Mrs. Cuddles

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In the lair the turtles April splinter and Lizzie were watching TV

Raph: Congrats on the acting job April! I'm so happy for you I could punch a rainbow.

April: It's just a tiny basic cable show

Lizzie: it's still a job and you have to start somewhere right?

April: That's true Liz!

Leo: Say how'd you like to sit in the front row Raph?

Raph: Okay!

Raph sat in front of the TV and a commercial started

April (on the TV): Hi kids. It's time for the Laffy Fun Time Hour with Mrs Cuddles!

Raph saw the doll and started to freak out

Lizzie: Raph you ok?

Raph: y-yeah I'm-!

Mrs Cuddles (on the TV): Let's be friends forever

Raph: AHHH!!!

He hid behind the couch and everyone laughed except Lizzie. She started comforting Raph

Donnie: It's just as good as I thought it would be

Raph: Hey you guys know I can't watch this

April: Is my acting that bad?

Lizzie: why are you making fun of his fear?

Leo: relax it's just a joke Liz!

Splinter: Raph's fear flops make me laugh every time!

Raph: What? You think I'm afraid of Mrs. Cuddles? I'm just upset about something else. Which I'll think what that is later

April: Be nice guys. You know I bet a sandwich would make you feel better Raph


Raph went to the kitchen to make a sandwich

Raph:Wish I had sandwiches for brothers. Be better than those jerks. At least Lizzie was trying to help. Okay sure I'm a little jumpy. But afraid? Raph don't do afraid

He opened a cabinet and Mrs. cuddles popped out of it


Raph backed away quickly and fell on the floor. The others saw a the whole thing

Donnie: Oh I am enjoying this

April: The guys told me Mrs. Cuddles totally freaks you out. So I brought her over in a trunk for a sweet prank

Lizzie: guys this is going to far!

Donnie: your right. Hey no hard feelings okay big brother? Let's be fwiends forever! Hahaha!

Raph: Good one, making my heart almost explode. And for the record these are tears of laughter. I'm laughing at you!

The turtles and April leave the kitchen

Lizzie: if you want Raph I know a few ways to help you calm down

Raph: thanks Lizzie but I'm fine really! Forget about her evil eyes and those floppy ears that are always haunting you

Raph and Lizzie look at the doll again but it was gone

Lizzie: Uh did you move it?

Raph: N-No!

They both turned around and saw Mrs. cuddles on the table

Raph: I must have forgotten I put it there. Yeah that's it

Lizzie: they're probably just playing a prank on you again. I'll talk to to them later

Raph: y-your good friend Lizzie!

Mrs. Cuddles: Who wants a pickle?

Lizzie and Raph: AHHH!!!

Raph: IT'S ALIVE!!!

Mrs. Cuddles: Howdy hi big screamers. Usually I hear giggles all day but what I love is screams! They make me grow and grow!

Lizzie checked to see if there were any strings attached to the doll and they're worried

Lizzie: I don't believe it! It's real! I thought I was done with ghosts!

Raph: You've seen a ghost before?!

Lizzie: Long story short me mikey Leo and April thought a ghost was real but it wasn't!

Raph: we have to warn the others! You guys! Mrs. Cuddles is real!

April Donnie mikey and Leo come back

Leo: Scaredy pants say what?

Raph: Okay fine you were right I am afraid of Mrs. Cuddles but she turns out she's really real!

April: Okay we get it. We took the joke too far

Lizzie: you did but it's true! We saw it!

Leo: Liz I love you but you can't fool us

Raph: Watch!

He looked at Mrs. Cuddles

Raph: Okay demon reveal yourself!

Mrs cuddles didn't do anything

Lizzie: are you serious?!

Mikey: When you're ready to grow up and be an adult Raphael and Elizabeth we'll be in the arcade

April Donnie mikey and Leo went to the arcade

Raph: Guys don't leave us alone with the-!

Lizzie: we handle this! There's two of us and one doll

Raph: yeah! We can do this just show her we're not afraid of her

Lizzie: that's the spirit!

They both saw Mrs. Cuddles was gone again

Raph and Lizzie: AHH!!!


Splinter was watching TV when Raph and Lizzie ran up to him

Raph: Have you seen Mrs. Cuddles? She's vanished. Shes out there just waiting to pounce!

Lizzie: she gets bigger when you scream so don't scream!

Raph saw Mrs. Cuddles on the TV

Raph: AHH!! Save yourself!!

He ran off

Lizzie: Raph wait! It's just the TV!

Lizzie followed Raph

Splinter: I will never marry any of them off except Blue


Raph and Lizzie ran into the arcade where April Donnie mikey and Leo were playing games

Raph: We can't find Mrs. Cuddles!

Lizzie: she's on the lose!

April: You lost the puppet? Oh man I am so fired! I'll check the kitchen

Lizzie: No! That's exactly what she wants you to do!

Raph: but If you're gonna go take a bat! Or the turtle tank! and don't scream!!

Lizzie: Shh!!

Raph: your right! We have to stay quiet!


Raph and Lizzie kept looking for Mrs. Cuddles

Lizzie: I can't take anymore jump scares! I can handle anything looks creepy but not if it sneaks up from behind!

Raph: I know! We have to stop her before it's to late!

They both heard Donnie scream

Raph and Lizzie: Donnie!


Raph and Lizzie run into Donnie's lab

Raph: I really hope this is another prank Donnie

Lizzie: if it is we're really not in the mood right now!

Mrs. Cuddles was suddenly in front of them

Mrs. Cuddles: Penny for your thoughts Raph and Lizzie?

Raph: Where's Donnie?!

Lizzie: did you hurt him?!

Mrs. Cuddles: No and he's in a happy place where he'll scream and I can grow forever and now your going to join him!

She attacked them using Donnies Bo staff

Lizzie: your going in a timeout!!

Lizzie Electrocuted Mrs. cuddles without her scythe

Raph: Whoa! How did you do that?!

Lizzie: I-I don't know

Raph: well it was awesome!

Lizzie: thanks!


Raph and Lizzie took Mrs. Cuddle's to the arcade and locked her in a closet

Raph: Now to lock you up until we figure out how to shrink and get you back in your trunk!

Lizzie: I'll add extra locks to the trunk!

Leo: Wow Mikey we really broke them. Hey Liz want to skateboard with us?

Lizzie: sorry Leo I can't right now. I'm too busy stopping a demon doll!

Leo: if you say so

Leo and mikey left to go skateboard. Then splinter walked up to Raph and Lizzie

Splinter: I left my naping robe here when I was playing Zombie unicorn.

Raph: Sorry pops there's a great evil that I'm protecting us from!

Lizzie: the Mrs. Cuddle's doll is alive!

Splinter: Why didn't you say so? Lizzie and I will guard the door while you grab the weapons

Raph: great idea!

Raph left to find weapons but then splinter just opened the closet

Lizzie: what are you doing splinter?!

Splinter: getting my rope

Lizzie saw Mrs cuddle's in front of her

Mrs. Cuddle's: let me hear you scream!

Lizzie: AHHH!!


Lizzie woke up and tied up with Leo mikey Donnie and April

Leo: Lizzie! Are you ok?

Lizzie: now you ask if I'm ok?

Leo: what do you mean?

Lizzie: I've been terrified all day and it didn't look like you cared!

Leo: your right. I'm sorry... I just thought you thought it was creepy looking!

Lizzie: I forgive you and right now we have to help Raph

Leo: speaking of wu which. Mikey when she kept growing that wasn't a clue to stop screaming?

Mikey: Sorry but hopefully Raph heard me.

Leo: Astronauts heard you!

April: Why can't we just scream for help now? Oh right we scream she grows not smart got it

Mikey: I'm starting to think this prank was a bad idea

Lizzie: you think?!


Raph and splinter defeated Mrs. Cuddle's but forgot about Leo mikey Donnie April and Lizzie

Leo: Guys...

April: Anybody there?

Mikey: Somebody untie us

Lizzie: is Mrs. Cuddle's gone?

Donnie: I'm afraid of togetherness

The End

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