Hypno Part Deux

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April Lizzie and mayhem were standing right outside Aprils school. April and Lizzie wearing prom outfits. Lizzie was wearing a gray dress and hat to hide her cat ears

April: You can do this. You fought monsters, went to Hidden cities destroyed robots you're- Who am I kidding? School dances are way more dangerous. Why am I even here?

Lizzie: don't worry April. I used to go to school in the hidden City before my mom decided to homeschool me and the dance's are fun! I'm here for support

Mayhem nodded in agreement

April: thanks and You're right I can do this for Rebecca.

Lizzie: that's not what I-

April: The coolest girl in school. Mayhem you have to jet. I can't be like Seigal the lizard boy. I gotta be cool.

Mayhem teleported away

April: Rebecca Hunter is the coolest girl in school with her cool friends Kim Willow and Sophie Brighten

Lizzie: they seem nice. I remember this yokai newt named Mona Lisa she was popular but also really nice.

All of a sudden a boy walked up to them

Dale: hey April!

April: Dale...

Dale: My favorite person. Who's your friend?

Lizzie: I'm Lizzie. I don't go to this school but I thought this dance could be fun

April: Hey dale are you doing to this shindig? I usually wouldn't really go to one of these dances but I actually got invaded by Rebecca Hunter to sit at the cool kid's table so...

Dale: She invited me too!

April: I thought she just invaded me but I guess you got invited too... That's cool.


The read then go inside and everyone is on their phones playing a new game. April and Lizzie find Rebecca also on her phone

Rebecca: April glad you could come. Who's your friend?

Lizzie: I'm Lizzie i know I wasn't invited but April said this dance could be fun

Rebecca was annoyed but acted happy

Rebecca: fine. We were just play this new game called hippo crush. play it April

April: ok I will

April tried to download the app but it didn't work

April: what the? Would you excuse us for just one second?

April grabbed Lizzie's hand and they left the room

Rebecca: be back soon because I'm singing my new song at the end of the dance!


April and Lizzie entered the hallway

Lizzie: what's going on April? Rebecca seemed nice

April: I have to make a quick call

She called Donnie

Donnie (on the phone): You are conversing with Donatello.

April: What is a Donnier blocker?

Donnie (on the phone): I put it on your phone so that you wouldn't get hacked or download anything with malware because I know how much you're into fantasy-

April: The only thing Donnie's blocking is April from being cool!

April hung up on Donnie and then mayhem teleported in front of her and Lizzie

April: What are you doing here? I told you to go. Cool kids don't bring their pets to school. Do you want people to pick on me?

Lizzie: we'll see you after the dance ok?

Mayhem teleported away

Lizzie: why is it so important for you to be friends with Rebecca? you never cared about being popular before

April: I don't care about being popular she's cool to hang out with

Lizzie: really? She seemed a little pushy before

Suddenly all The students started walking to the auditorium

April: Dale? What's going on? Hey did Rebecca tell us to go somewhere? We're coming

Dale: Did you and Lizzie get the game April? We could play together

April: Not yet. Someone installed a-

Rebecca walked up to them

Rebecca: April did you get the game?

April: I totally got it!

Lizzie: yeah uh it's cool

Rebecca: Can I see it?

April dropped her phone on purpose

April: Darn my phone but the game is so fun all the hippos and stuff

April followed Rebecca leaving Lizzie behind

Lizzie: I guess I'll wait here...

Mayhem teleported in front of Lizzie

Lizzie: something is going on mayhem and it's not the dance

Mayhem nodded then jumped on Lizzie's head and they both teleported away


Back at the lair Leo and Raph were watching a video of a kid making a school disappear

Leo: it's so amazing! The school was there one second and poof now it's gone! I have to show this to Lizzie she would love this!

Raph: I still don't understand what happened to the tater tot's the sandwiches the pizza?!

Leo: I really think your focused on the wrong thing

Lizzie and mayhem teleported in front of them. Leo saw Lizzie in her outfit

Raph: what's going on?

Leo: Wow Lizzie you look beautiful

Lizzie: *blushes* thanks Leo April picked it out

Mayhem started running in circles

Raph: I think someone's in trouble is it us? Are you from the future?

Lizzie: No we have-

Mayhem jumped towards watch them and the three of them teleported away


Raph Leo Lizzie and mayhem landed in the hallway of April's school

Raph: I hate poofing.

Leo: Wait a second. This is April's school She's the one in trouble. We got to go high school stealth.

Raph just like a football player Leo dressed like a basketball player and mayhem and Lizzie dressed like cheerleaders

Lizzie: this outfit is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be

Leo: you look so cute!

Lizzie: your so sweet Leo

Raph: Aww! You guys are so cute together!


They go outside and see through the windows April being chased by Rebecca

Leo: I'm sorry was that April being chased by her totally real friends?

Raph: High school

Lizzie: I'm glad my mom is homeschooling me. That way I have more time to hang out with you guys

Raph saw a float that looks like a hippo head

Raph: I always wanted to drive one of those

Lizzie: you CAN drive right?

Raph: how hard can it be?


Lizzie Raph and Leo drove the float ride through the wall

Leo: oh is this AP bio?

April got in the float and Raph drove away

Raph: Where's the exit?

April: No we can't leave. Hypno's going to make the school disappear.

Leo: Another school is gonna disappear? These magicians are out of control

Lizzie: that's not the point!

April: That mutant Hippo's got doom hats hidden all over the school. But it's gonna be fine. I have a plan. You have to break Hypno's spell and free my friends...

Raph and Leo just stared at her

April: Okay acquaintances. Just free everybody!


Leo Raph and Lizzie find hypno in the auditorium

Hypno: it's you idiots again!

Lizzie: excuse me?

Raph: Hypno! Welcome to another edition of Raph-terpiece theater. Tonight's episode is punches!

Leo: but first how do you make a school disappear? Well don't tell me! Okay tell me!

Lizzie: I'm sorry Leo but we don't have time for that

Hypno: A good magician never reveals his plans but a good villain always does. I'm torn guys I've got to be honest. Therefore...

He took out his magic rings

Hypno: Rings! Is This your card?

Hypno threw sharp cards at Leo Raph and Lizzie but they got out of the way in time

Lizzie: is giving us a paper cut the best you can do?

Leo: Ha! Good one Liz!

Lizzie: thanks!

Raph: Hey hypno are you friends with Noah Sheck? We're huge fans

Hypno: you would be. He wears kit caps in summer! Who does that?

Hypno threw knives at them but they dodged again

Leo: Oh really? Because wanting to a school disappear remind me of his trick. Maybe you're the hack!

Leo threw a basketball at Hypnos chest

Raph: Cowabunga!!

Raph punched hypno in the face. he went through the wall and landed outside.


Mayhem teleported on top of him with all of the hats and they made hypno disappear and all of the students were free from the mind control. Then Rebecca saw Leo Lizzie Raph April and mayhem walk out of the school

Rebecca: April you and your ugly dog destroyed my party! Come on guys I'm not leaving without singing my song

All the students went back inside the school

Lizzie: come on Leo let's go hear her song!


Everyone went to the auditorium and saw Rebecca at stage holding a microphone

Rebecca: this is a song for the people who want to get to know me better

The music started

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rebecca: I'm a heart
romper stomping on
heart If you want to
get away your going
to need a head start
I can always keep this
up for ever you trying
to feel better take it
up with some one else
I'll stomp a heart like
a roach I'm just looking
out for my self I'm real
a heart breaker and
breaking hearts you
can tell me that's not
me but I'm great for
this part and I'll keep
this up for ever If you
try to feel better just
take it up with some
one else you can call
it cut throat I'll stomp
a heart like a roach
I'm looking out for my
self I can keep this up
for ever If your trying
to feel better take it
up with someone else
I'll stomp the heart
like a roach I'm just
looking out for my
self yes I'm a heart

The crowd cheered. Rebecca walked off the stage grinned

Rebecca: hearts aren't the only thing I stomp on


Leo and Lizzie went back to the lair but Leo was covering Lizzie's eyes

Lizzie: can I look now?

Leo: almost... ok now!

Leo moved his hands away and Lizzie saw the lair covered in lights similar to Christmas lights

Lizzie: Leo this is amazing but why did you-

Leo: well you went to a dance but never actually got to dance

Lizzie: you did all this for me?

Leo: yep what do you say?

Mikey turned on music and Leo held out his hand

Leo: may I have this dance?

Lizzie: Yes!

The End

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