. She knew she couldn't be out here for long since they would have to go on soon.

She sighed as she glanced down at the necklace, her thoughts wandering to the boys. She couldn't help but wonder what they were doing now. She hoped they were okay and that they weren't nervous or anxious about the show. She knew they had been practicing for it for weeks, and they were nervous. But they had all assured her that they were ready and they were prepared.

"Ah, so you're the famous Tessa I heard about."

Tessa jumps at the unfamiliar voice, turning to find a man leaning against the wall near her. He wore a suit and a top hat. He had a strange vibe about him and his presence gave her the creeps. A smirk graced his lips and he pushed himself off the wall and approached her.

"Um, yeah. Who are you?" Tessa questioned, eyeing him warily. Something didn't sit right with her.

"Caleb Covington." He introduces himself, extending his hand to her. "I've heard a lot about you, you and your friend Julie man a lot to those boys."

"I know who you are." Tessa retorts, refusing to shake his hand. The boys had told her he was the guy who gave them the stamp at the ghost club, that was making them have these painful jolts. "You're the one who's been giving the guys the jolts and trying to force them to play at your club. Are you that desperate to get people to play at your club? That's pretty pathetic."

"Oh, I wouldn't call it pathetic. I would say I'm ambitious and determined." Caleb chuckles, amused by Tessa's response. He drops his hand, not bothered by her rejection to shake his hand. "You and Julie are very important to those boys. I see that. Which is why I wanted to offer you a deal."

"A deal?" Tessa scoffs and crosses her arms. "Why do you think I would ever agree to any deal with you? I'm not stupid, you've been trying to trick the guys into playing at your club for eternity."

"Because you love those boys and you care about them. I know you don't want to see them suffer." Caleb continues, ignoring her question. "This deal can help you, and help the boys. I'm willing to offer a way for you to save them from the pain."

Tessa's brows furrow, a part of her intrigued and wanting to hear what the deal was, but another part was skeptical. She wasn't sure if she could trust Caleb. "What is the deal?" She couldn't help but ask. Her curiosity got the better of her.

"That's what I love about you. Always so curious." Caleb grins, pleased she was willing to hear him out. "I'll get rid of the jolts, they'll be free to crossover or whatever they want to do. No more jolts, no more pain. They'll be at peace. The only thing you have to do is give up a part of yourself."

"What do you mean?" Tessa asked, her guard still up. She wasn't sure what he meant.

"The boys will be free...But in return, you'll have to join me at my club and take the jolts yourself." Caleb explained, his grin turning to a smirk.

Tessa's eyes widened in shock at Caleb's proposition. The gravity of his offer sank in, and she felt a chill run down her spine. Sacrificing herself to spare the boys from suffering seemed noble, but the idea of enduring what they went through was terrifying.

"You want me to take the jolts instead?" Tessa clarifies, her voice trembling slightly. "But why? What's in it for you?"

Caleb's grin widen, revealing a glint of mischief in his eyes. "You would join my club and be apart of my houseband for eternity." He said. "Think about it, Tessa. You could continue to be with the boys, play music together, and perform for audiences forever. Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

Tessa's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, the idea of being able to save the boys from their pain and continue making music with them was tempting. But on the other hand, the thought of enduring the same torment they had been through made her stomach churn with fear.

"Join you at your club? As in I'm trapped there and can never leave?" Tessa raised a brow, a bit taken back by his proposal.

"It's a big opportunity for you. You'd get to play at a real live venue and become famous." Caleb insists, thinking she'd be thrilled at the chance to be a star. "Haven't you always wanted to be a star instead of being in the background of the band? This is your chance."

"I don't care about fame, that's never been a dream of mine. Music is what matters to me, and I enjoy being a part of the band." Tessa argues, shaking her head. "I would never betray the boys like that, especially Reggie. I would never join you and your club. You can keep your stupid offer, I don't want it."

"Hmm, are you sure? Because it seems like the time for the show is approaching and those boys are getting more jolts. You wouldn't want them to go extinct, would you?" Caleb asks, the smirk on his face growing. "You can save them, and be a star at the same time. You would be able to see them whenever you like, of course." He adds, knowing that would help convince her. "But they won't have any more pain or suffering. It's a win-win situation, Tessa."

Tessa's heart pounded in her chest as she weighed the options Caleb presented. The urgency of the situation regarding the boys only added to her turmoil. She wanted desperately to help them, to spare them from any more pain, but at what cost? Could she really sacrifice her own freedom and potentially her soul for their sake But she also knew the time was approaching and before she knew it the boys would be non existent. She hated the idea of betraying the boys, especially Reggie, but she couldn't bare to watch them suffer. Her heart clenched painfully at the thought. She kept thinking about the offer, her mind racing as she tried to decide what she should do.

"So, what will it be, Tessa? Will you save the boys and take the deal, or let them continue to suffer?" Caleb questioned, a victorious smirk on his face. He knew he had her, he could tell by the look on her face.

"I...I..." Tessa stammered, unsure what to say. She couldn't speak, she was too stunned and conflicted. She knew she had to decide fast. She looked down at the necklace once more, her gaze moving to the drum stick charm, then the music note and finally the guitar charm. Tessa took a deep breath, her mind racing as she grappled with the weight of the decision before her. The internal conflict tore at her, torn between her love for the boys and the unbearable pain she couldn't stand to see them endure.

Caleb continued to watch her, his smirk widening as he sensed her vulnerability. He knew the desperation she felt, the fear of losing the boys, and he played on those emotions to manipulate her. His gaze drifted to the necklace she wore, an idea coming to him.

"I know what will help you decide." He says, his hand reaching forward and gripping the music note charm. "If you take the deal, I'll release them from their pain right now." Caleb's voice was smooth, almost hypnotic, as he dangled the charm before Tessa's eyes. "You'll never have to see them suffer again. All you have to do is say yes."

Tessa's heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the charm, feeling a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through her. She knew she couldn't bear to watch the boys suffer any longer, but the thought of sacrificing herself for their sake was terrifying. Yet, the offer of ending their pain was so tempting, so alluring.

Tessa's gaze shifted from the charm to Caleb's smirking face, a sense of dread settling over her. She knew deep down that making a deal with him would come with consequences she couldn't even begin to fathom. But the thought of losing the boys was unbearable. Her heart raced, torn between the love she had for the boys and the unbearable pain she couldn't stand to see them endure. The temptation to end their suffering was strong, but the thought of betraying them and joining Caleb's club was equally agonizing.

"So," Caleb pulls his hand away to offer his hand for her to shake. "Do we have a deal?"

Tessa hesitates, her gaze going to his hand. Her thoughts wandered to the boys. How much pain would they be in now? How much longer would it be before they would go extinct? She couldn't bear to watch them suffer, she had to save them. She would do anything to protect them. Even if it meant betraying their trust and breaking their hearts. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and hoping she wouldn't regret her decision. She opened her eyes and looked at him as she nodded.

"Fine." She mutters, taking his hand. "We have a deal."

Caleb grins and shakes her hand. "I'm glad we could come to an agreement." She watches as a purple stamp showed above her wrist before it disappeared. She winced as she felt a sharp pain in her chest immediately, causing her to stumble backward. She clutched at her chest, gasping for air as waves of agony washed over her. The pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced, searing through her body like fire.

Caleb watches with amusement as Tessa struggles, his smirk widening as he revels in her suffering. He knew the price of his deals, and he took pleasure in the anguish they caused. But deep down, he knew he had gained another soul for his collection, another pawn in his eternal game. Tessa grits her teeth, trying to push through the pain as she feels herself being pulled towards Caleb's club. Her vision blurs, her surroundings swirling into darkness as she fights to hold on to consciousness. "Welcome to the club, Tessa," Caleb's voice echoes in her mind as she succumbs to the darkness, her fate sealed with the deal she had made. "It's about time for the show to start," She's confused by what he meant until he continued. "The boys will be happy to see you."

"Wait, what?" Tessa breathed out, her eyes widening. Suddenly he waved his free hand in front of her and blew some dust at her. Then suddenly all she saw was black.

Meanwhile back at The Orpheum, Julie grows worried when Tessa doesn't return to the dressing room. She decides to go out and look for her, only to find the back door ajar and no sign of her friend. Panic sets in as Julie realized Tessa is nowhere to be found, and she frantically began to search for her, unaware of the deal Tessa has just made and the consequences that await them both.


When Tessa opened her eyes, she was shocked to find herself in back stage of a venue. She could hear faint jazz music playing, and she realized it was coming from the other side of the curtain. The sounds of chatter and laughter reached her ears, and when she saw Caleb standing by her, she knew she was at the ghost club the boys mentioned. Tessa got off the floor, glancing down with a gasp when she saw she was wearing a different outfit.

"What did you do with my dress?" She demands, groaning when she saw she had heels on. "And what makes you think I can walk in these? Or play in these?" She asked, gesturing to her clothes and heels. The heels were a black and tall. The dress was black covered in sparkles and sequins, hugging her figure tightly. She felt uncomfortable in the attire, knowing it wasn't her style at all. She shifted uncomfortably, feeling like she couldn't breathe that well. She felt like she was suffocating in the tight dress and heels, longing for the comfort of her own clothes.

Caleb chuckles at her discomfort, his smirk never leaving his face. "Consider it part of your new uniform," He replies nonchalantly. "You'll get used to it in time."

Tessa gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to snap at him. She knew she had to keep her wits about her if she wanted to survive in this strange new environment.

Besides the fact she felt like she couldn't breathe, she had to admit she liked it, but she loved the dress her parents got her more. It meant a lot to her too, she hoped it wasn't ruined.

(this is what tessa looks like now for this part of the chapter)

"Relax, your dress is perfectly safe, it's back at your dressing room at The Orpheum." Caleb reassures her, not seeming to be bothered by the glare she sent her. "Should've mentioned that playing my house band meant you had to look the part." He said, looking over her outfit with approval. "And I gotta say, you look fabulous. You'll fit right in here."

Tessa couldn't help but roll her eyes at Caleb's comment, feeling anything but fabulous in her current attire. She resisted the urge to retort, knowing that getting into an argument with him wouldn't get her anywhere. "Right." Tessa mutters, rolling her eyes. She crosses her arms and shifts uncomfortably in her heels. "I'm gonna have a hard time playing and walking in these. They're too tall." She complained, glancing down at them with a frown. She hated heels, and these were worse. She felt like she was going to fall just by standing.

"You'll get used to it." Caleb shrugs, not caring if she was comfortable or not. Tessa takes a step back, her heart racing when he stepped towards her with a predatory gleam in his eyes. She resisted the urge to shrink away from him, steeling herself as she met his gaze head-on. "Now, let's get you acquainted with the rest of the band, shall we?"

Tessa's stomach churned as Caleb gestured for her to follow him towards the stage. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled over her, knowing that she was now trapped in Caleb's domain. She followed him reluctantly, her mind racing with thoughts of the boys and Julie, wondering if they were alright and if they were looking for her.

As they approached the stage, Tessa's eyes widened in surprise as she caught sight of the other members of Caleb's house band. They were a motley crew of ghosts, each one sporting a unique and eccentric look. Some were dressed in extravagant costumes while others were adorned with colorful accessories and makeup. Tessa couldn't help but feel out of place among them, her discomfort growing with each passing moment.

Caleb introduced her to the band members, each one greeting her with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. Tessa forced herself to smile and exchange pleasantries, all the while feeling like a fish out of water in this strange new world. She knew she had no choice. His hand was on her lower back, keeping her by his side as if to remind her that she was now under his control. It felt like he had an invisible leash wrapped around her, tugging her further into his twisted game. She resisted the urge to pull away from him, knowing it would only cause her more pain. His grip tightened on her, the threat of pain lingering in the air. Tessa bit her lip, keeping her gaze trained ahead as she followed Caleb through the crowd. She wasn't sure how she was able to walk in these heels easily, she could never walk in heels like this on her own. But she knew deep down it was Caleb's magic making her able to do things that were impossible for her. It made her wonder what else he was capable of.

The club itself was a dizzying array of sights and sounds, filled with humans and ghosts. Some ghosts were dressed in period-appropriate attire while others wore more modern outfits. The music was lively and infectious, with an undertone of dark danger lurking beneath the surface. The lights were dimmed and there was an eerie blue glow that seemed to permeate the entire place. There was also a faint scent of cigarette smoke and alcohol in the air, adding to the atmosphere. Tessa felt like she was getting a headache, the music and noise and everything was overwhelming her. She didn't feel comfortable. She felt so out of place in her new outfit, and the feeling didn't help her nerves.

Caleb's hand was on her lower back, reminding her of his presence and power. The feeling of his hand on her sent a chill down her spine, and she had a sinking feeling that this was only the beginning of her ordeal. She couldn't help but wonder how the boys and Julie were doing, hoping that they were okay and not in any pain. She kept getting reminded of her deal with Caleb, feeling a sharp pain in her chest and having her breath get knocked out of her as a result. It was a reminder that she was a captive in his club and that he held all the cards. Tessa steeled herself, trying to ignore the feeling of unease and fear that threatened to overwhelm her. She knew she had to be strong if she was going to survive this place.

"It's time to introduce you as my new house band member." He says, gesturing towards the stage. "Act like you're happy to be here."

Tessa didn't have a chance to protest as he waved his hands and she was on the stage, her electric guitar in her hands. She's surprised, but she shouldn't be. Caleb was a powerful ghost and she should have known he had his own tricks up his sleeves. She glanced at the audience and froze. There were so many people here. And ghosts, she guessed. Reggie had explained a bit of what the club was like. That real people and ghosts could interact here.

"Now, everyone! I'd like you to give a warm welcome to our new house band member." Caleb calls out as he appears on stage with a bright hand. "Please give a warm welcome to the lovely Tessa!" He announced, gesturing to her.

Tessa was taken back by all the attention, feeling a little overwhelmed. She forced a smile as she looked at the audience. There was applause and whistles and shouts, and the energy was almost infectious. She could feel herself start to relax a little, she wondered if it was just Caleb's magic or if it was the crowd itself. Either way, she couldn't deny the energy was intoxicating.

"Let's hear it for Tessa and the rest of the house band!" Caleb grinned, gesturing to the band who were behind her.

A new song is quick to start and before Tessa realized it she was playing along. She doesn't know how she knows this song without ever practicing it, she knew it must be Caleb's magic. She glanced at the crowd, seeing people dancing and cheering. She had to admit, it felt pretty great to be up on stage performing. Being in center stage, all eyes on her and hearing the cheers. The feeling was addictive.

As Tessa got lost in the music and the energy of the crowd, she couldn't shake off the nagging guilt that lingered in the back of her mind. She had made a deal with Caleb to save the boys, but at what cost? The joy of performing was overshadowed by the weight of betrayal. She couldn't forget the boys, the friends she had grown so close to, and the promises they made to each other. As the performance continued, Tessa's mind wandered back to the Orpheum, wondering how Reggie, Alex, and Luke were coping with the jolts and the approaching crossover. She felt a deep ache in her chest, a mix of longing and regret. She wished she could go back and change her decision, but she knew it was too late.

After the set, Caleb approaches her with a satisfied smile. "See? Wasn't that exhilarating? The crowd loves you. You were born for the stage, Tessa." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Tessa flinched, a shiver running down her spine at his touch. She couldn't help but feel wary around him, sensing the dark and dangerous power that lingered beneath his charm. "You've made the right choice," Caleb continues, his voice smooth and persuasive. "Stick with me and you'll go far. This is just the beginning of your journey." He pauses for a moment, his expression growing serious. "Remember our deal, Tessa. Don't disappoint me." He warned, his eyes flashing with a dangerous glint.

Another sharp pain hit her chest, reminding her of their deal and his warning. The pressure of his words weighed heavily on her, and Tessa swallows the lump in her throat. "I won't." She promised, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being trapped in a gilded cage. The applause and cheers echoed in her ears, but it felt hollow without the familiar presence of her bandmates. Without the boys and Julie, the stage felt empty and lonely. The guilt and longing in her heart only grew, and Tessa knew she had to find a way to fix this mess. But she couldn't help but wonder if it was already too late.

Caleb, sensing her conflicted emotions, leans in and whispers, "Don't worry, Tessa. The boys are safe from the jolts now. You did the right thing. Besides, we can't let those silly little emotions get in the way of your success. So, forget about them and focus on the bigger picture." He pulled back, his smirk never leaving his face.

"Will these jolts make me go extinct?" Tessa asks, hoping she was wrong. She had to ask. She was curious and didn't know the answer. "Or is it something else?"

"No, the jolts won't make you go extinct." Caleb replies, his tone dismissive. "It's something else. A different kind of pain, a different kind of torture." His expression darkened, a cold and calculating look in his eyes. "The jolts won't kill you, but you will live with them forever...Unless I decide to stop them. I'm the only way to make them disappear...Well, there is one other way, but it's a secret. If I told you, well, where's the fun in that?"

Tessa's heart sank at his words, and she felt a wave of dread wash over her. Another shudder runs down her spine at the implication of his words, the dark threat hanging in the air. She had no doubt that he would carry out his threat, and the thought made her blood run cold. The feeling of unease and dread grew, and Tessa found herself clinging to the last shred of hope that things would turn out okay in the end.

A/N ooh things just got even more interesting with this one! caleb has plans for tessa and the boys and they arent good ones. will the boys and julie come save her? or will tessa be stuck in calebs club for eternity?

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