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In the lair Lizzie picked up a microphone and turned on music

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Lizzie: I used to hear
simple songs then you
came along now in its
place some thing new
I always hear it when I
look at you with simple
songs I wanted more
and the perfection is
quick to bore you are
handsome by far our
flaws are who we are
I used to hear a simple
song that was until you
came along you took
my melody now I hear
a symphony!

The music stopped and the turtles were trying not to cry

Lizzie: so what do think? Am I in the band?

All: Y-Yes!

Raph: Alright babies let's boogie down

Lizzie: Huh?

Leo: he's in character just go with it

Lizzie: Oh got it

Raph: Our adoring public awaits albearto land ain't gonna grand open itself

Leo: How did we get this sweet gig again?

Donnie: Well I may or may not have intercepted a little email address to a certain Justin B yeah comma that one dot com

Leo: Hey I don't want to get ahead of myself but our music and Lizzie's singing is so new its like it's from outer space!

Donnie: our lectro slash soul.rap slash glam rock is too good to quantify

Lizzie: I prefer any music that fits my mood besides I always liked musicals where people start singing for no reason or when the moment is perfect for a song

Donnie: wow that sounds annoying

Mikey: Once we leave this lair out music is gonna change everything!

Raph: Let's harmonize for good luck Now!


The turtles and Lizzie were on a stage in albearto land. The curtains were closed

Leo: Ok look I'm excited for the gig but this place is crawling with Albeartos

Donnie: So?

Lizzie: I was so excited to sing my new song to

Leo: Last time we met one things didn't go so well remember?

Donnie: I do not.

Leo: You turned a cuddly animatronic bear into a psychotic robot bent on destroying us

Lizzie: it destroyed the whole pizza place

Leo: Got April fired? Nothing?

Donnie: That doesn't sound like me no

Lizzie: it actually completely sounds like you

The five of them heard the crowd screaming but they thought I was cheering.

Mikey: Can you hear that? This crowd is wild for us!

Raph: We are so good we don't even need to play to make people go crazy baby

Leo: Are you boys ready for our lives to change?

Lizzie: yes! this is our moment in the spotlight!

The curtains opened but the turtles and Lizzie saw the amusement park on fire and people running for there lives from Albearto robots

Lizzie: what happened?!

Leo: Those bots are ruining our gig!

Donnie: as well as harassing hundreds and hundreds of people

Leo: Which is ruining our gig! Lizzie I promise you will sing the song you wrote!

Lizzie: I didn't write the song. I just heard it and really liked it

The five of them entered the fight

Leo: It's one thing to trap innocent people in a park of doom!

Leo hit a robot with his guitar

Leo: It's another to ruin our first gig and keep Lizzie from singing!

Mikey tied up another robot with his whip and threw it at one of the games people could play

Mikey: Swing a bunga!

Lizzie: get lost robots!

Lizzie and Raph hit more Albearto robots with their microphones

Lizzie: tonight this is our show!

Raph: Alright we beat those Albearto's

Mikey: Yes but we lost our loving fans

People were running out of the amusement park

Albearto: Haha! You can't stop me from my chums! No one can! Let's spice up these meatballs!

All of the other Albearto robots were now under his control

Donnie: These animatronics stereotypes are ruining our gig

Lizzie: I know I'm starting to get tired of it!

Albearto: At last humans will be our mascots our servers our entertainers and we will not tip. The only thing in our way is those turtles and cat! Shred them!

The robots attacked the turtles and Lizzie and they they took the Highground on the stage

Mikey: This gig stinks. Why did we even start a band in the first place?

Leo: Because we wanted to change the world and bring people joy with eclectic sound

Lizzie: also it sounds like a good idea and it's run

Raph: And is there any reason why that should work for animatronic robots?

Donnie: No I cannot think of one

Raph: Lizzie time to show these robots what your made of!

Lizzie: but what about you guys?

Leo: this is your moment

Lizzie smiled picked up a microphone and the turtles started playing music

Lizzie: I have followed
my heart into the fire
got burned got broken
down by desire I have
tried I've tried but the
smoke in my eyes left
me blurry blurry and
blind I have picked all
the pieces up off the
ground I have burned
my fingers but that's
gone now got all the
glue in my hands and
It sticking to the plan
says I can do anything
this is my kiss goodbye
you can stand alone
watch me fly because
nothing's keeping me
down gonna let it all
up come on and say
right now right this is
my big hello because
I'm here never letting
go I can finally see it
Is not a dream when
you set it all free all
free all free you set
it all free I was a girl
caught under you're
thumb but my stars
gonna shine brighter
than your sun and I
will reach high shoot
so far gonna hit going
hit hit all targets make
it count this time I will
make it count all this
time so this is my kiss
goodbye you'll stand
alone and watch me
fly because nothing's
keeping me down I'm
going to let it up come
on and say right now
this is my hello cause
I'm here never letting
go I can finally see it's
not just a dream when
you set it all free this
so is my kiss goodbye
you can stand alone
watch me fly because
nothing's keeping me
down I'm gonna let it
all out come on and
say right now this is
my big hello because
I'm here never letting
go I can finally see it
is not just a dream so
set it all free!

There was a huge sound wave that destroyed all the robots

Leo: Guys it's working!

Donnie: They do appear more peaceful

Lizzie: I think the robots actually enjoyed my song!

Leo kissed her cheek

Leo: you were amazing Liz

Mikey: Guys we did it

Donnie: We nailed our first gig

Raph: We are the Mad Dogs!

Lizzie: Goodnight Albearto land!

Lizzie dropped the microphone in a cool way. Then they started leaving

Raph: Hungry?

Leo: Pizza?

Donnie: Albeartos?

Mikey: Guarantee!

Lizzie: extra anchovies for me!

The End

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