The Gumbus

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In the lair mikey and Lizzie were under blankets watching scary videos. Mikey was sacred but Lizzie wasn't

Leo: what are you two watching?

Mikey and Lizzie came out of her blankets

Mikey: I was just watching my favorite can stacking channel

Lizzie: mikey asked me to watch it with him

Leo: thank is being idea we can go to the movies for our next date!

Lizzie: That sounds great Leo!

April: wait can stacking? Okay...

Mikey: It's a thing. There's the one supermarket stock boy. He builds forts towers national monuments

Lizzie: it's actually kinda cool

Leo looked at Mikey's tablet

Leo: Yeah I see his channel has a like.

Mikey: I would've liked it twice if I could. Anyway he's at the store after hours and you have to see it!

The four of them watched the lasted video and Baxter Stock boy was attacked by a ghost he called the

April: Whoa! What's a Gumbus?

Mikey: It's a ghost that haunts the Stock N Shop.

Leo: There's gotta be a simple answer. Earthquakes magnets giant prankster mice. There's no such thing as ghosts

Mikey: What? How can you say there's no such thing as ghosts when there's no such a thing as us? The Gumbus is real!

Leo: No it's not! Lizzie back me up here

Lizzie: I don't know Leo. There are a lot of different kinds of creatures and yokai where I'm from. A ghost isn't completely out of the question

Mikey: see?! Lizzie believes me!

Lizzie: I'm sure there's someone who knows about ghosts

Mikey: really? Who you gonna call?

Lizzie: I have no idea

April: Only one way to settle this heated debate. We head up to the Stock N Shop and tamper with the mysterious forces of the underworld!

Lizzie: I'll go with you. It would be cool to see a real ghost up close

Leo: your not scared?

Lizzie: I grew up in the hidden city. There are a lot more scarier things then ghosts

Mikey: I'm fine just getting the pants scared off of me in my pillow fort

Leo: Oh no. April's right. I'm going prove to you there's no such thing as a Gumbus.

Mikey: Leo no I don't want to go please!

April: Yeah! Ghost hunting!


Leo mikey April and Lizzie fell through the vents in the stop N shop store and fell on the floor

Mikey: everyone ok?

Leo: yeah but mikey why did you bring a vacuum cleaner?

Mikey: To suck up the ghost. It's lined with tin foil to keep him in

Lizzie: how do you know that will work?

Mikey: I looked it up on the Internet!

Leo: then it must work!

Lizzie facepalmed and April looked around the store

April: Guys check this out. This place is like Christmas morning for food

Mikey: This place is creepy

April: creepy or awesome! Answer both

They all heard something fall on the floor

Mikey: what was that?!

Lizzie: sounds like something fell on the floor

Mikey: yeah but what?!

Lizzie: I don't know probably just a can

Lizzie moved her flashlight up and saw a moving toy train

Leo: A model train. Simple answer.

Mikey: What kind of sicko puts a model train in a grocery store?

April: Focus guys. We came here to see a ghost, and a ghost we shall see

Mikey bumped into Leo and started using the vacuum cleaner

Mikey: take that ghost!!

Leo shut off the vacuum

Leo: I'm not a ghost!

Mikey: and now we know for sure

Lizzie heard something

Lizzie: uh guys-

April: What is the hold up guys?

Leo: I don't know ask Mikey

Lizzie: Leo I can hear-

Leo: I know you get what I'm saying.

Lizzie: no! Well yes but-

Mikey: I feel like somebody's watching us.

April: Me too. Isn't it great?

Lizzie: that's what I'm trying to tell you! I can hear something moving!

Mikey: What?!

Leo: Relax the only people here are the four of us

Suddenly Leo was hit with a mop

Mikey: The gumbus got Leo!

Lizzie: it's just a mop

Leo: thank you Lizzie! There's no such thing as a Gumbus

He threw the mop on the floor and saw Baxter stock boy

Leo: you? What's the big idea?

Baxter: I'm sorry! I thought you were the Gumbus Wait are you turtles and a cat?

Mikey: We're not into labels. All that matters is that we're huge fans of your haunting videos

Lizzie: I'm Lizzie this is Mikey April and my boyfriend Leo

Leo blushed was still getting used to being called Lizzie's boyfriend

Baxter: Always great to meet my fans in any form. Did you subscribe and donate?

Mikey: No but we've been thinking about meaning to

April: So can you tell us about this awesome ghost?

Leo: Or figment of your imagination

Baxter: Perfect timing I was about to vlog about that

He took out his phone and started filming himself

Baxter: The Gumbus. It all goes back to ancient times 1987. I'll spare you the gory details. The greatest stockboy the store's ever seen. Jeremiah Gumbus was crunch of the chains of the milk processing plant!

Mikey: What happened to spearing the gory details?

Baxter: Chain and soul combined and now as the chain laded Gumbus he haunts the aisles of the store. Legend has it the only way to free the Gumbus from his eternal torment is-

Baxter was suddenly tied up in chains

Baxter: THE GUMBUS!!

He was pulled into the dark hallway screaming

Mikey: Got a simple answer for that Leo?

Lizzie: there's a chance all this is real

Leo: Obviously he's behind the cans

He knocked down the cans but he saw the words 'save me' written on the wall

Leo: It can't be! No! This can't be happening! There's gotta be an explanation!

Lizzie heard something again and saw a turkey on the floor

Baxter: I'm alive!

Lizzie: Holy shell!!


Baxter: Guys it's me! Stockboy The Gumbus trapped me in here. Hold on a second

He took out his phone and started filming himself

Leo: This is happening... This is really happening...

Lizzie: honestly I'm not that surprised. We've seen a lot crazier stuff

Leo: you know that's true

April: Hide behind the giblets. I'll smash you out!

Baxter: No! You'll destroy my soul! And mess up my inventory. The only way to expel Gumbus is to build his greatest creation the liberty stack. You'll need to access my video subscribe and donate-

Mikey: I've seen that 1,000 times for free. I can do it!

April: come on guys!

The four of them ran up to cans to stack but pizza started floating around them. Then the pizzas were thrown at them. Leo was hit in the face with one

April: mikey!

Mikey: Cover me!

Lizzie kicked away a pizza that was about to hit mikey and he started stacking the cans

Mikey: This is exactly that the real Michelangelo went through when he created stuff! And we're basically the same level of artists!

Mikey finished the statue and all the food stopped floating

Leo: w-we did it!

Lizzie: it's over! The ghost is gone!

April: Mikey! You appeased the Gumbus!

Mikey: What can I say? I'm the best

Suddenly all the lights went out but Lizzie could still see

Lizzie: don't worry guys I can see in the dark

Lizzie April and Leo saw the ghost behind Mikey. He turned around and saw it to

All: AHH!!

The four of them started running

Lizzie: mikey now would be a good time to use that vacuum cleaner!

Mikey: I dropped it!

Leo: I hate this! I hate this!

Mikey: where's the exit?!

Leo: How long is this freezer aisle?

Lizzie: now that you mention it this store is huge!

The Gumbus moved to shelves to block there path

Leo: He's gonna block us in!

April: Yes. Ramming speed!

Lizzie: is this going to hurt?

April: probably!

April Leo Lizzie and Mikey break through the shelves and fall on the floor

Mikey: are we dead?

Lizzie: even if I died I would be ok since I got eight lives left. I mentioned that before

Leo: wait I thought cats have nine lives

Lizzie: we do

Leo: then that means you died before?!

Lizzie: it's a LONG story

April: you'll have to tell us that story eventually and things will be fine. We know how these things go. As long as we stick together and don't split up We'll be okay

the cabinet turns around moving April to the other side of the shelf and then the Gumbus appeared. Leo
Mikey and Lizzie immediately run away and take cover

Leo: Since this is my first time being wrong Is it always this scary?

Mikey: Yes! But now that thing's got April

Lizzie: we need a way to stop that ghost!

Mikey: I got the only thing that can stop it

He picked up the vacuum cleaner

Mikey: Get thee back to the netherworld fiend!

Mikey turned it on and started sucking the ghost inside it

Mikey: It's working! And I don't even know what it's plugged in to!

Lizzie: nice work mikey!

But mikey just sucked off a sheet of fabric and a big toy robot was underneath

Mikey: A robot?

Leo: Right? The simple answer. I was right! I was right! I was right!

Lizzie: so we were scared for no reason this whole time?

Mikey: yep. We were scared of something that doesn't even exist

The robot started to attack them

Leo: Real stuff is scary enough as it is. Defend yourself!

Lizzie dodged one of the attacks

Lizzie: I forgot my scythe at home!

April hit the robot with a baseball bat

April: April O'Neil! you wish you were a ghost gumbus!

Baxter walked out of the robot

Mikey: What? you?

Leo: Duh he was literally 100 percent of the people we know from this place

Leo picked up his phone

Leo: what's this? You were recording this whole time weren't you?

Lizzie: sorry Baxter but we can't let you post this

Baxter: I had to make the video! Because of cheapskates like you! Who watch my videos but never subscribe and donate!

April: so you did all this for money?

Lizzie: you scared all of us half to death just so you could get 15 minutes of fame?

Baxter: Look this is my parents store. They don't even pay me to work here. But there's big bucks on hoaxes.

Mikey: Looks like you're done. We'll be taking the footage with us

Lizzie: more specifically deleting it

Baxter: you'll pay for this! You will rue the day you cross young man genius Baxter Stockboy!

April: Wait a minute. Your name is Stockboy? And you're a stock boy?

They all started laughing

Lizzie: that's the most hilarious coincidence ever!

Baxter: I'll teach you to laugh at me! Now you will feel the wrath of-

His parents entered the store

Woman: Baxter what's going on here?!

Leo threw a smoke bomb and him Lizzie mikey and April disappeared

The End

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