Mystery Meat

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The bell rings at the high school and a bunch of kids get in line for lunch. Draxum put Rebecca's lunch on her tray

Draxum: Enjoy your sloppy joseph

Rebecca: Ew! Can't I get a sandwich instead?

Draxum: You eat whatever I give you!

At that moment April ran up to them

April: Baron Draxum we have a code red!

Draxum: I'm dealing with the situation O'Neil

Rebecca: I only asked for something else!

Draxum: Not you Rebecca

He glared at Dale who walked passed a napkin on the floor

Draxum: Dale pick up that napkin!

Dale: It's not mine

Everyone gasped so Draxum used his powers to tie a vine around Dale's leg and dragged him to the napkin

Dale: Ok! Ok!

He threw out the napkin and ran away

April: Draxum you promised not to use your Yokai powers in front of people! Not even Rebecca turns into a bat in public!

Rebecca: Yeah unlike you I actually learned how to use my powers responsibly!

Draxum: But it makes things so much more efficient! Why shouldn't I?

April: Because of this letter I found in your mailbox!

She showed Draxum a letter

Draxum: Ah my mailbox. What is a mailbox?

Rebecca: it's where you keep your mail. Seriously it's in the name!

Draxum held the letter and read it out loud

Draxum: 'The lunch lady association is honored to declare Barry Draxum lunch person of the month for his excellence in lunchroomery'?!

April: And the Superintendent of Lunchrooms, Vivian Slopworth is coming together to present your reward!

Rebecca: I'm starting to see the problem

Draxum: This is marvelous! It's about time the human worms show the great Baron Draxum the respect he commands.

April: No! This is bad! Do you want to blow your cover? Because that's what's gonna happen if slopworth sees how you run things!

Draxum: What is wrong with how I run things?!


Draxum showed April and Rebecca the kitchen which was a mess

Rebecca: do you want me to list things the reasons alphabetically or by messy to most messy?

Draxum: I have no idea what you're talking about. I find this warm moist ecosystem really keeps the baloney soft

April: Uh.... Oh boy... If the big boss sees this mystic stuff you're outta here. We need help.

Rebecca: You call the turtles I got my band

April: On it!

She immediately FaceTimed Mikey who was go karting with Raph

April: Mikey we have a code double red. The superintendent of lunchrooms is coming to tour Draxum's kitchen

Mikey (on FaceTime): I can't hear you April! I'm saving New York!

April: It looks like you're go-karting.

Mikey: I'm not go-karting and I still can't hear you!

Raph bumped into Mikey and he hung up

Rebecca: Ok I texted Sophie and Kim but they're both sick by having some bad brownies from yesterday

April: Oh yeah been there. Okay first we have got to clean this up before Slopworth gets here

Draxum holds a mystic mirror

Draxum: You mean her?

April and Rebecca saw Vivian in the mirror

Rebecca: Well that was fast

April: Draxy you keep her busy while I'll take care of this whole situation

She gestured to the whole kitchen

Draxum: Got it

He left the kitchen to distract Vivian

April: Rebecca I need you to get rid of anything in here that's still alive

Rebecca: Way ahead of you April!

She entered her bag form and get rid of anything that was alive and April cut all of Draxum's old vines

As they were cleaning April accidentally dropped a jar with a Oozesquitoe inside it without noticing

Rebecca: Ok I think that's everything-

They both heard Draxum's voice right outside the room

Draxum: Time to enter the kitchen after a gentle push of this unlocked swinging door!

Rebecca immediately went back into her human form as Draxum and Vivian walked in

Vivian: Those nuggets were delicious!

Draxum: Right? Why use costly chicken when there are dozens of birds out by the trash?

He stood next to April and Rebecca

Draxum: Anyhoo these is my unpaid interns April and Rachel

Rebecca: Rebecca.

Draxum: Yes Rebecca that's what I said-

The three of them suddenly saw the Oozesquitoe on Vivian's shoulder

Rebecca: Oh no...

Vivian: What's wrong?

Rebecca: Uh nothing!

April: Superintendent Slopworth! I've heard so much about you in the last... ten minutes! I'm a big fan of the cafeteria arts

Vivian: Call me Viv

Rebecca and Draxum tried to get rid of the Oozesquitoe without Vivian noticing

Vivian: Call me Viv. I hope you'll join us for Barry's banquet tonight

Draxum quickly trapped the Oozesquitoe inside a pot

Rebecca: Phew...

Draxum: Banquet? What a perfect way for my subjects- I mean colleagues to kneel at my feet!

Vivian: I thought we'd have it right here in your cafetera. I've invited every lunch lady in the district!

April: Really? here?

The pot started to glow green

Rebecca: That can't be good...

Vivian: What better place than the finest cafeteria in our whole district?

April catches the pot and both her and Rebecca fight it off behind the table

Draxum: You have a great point. I am the best!

He made Vivian face the other way

Draxum: Would you like to see how I organize the sporks Viv?

Vivian: You have a spork system?!

Draxum and Vivian leave the room. Then slop burst out of the bot and took the form of a goblin


April and Rebecca chased the goblin down the hallway

April: Get back here you sloppy goblin!

Rebecca: Or else these students will eat you for lunch!!

Suddenly Mikey drove up to them in his go kart and grabbed the goblin then trapped it in a locker

Mikey: Hop soup baby!

He got out of the go kart and took off his helmet

Mikey: Problem solved!

Rebecca: Nice quick thinking

April: Hold on I thought you were saving the city

Mikey: And you were my next stop. Now what's this about a superintendent checking up on Draxum? Also is Sophie around? I-I wanted to ask if she was free tonight

Rebecca: She and Kim ate a bad brownie

Mikey: *gasps* I have to send her a get well card!

Rebecca: after we deal with this whole situation!

Mikey: Right! Good point

Then Draxum walked up to them

Draxum: April! Ruby!

Rebecca: it's Rebecca!

Draxum: That's what I said! More importantly what's the status?

April: Draxum why was there an oozequito in your kitchen?

Draxum: well I don't know. Okay I was going to turn Dale kid into a cantaloupe mutant. His head... Come on It looks like just one!

Rebecca: ...Can't argue with that

April and Mikey: Rebecca!

Rebecca: Alright! Alright! Draxum... Do you have any idea how painful those things are?! I would've passed out from the pain if I got all of the Ooz instead of just half of it!

Draxum: Yes I am aware of how painful they are

April: Because you couldn't give up your mystic stuff there's now a mutant inside that locker!

inside the locker the goblin ate a sandwich and only got bigger

Mikey: I got you a swank apartment and this sweet job and you're risking it all to play with oozequitos?! Are you trying to get thrown in the Hidden City Prison?! Huh?!

Draxum: No...

Suddenly the goblin burst out of the locker and the others tackled Draxum before he could summon his vines

Draxum: Why did you do that?!

Mikey: You almost blew your cover again! So please please stop the mystic stuff!

Rebecca: It'll only make things worse!

Draxum: But we have to stop him.  I'm about to achieve the Lunch person of the month reward which I can only assume as the highest human honor!

Rebecca: It's really not

Draxum: I still don't want him to ruin it for me!

April: You have done enough! Keep the superintendent busy and will go deal with Sloppy Joseph!

Mikey and April got on the go kart and drove away while Rebecca went into her bat form and flew after them


Mikey April and Rebecca chased after Sloppy Joseph. They saw him eat an entire vending machine and got bigger

April: When he eats he grows?

Rebecca: Oh no... When he eats he grows!

Sloppy Joseph slowly opened his mouth to eat them but smelled something even better so he ran off

All: Wait what?!


Sloppy Joseph burst into the cafeteria where Draxum was given his reward

Draxum: My lowly lunch subjects remind calm! There's a simple human explanation for this harmless-

Sloppy Joseph ate a statue of Draxum that was made out of French fries

Draxum: My statue! This monster must be slayed!

Draxum was about to summon vines but then Mikey April and Rebecca showed up behind him

Mikey: Barry no mystic stuff!

Draxum: What?!

Rebecca: He said no mystic stuff!

Draxum: I heard him Regina!

Rebecca: For the third time my name is...

She entered her bat form again

April and Mikey: Uh oh...

Rebecca: REBECCA!!!

Rebecca tried to tackle Draxum but he got out of the way in time causing her to be eaten by sloppy Joseph

All: NO!

Then Sloppy Joseph ate everyone else except Draxum who ran into the kitchen

Draxum: What am I going to do?

He saw the teaching utensils then immediately grabbed two ladles and came back ready to fight

Draxum: Sloppy Joseph! You're about to get served! Come and get it lunch meat!

Sloppy Joseph attacked but Draxum fought back and all the meat landed on the ground and walls.

Eventually the monster was gone and everyone was ok but Vivian immediately took back the reward

Vivian: I'm revoking your reward Draxum!

Draxum: As you wish your excellency...

Vivian grabbed her suitcase and left the school. But other teachers comforted Draxum

Chef: Don't worry Barry. We all had to deal with an occasional meat goblin

Lunch lady: Just last week one of my chalupas took out the entire debate team

Janitor: The point is you're one of us now. And what happens in the lunchroom stays in the lunchroom

Draxum: ...Thank you all!


Later that day Draxum finally finished cleaning the kitchen

April: You lucked out this time Barry

Rebecca: Cutting it way to close in my opinion

Mikey: For now on no more mystic stuff. Promise me that!

Draxum: I promise on my fish stick statue

They all saw a small statue made out of one fish stick. Then Rebecca walked up to Draxum

Rebecca: And I'm sorry for losing my temper earlier. I know you're still getting used to all this

Draxum: You are forgiven Rebecca

Rebecca: Hey! You got it right!

April Mikey and Rebecca left but Draxum still had baby sloppy Joseph

Draxum: Now let's get you a snack. A SMALL snack

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