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Number Four, born in Germany.

Luther flipped the page to read Klaus's report, trying to find out the identity of his twin. Luther's ear caught up the sound of five in-tune knocks on the hard-wood door, causing him to turn his head towards the door. The five in-tune knocks lets him know that it's Allison. Luther always feels calm yet excited with Allison for some reason. He can't really understand nor justify his feelings, but he does.

Luther closed the book shut and hide it in one of his many-layer jackets- he's not ready to share the information he found on it yet- and unlocked the door, stepping out of the room. Outside, he faced Allison who has a facial expression equivalent to a kicked puppy- wide, sorrowful eyes, constant frown, curved elbows in an unconfident stature.

"Where were you?" Allison signed.

"Here, looking at Dad's study," Luther answered simply. "Why?"

"Other siblings and I will eat," Allison signed again. "I think you'd like to join."

"Yeah, I'd really like it. Thanks for telling me, Allison." Luther was about to leave when Allison pulled him back to face her, still with her sorrowful expression.

"What is it?"

"I'm going back to LA overmorrow, I managed to compromise with Patrick to let me see Claire again," Allison revealed. "I know it's just two days ago that we've been back in 2019, but I really miss Claire."

"That's great news, Allison!" Luther grinned. "Can you bring her here someday to see her uncles and aunt? I'd really love to meet my niece."

"Someday, yeah, maybe a week from now." Allison signed and smiled nervously. Luther frowned, he never saw that from his sister. "But that's not the only thing."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you after dinner, alright?" Allison asked. "I promise."

"Is it good news?"

"Depends on how you'll take it."

In other words, it is NOT going to be good news.

"Ok." Luther took a deep breath and sighed. Allison gave her brother a big hug, one he deserves, and Luther hugged her back.

"I won't be mad at you," Luther whispered. "I can never be mad at you."

Allison only smiled sadly and gave her brother a pat in the back before they departed, Allison leaving him alone.

Luther took this as a chance to walk back to his room, hiding the book under his many books in his study. He makes sure that the book is hidden well enough so that if someone is ever to barge in his room, they can't find the book immediately. After hiding it, he started to leave his room to the dining table.

"Nummer Eins!" Luther whipped his head to see the source of the voice, Klaus. "Eat with us, come on."

"Sure thing, Nummer Vier." Luther rolled his eyes and sat on one of the empty seats, which is beside Diego and Allison.

"Yeay! Full house!"

"Klaus, don't scream. You're 33 and not 17, damn it." Five rolled their eyes. Luther really has to get used to seeing Five as not a 13-year-old kid anymore, but a 30-year-old person. Since they gave the correct equation to their younger self, they turned to look the "supposed" age of 30.

"Ah yes, the numbers again," Diego interrupted. "If it was up to me, we'd be Team Zero."

"Zero is technically still a number," Vanya interrupted from two seats next to Diego. "If you paid attention to Pogo's lessons, you'd know."

It's really weird to see Vanya more confident and more open to them, but Luther isn't complaining. He likes it. She's still wheelchair-bound but she has recollected the memory lost in the 1960s with Ben's help (should Ben really leave them?).

"Vanya you wouldn't say anything if you want to survive," Diego turned to face her. "Wait where are- oh, down there you are."

"Let's see about that, Homo Erectus." Vanya started, shaking her head.

"If you blow up the moon again, Vanya," Five interjected. "I swear I won't help you this time."

"Oh, you will."

"Oh, will I?"

Luther chuckled at all the constant bickering between his siblings. It's really good to see them getting along- unlike in the first 2019 where they're all constantly bitter of the family they're forced in nor the 1960s where they didn't even KNOW where the others are (also the apocalypse thing that kept them all on their toes). It's nice to see them this happy again- and together.

"So, with dear ol' Dad gone," Klaus started. "What happens to the house? It's big and I'm sure Pogo and Mum won't mind caring for the house."

"Are you sure it's wise to let Mum here?" Luther asked. "I mean if her hardware is degrading-"

"If you're saying that sh-sh-she's a robot and she sh-should be t-turned off, I'll cut you alive." Diego gave Luther a sideways glare.


"No, I mean," Luther sighed. "She's programmed to take care of us for as long as Dad lived. But Dad isn't alive anymore."


"Now that Dad's not here, it's only a matter of time before Mum dies too," Luther continued. "Are we going to wait until she loses her sanity and dies on her own? Are we really that mean? You're all going to leave this house and her-"

"Are you saying you're not?" Vanya cuts. "Luther- you can't stay here. This is your home and ours, but it affects you."

"Dad isn't here-"

"But you're still haunted by him," Five continued.

"And how do you know?"

"I would say it here but you wouldn't appreciate it," Five countered. "I'll stay."

"What- why?"

"I'm 58, I have let all my anger with Dad out," Five explained. "I've taken all the necessary measures to let him go, I know not to let my emotions override my rationality."

"What about Mum?"

"I'll let her live," Five decided. "If she dies, she dies. I can take it."

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