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A/N to my Indonesian wattpad readers, I post my original story @suhaa_alhasnah it's all in Indonesian. Please read and follow me.

Just what KIND of shit Reginald hides from them?

Luther wouldn't know, of course. Even though he was treated as terribly as his siblings had been, Reginald's faux favouritism and his forced role as the 'oldest sibling' caused him to turn a blind eye towards the flaws of the old monocle-wearing man and thought of him as a good man, even when his siblings insist he wasn't a good man. Why did he let his eyes remain closed?

He should've known that something was up the minute he heard screams of someone begging to be let out of a room and nothing was done (he had asked Pogo but Pogo said that he needs to go back to bed) or that when he heard the sound of water rippling through (Grace assured him that everything was ok and he should go back to sleep).

He knew he can't trust the two for shits like this, no matter that they know more about Reginald and about the mansion than him. He can't trust them, not really. Sometimes he wondered if the old man loved the ape more than he loved any of the children (if Reginald ever truly DID love his children).

Luther walked back to the door and turned the knob, feeling that the knob wouldn't turn. Good. He has gotten more paranoid ever since he came back to Earth. He walked back to the bookshelves.

What is he really looking for? Luther didn't know what to expect from his findings. Hell, he didn't even know what he'll actually find, but there's gotta be something. Reginald hated children and never really loved the seven of them- a hard-to-swallow pill that Luther just now really swallowed- so why did he adopt the seven kids? He studied all of them during their childhood, this he knows. But what are the results? He should get the privilege of knowing them; he was his test subject!

Books after books he skimmed through the pages, not knowing what to really expect. Why are they named like that? Why is he Number One, Diego Number Two, Allison Number Three, so on and so forth? Is there a reason for it? There has to be!

Luther pulled a book out of the shelf, inspecting the exterior of the book. In his hand lays a vermilion book with golden 'frames' and golden RH printed in front, nothing else. Luther opened the book, immediately engulfed with the smell of old paper as the sight of yellowing papers filled his sight. Luther read the whole book with intent, carefully flipping the pages as to not tear the fragile pages.

Just WHY did Reginald write in cursive and WHY did he write his report in Ancient Greek? Well, this is the man that forced all of the kids to memorise Ancient Greek along with their supposed native language along with English so, as Klaus always says, this guy is old as hecc, Luther supposed. Luther sighed as he tried to read through the book (he may understand Ancient Greek, but Ancient Greek is still not his first language).

Number One, born in Germany.

Luther can only lift his eyebrows reading this. He always theorises that he's from Germany, never thought it'll actually be correct. So that's why Pogo taught him German along with English and Greek.

She seemed to have fractured her biological mother's finger at birth.

Luther bit his lips as he read the passage, reading how Reginald used the word her instead of his. He understands that Reginald won't bother to correct himself when he used the wrong pronouns in regards to his children (he wouldn't call them by their names) but still, it hurts. At least Grace and Pogo would.

Whoever his biological mother is, he should apologise for breaking her finger when he was born. How could he not feel sorry for the poor woman, she's probably not in any way ready to have a child and he fractured her finger just probably hours after he's born.

I bought her and her twin for $200.

$200? Really? Oh, that's cheap, Luther thought. He's worth more than $200! Who is his biological mother? Maybe he can storm in her house and then twist her ear for selling him for just $200 when Reginald is a literal billionaire and would pay like a million dollars! So cheap!

Hold on. The journal says 'he and his twin'. Luther has a twin? Luther and... who else? Luther's eyes skim to the lower half of the book, determined to know the identity of his twin.

I want to see if the "twin telepathy" thing is true, so I try to separate them. It seems that it was never true.

He wonders if his twin knew about this. Probably not, since it's implied that his dad also adopted his twin. Is it Diego? No, Diego learnt Spanish and not German as he did. Whoever his twin is, they must have learned German too. And the only possible candidates are Klaus and Five. His twin must be either of them! Or both of them? What if he's actually a triplet?

Curse Reginald for never exposing this. What harm can be done, really? Did he fear that the twins will rebel against him?

Number One seemed to have the stereotypical characteristics of a white German woman: white skin, blue eyes, blond hair and muscular physique, which her twin does not have.

Well, that he knows. Luther knows that he has the stereotypical features of a white German man. So his twin doesn't have blond hair, blue eyes, and a strong physique. Both Five and Klaus tick the boxes, both being scrawny and brunets, Five has green eyes and Klaus has brown eyes.

He read more of the report. The more he reads down, the more he recognises the facts. Well, they're his life, of course he would. But one question still lingered in his mind:

Who are his biological mum and twin?

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