Always Be Brownies

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April Rebecca Kim and Sophie were trying to sell cookies

April: Buy a cookie and help us save trees! Without trees there'd be no air! Without air there'd be no us! Think of the trees PEOPLE!

Kim: Point being buy a cookie and you'll like it!

The people ran away from them and went to a Girl Scout group selling brownies

Julia: Hi I'm Julia! Try Grandma CJ's brownies and you'll see just how good a brownie can be! Way better than a cookie

Sophie: Aww I used to be a Girl Scout!

Kim: Oh it's on!

Sophie: it's not a competition!

Kim: It is now

Rebecca: Respect


The four of them made it back to the lair and sat on the couch

April: And the list of my failures continues to grow

Sophie: it wasn't that bad!

April: Really? That crashed harder than my aviary club

April set a bird free but an eagle got it

Kim: There was the miniatures club

April stepped on a miniature city hall by mistake

Sophie: ...Magician assistance club

April was cut in half in box alone on a stage

Rebecca: we helped you out with the music club!

April played the guitar a little to hard and Rebecca Kim and Sophie covered their ears

Rebecca: Which didn't go well...

April: Exactly! And that was just Tuesday!

Splinter walked up to them

Splinter: Sounds like you could use a little help!

Kim: What do you think we've been doing?

Splinter: Are any of you experienced salesmen?

Sophie: does being a Girl Scout count?

Splinter: we'll need more than that! Sit and watch!

He put an old tape in the tape player

Lou Jitsu (on TV): Do you think you are a failure? Are you afraid you'll never achieve your goals? Well hot soup! That attitude in the face! Hello I am action star Lou Jitsu. You know me from hit films and infomercials like greeting card neckties and dream catcher gloves! I am here to talk to you about my patented five step Lou Jitsu J.I.T.S.U. Strategy. Follow my plan and you can karate chop any obstacle between you and your goals into splinters.

April thought about it then shut off the TV

Splinter: What? This is the best part!

April: You're in! But we need something to disguise this-

Splinter leaves and comes back with his disguise

April: Whole situation

Sophie: Hey isn't that Mikey's shirt?


The five of them set up a booth in Central Park

Splinter: Alright just remember this. When making a sale you are not selling the cookie you are selling an idea. Go on fly my little Lou!

Sophie: you can do this April!

April: Thanks Sophie.

She stood on the table and caught a few people's attention

April: People of New York are you enjoying the sunny spring day? The outdoors the breathing of air buy a cookie or there won't be any more air! Or cookies! Or us! BECAUSE TREES!

The entire crowd ran away

Kim: Well... could've been worse

Rebecca: Could've been better too

Splinter patted April on the shoulder

Splinter: Don't sweat it April. Sit back and watch how it's done

He also stood on the table and sniffed a cookie

Splinter: Remember this smell? Piping hot chocolate chip cookies like mom used to make. It brings me to simpler times. Times when I had someone to kiss my boo boos, to read me stories and tuck me in at night! Now who wants to buy some love?!

Splinter held a box of cookies and a crowd of people bought them.

April tried to sell cookies by herself but no one wanted any from her

Rebecca used a calculator to add up the money

Rebecca: 200 dollars. Nice going guys

Kim: Now that's what I call a blowout sale! But we're splitting that evenly right?

Sophie: of course! And thanks for the help Splinter

Splinter: You're welcome! I told you we would nail it!

April: You guys did. No one took a pamphlet except that one guy who used to wipe the cookie on his face.

Splinter: Okay that's it. What has gotten into you?

April sat in the floor and leaned against the table

April: Without you four I wouldn't raise a dingle dollar to plant new trees. I'm such a failure.

Sophie: Don't say that!

Rebecca: I've been there April. Feeling like nothing you do is going to be enough and eventually you push away the people who are just trying to help you and then feel guilty for doing that only for it to be to late to apologize and then be even more upset about-

Everyone just stared at her

Rebecca: But this isn't about me. My point is you're not a failure

Kim: Exactly. None of us are and we're here for each other no matter what

Splinter put a hand on April's shoulder

Splinter: See April? You're friends understand-

Suddenly a smoke bomb was thrown onto the ground and they were surrounded by Girl Scouts

Splinter: Uh could you give us a minute? The four of us were just giving a life changing speech.

Julia stood in front of the rest of the Girl Scouts

Julia: The only thing you're ramping up to is a meeting with Keats and Fitzgerald

She crushed both her fists

Julia: I read at a 10 grade level.

Sophie: Julia we talked about you getting to competitive!

Julia: being a Girl Scout isn't just a game Sophie! It's war!

Kim: ... are we missing something here?

Sophie: That's my little sister Julia

Julia: I'm not so little anymore sis!

She whistled, and the rest of the Girl Scouts tied up Splinter Rebecca Kim Sophie and April. Then put them in the back of a truck and dragged it using their bicycles


April Rebecca Kim and Sophie wake up in a room tied to chairs

Kim: What the?!

April: Where are we?!

Rebecca: Did we seriously get kidnapped by little girls?

Julia turned on one light

Julia: Grandma CJ wants to see you apparently she wants to recruit you

Sophie: Julia if she wants to recruit us you could've just asked us to come here! I don't want mom and dad to punish you for kidnapping!

Julia: Mom and Dad aren't going to find out! It's just girl Scout business!

While Sophie and Julia were arguing Rebecca looked at the cookie April was holding then back at April who nodded

April: So why would she want to recruit us when she has you guys? You're amazing!

Julia: Yes. Yes we are

Rebecca: Well I wouldn't say-

Kim: Uh please continue!

Sophie: Julia please! We can talk about this!

Julia: Oh no that was actually it. Now we're just waiting for grandma CJ

April crushed the cookie and used a well not to start cutting the ropes

April: You should really let us go. If you do this will go a lot easier for you

Rebecca: You have no idea what can I do

Kim: Rebecca you can't hurt children!

Julia: Hey! I'm 8! Tell them Sophie!

Sophie: It's true you're also very mature for your age

Julia: Aww thanks Sis- Hey! Stop distracting me! How do you guys even plan on getting out of here?

April: Breaking out of places is easy. Me I just go through that duct.

They all looked up and saw an open duct

Girl Scout: Whoa you can crawl in that duck?

Julia facepalmed

Julia: It's duct not duck.

Girl Scout: Duck That's what I said.

Julia: No you didn't

Girl Scout: Ya huh!

Julia: Nah uh!

Girl Scout: Ya huh!

Julia: Nah uh!

Kim: ...i'm so glad I'm an only child.

Rebecca: Agreed. No offense Sophie

Sophie: None taken. What matters is we work it out in the end. Hopefully we'll work it out this time too

Eventually April broke free and untied the others

April: excuse me?

Kim: Over here

The two Girl Scouts turned around and saw them all free

Girl Scout: Whoa did you just like untie yourself with a walnut?! Amazing!

April: That was basic

Rebecca: Want to see something even cooler?

Julia: No!

Girl Scout: Yes!

Rebecca turned into her bat form and quickly tied them both up

Julia: Sophie! Make them let us go!

Sophie: I'm sorry I can't right now! But I'll be back  I promise!

April Rebecca Sophie and Kim escaped through the duct

Julia: I'm telling Mom!!


The four of them crashed on top of Splinter and foot recruit

All: Ow!

They all stood up and foot recruit grabbed Splinter

Foot recruit: You've taken out my entire Brownie clan. Impressive

She noticed Rebecca was still in her bat form

Foot recruit: And now you're friends with more mutants? Your army is growing!

Rebecca: we're not an army! We're friends!

Sophie: *sniff* I'm so proud of you Rebecca!

Kim: Not a good time Sophie!

April: Let him go

Foot Recruit: Make me

Kim: That'll be easy since you're severely outnumbered!

Foot Recruit: well I still have the leverage!

She squeezed splinter tighter

Kim: ...Dang it!

Splinter: Everyone calm down. I'm sure we can all find a way to get along!

Sophie: talking is always a great way to help-

Foot Recruit: Enough! Talks cheap

April: we could agree more.

Splinter: See how much you have in common?

All except Splinter: No we don't! We're enemies!

Splinter: Need I say more?

Rebecca: maybe back when I was a villain but not anymore!

Foot recruit: you were a villain? What were your goals? Taking over the world? Summoning your leader with powerful artifacts?!

Rebecca: mostly just taking over the city to prove a point

Foot recruit: Understandable

Kim: That's it! Foot recruit or whatever your real name is! Hand him over!

April: and give us back the money!

Foot Recruit: How about I let him go but I keep the money?

April: Hmm... Well

Rebecca Sophie and Kim: April!

April: Fine

Foot Recruit pushes Splinter onto the floor and throws a smoke bomb disappearing

April: Well, she's gone, and so is our tree money.

She sat on the couch while the others comforted her

April: Looks like another typical April O'Neil failure

Splinter: You are not-

Kim: Come on April we still rescue him!

Splinter: Yes!

Rebecca: And take out a troop of lethal little girls!

Splinter: See?

Sophie: And you got yourself free with a walnut!

April: Yeah! You know what?

She stood up from the couch

April: I'm not a failure at all!

Splinter: Look at you. A J.I.T.S.U course graduate

April: Yeah but I still can't even sell a single cookie

Splinter: We know you will. It is like I said in my video tape-

Sophie: Wait! I almost forgot my sister!

She was about to leave but stopped

Sophie: You guys can go I'll catch up later


Sophie made it back to Julia and untied her

Julia: Go ahead! Tell Mom and Dad and I'll be grounded for the rest of my life!

Sophie knelt down to Julia's level

Sophie: I'm not going to tell them and I'm not going to ask you to stop being a Girl Scout. Just promise me you won't take things this far again. Deal?

Julia looked socked and smiled

Julia: ...Deal

She hugged Sophie who hugged back

Julia: By the way I know about mutants but I won't tell anyone

Sophie: thanks and I'll ask how you know that another time

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