Stuck On You

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Lizzie entered Donnie's lab

Lizzie: Hey guys. Ready to watch Lou jitsu-?

She saw the turtles stuck together

Leo: Hey Liz!

Lizzie: what happened to you guys?!

Leo: ask Raph!

Raph: Calm down. This is gonna be awesome! Being stuck together is gonna force us to work together as a team. Lizzie you'll us make sure we stay on track!

Lizzie: I feel like I should get you guys unstuck first

Leo: wait this is a team building exercise?

Donnie: How are we gonna get unglued?!

Raph: Relax I'm sure you have a formula to get us unstuck Donnie

Donnie: Actually I do not have a formula. My FAB spray is still in beta

Leo: FAB?

Donnie: F.A.B. Foam agent bonding. It's state of the art

Donnie starting talking about science

Leo: Not this again you see Raph usually when Donnie is in speech mode I could just run away but now I'm stuck. Lizzie go while you still can!

Lizzie: I'm not leaving you like this!

Computer: Donnie detection a crime is in progress

Raph: Yes! A mission it's go time

Lizzie: are you sure you can fight stuck together? I can go by myself

Raph: No! We got this! Let us handle it!

The turtles tried to walk it was hard but they made it to Donnies computer

Raph: Donnie what's your password?

Donnie: I am not telling that. Just let me enter it

Leo: How? We don't have any hands.

Lizzie: Donnie why don't you tell me I'll type it in and won't tell anyone

Donnie: No! I'm not saying what it is

Mikey: Try I love my family

Raph and Leo type it in but it didn't work

Mikey: Try I love my brothers

That password also didn't work

Donnie: Stop! It's not that... It's Bootyyyshakker9000 capital B and three Ys in booty

Raph mikey Leo and Lizzie laughed

Donnie: What? You know I love to dance. Not going to apologize for that!

The computer showed someone breaking into a museum

Raph: Someone is breaking into the Museum of Art and Framing!

Mikey: art thieves!

Lizzie: it does make sense those paintings are probably worth a lot

Raph: Let's move! To the Turtle Tank!


The turtles and Lizzie go to the turtle tank but the turtles couldn't fit inside

Raph: Everybody suck in.

The turtles inhale and hold their breath and try again. Lizzie even tried to push them in but it still didn't work

Donnie: Let's use the Shell Hogs.

Raph Leo mikey and Lizzie: Yes! What's a shell hog?

Donnie: Did none of you read the tank's instructions manual I gave you?

Lizzie: I might've skipped a few pages

Raph: It's on my to do list.

Donnie: Just push that button on the side

Raph pushed a button on the turtle tank and two motorcycles came out of the tank

All: Awesome!

Raph: Why are there only two?

Donnie: I'm afraid I have not gotten around to making the rest. Maybe they'll come out during the holiday season so you know they're special

Lizzie: your making it sound like toys to cell for Christmas

Leo: Donnie these are amazing and I know everything I say sounds sarcastic but I'm being completely genuine this time

Raph: Let's ride


The turtles and Lizzie made it into the museum but crashed the motorcycle

Raph: Everyone keep your eyes open. Let me know if you see anything suspicious

Lizzie: don't worry Raph I can see in the dark. This is going to be-

She tripped on a piece of a broken statue

Lizzie: easy...

Leo: You ok Lizzie? I would help you up but I'm stuck!

Lizzie got back up

Lizzie: I'm fine but thanks Leo

Then mikey and Leo both saw something move

Mikey and Leo: I see something move over on the left/right no this way!

Lizzie: i'll go right you guys can go left

Raph: don't we have to stick together!

Leo: that's not funny Raph!

Raph: No this is what teamwork is

He started reading something on his hand

Raph: We put aside our individual goals to do what's best for the team

Donnie: Why do you sound like your reading?

Raph: Let's follow Mikey's lead first. Careful don't break anything

The turtles were about to bump into a statue

Lizzie: Guys stop before-!

They bumped into the statute and it knocked down other statues like domino's

Donnie: Lizzie was didn't you warn us?

Lizzie: I tired to!

The five of the saw mutant silverfish

Leo: mutant silverfish? They're into art?

Lizzie: since you guys can't really fight I'll handle this

Hypnopotamus appeared in a puff of smoke

Hypno: Flawless entry now to-

He saw the turtles stuck together

Mypno: What happened to you? Did some creepy doctor chop you up into tiny bits and then sew you back together?

Rsph: What No! It's team building!

Lizzie: but it's not really working yet

Hypno: Team building my former hippo assistant Doug and I used to love to teambuild

Lizzie: I handle you on my own to!

Raph:I'm giving you one chance to get out of here before we-

Foot lieutenant and Foot brute teleported in the museum

Mikey: Foot face guys?

Donnie: It's those flamc face foot foes fellas

Lizzie: what is everyone even doing here?

Brute: What happened to you guys? Did a doctor cut you up and then-

Lizzie: enough with the creepy doctor!

Raph: Is there a creepy doctor running around that we don't know about?

Hypno: Looks like you go to choose between me or them. A classic Wellington's choice!

He ran off to a different part of the museum

Donnie: He's getting away into the at exhibit on the occult! Quick Follow him!

Lizzie: what about the flame guys?

Lieutenant: Hurry! Let's get the device while these idiots are stuck together!

Raph: It's team building!

Foot lieutenant and foot brute ran off

Lizzie: i'll follow them you guys go after hypno!

Leo: no you'll be outnumbered!

Mikey: Why are we stuck together when there are literally three villains?

Warren stone: Make that four! Warren stone the biggest baddest of them all is here to get in on the-

Lizzie: not now worm guy!

Leo: can you give us a minute we got a lot on our plate here

Mikey: We need to go after the flame heads

Donnie: No Hypno

Lizzie: we should split up! I'll go after the flame heads

Mikey: good idea! flame heads!

Donnie: Hypno!

Lizzie: split up!

Mikey: flame heads!

Donnie: Hypno!

Lizzie: split up!

Raph: enough!

He started reading what was on his hand again

Raph: deal with the problem that's in front of us. Like the perfect theam

Donnie: That makes perfect sense. Ok theam what are we going to do?

Raph: We roll!

Mikey: roll what

Lizzie: do mean like roll with it?

Raph: Us! get on our side It's bonding time! Stand back Lizzie!

Lizzie: you don't have to tell me twice

Lizzie stood back and the turtles rolled around the entire museum

Mikey: Guys I-I don't feel so good!

Raph: Focus we roll as a team!

Lizzie: I believe in you!

They kept rolling I defeated all the mutant silverfish. Raph threw them all in a trash can

Raph: Good job team we saved the place!

Donnie: Please never make me boulder again...

Lizzie: what about Hypno and the flame heads?

Raph: Oh right!


The turtles and Lizzie found hypno in another room in the museum

Raph: Okay Hypno. Time to send you back to- I mean...

Leo: Wait I got it Hypno time to send you back-

Lizzie: Time to send you back to the stage where you came from!

Hypno: Eh could be better

Lizzie: it's not like I had time to come up with one!

Hypno hypnotized Raph

Hypno: Now that you're under my control how about you leave this place and-

Leo: We're not under your control

Lizzie: so give up while you have the chance!

Leo: Let's get him!

Leo Donnie Mikey and Lizzie attacked hypno and he was hit against the wall. Now Raph wasn't hypnotized anymore

Raph: What happened?

Leo: We stopped him

Raph: Like the perfect team

Leo: No more terrible team building ideas!

Lizzie: There is no way you're all staying stuck like this!

Raph: now there's one set of bad guys left!


Raph Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie found the foot clan in another part of the museum

Leo: Will this nightmare ever end?

Brute: This is really going to hurt you

He puts on the gauntlet and blasted a Energy blast at the turtles. The four of them hit the wall

Lizzie: you want a fight?! You got one!

Lizzie took out her scythe and summoned electricity

Leo: whoa...

Suddenly the shell holding the turtles together broke freeing them

Leo: Yes we're free!

Leo hugged Lizzie and kissed her cheek

Leo: I can hug and kiss you again!

Lizzie: Aww! That's so sweet Leo!

Mikey: I missed you guys

Donnie: no one needs to be that close to their family

Donnie saw Raph about to cry

Donnie: No offense

Lieutenant: You moron blast them again!

Foot brute started blasting the turtles and Lizzie again and they took cover

Raph: I really thought this would bring us together the F.A.B. was a stupid idea so let's do Lizzie's thing and split up

Lizzie: you know what forgot that idea

Leo: yeah your plan worked and we're a petter team now

Lizzie: I may not have been stuck with you guys but that doesn't matter

Donnie: what if we didn't split up?

Mikey: What if we got the F.A.B. five back together?

Lizzie: this time I'll be stuck with you!

Raph: Sure but how?

The turtles and Lizzie used Warren stone as a rope to  tie the shell back together and they were all stuck again

Lizzie: this feels so weird!

Raph: Let's do this!

The five of them attacked the foot clan and worked together to take them down.

Foot brute and foot Lieutenant escape through a portal and then it closed but the turtles and Lizzie didn't notice. Then the shell broke again

Mikey: F.A.B. mode is awesome!

Raph: Now we are the perfect team

Lizzie: we were already a good team before but now we're even better

The five of them left the museum but Warren stone I found the gauntlet

The End

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