Raph And Kim's Ride Along

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Everyone went to the hidden city for a vacation and looked at the big map

Mikey: Hidden City zoo?

Sophie: Sounds fun!

Leo: Luxury resort!

Lizzie: We could definitely use some relaxation

Donnie: Battle Nexus!

Kim: Watching Yokai fight? I'd go see that!

April: Oh Witch town!

Rebecca: Witch town? As in magic?

Raph: Alright we melt down are listed 200 activities. I don't wanna spend my whole thing in the Hidden City voting. So I say we each do our own thing.

Lizzie held Leo's hand

Lizzie: I'm going with Leo

Leo: It's been awhile since we went on a real date

Rebecca held a smaller map and stood next to Donnie

Rebecca: I'll be going with Donnie and April. I want to see that witch town in person

Sophie: I'm tagging along with Mikey and Splinter!

Kim: I'm staying with Raph! I'm sure he has something awesome planned!

Lizzie: Alright then I guess we'll see each other later.

All: Bye!

They all split up in their groups and walked away

Kim: So Raph what should we do? We have to whole day!

Raph: Hmm... Let's see!

He picked up a pamphlet

Raph: 'Police Ride along. Have a fun ride side by side with the Hidden City police as they conquer crime in the underworld and you get one confiscated item'

Kim: Whoa! We have to do that!

Raph: Then what are we waiting for?


Raph and Kim entered the police station but everyone there seemed socked

Raph: Hello good officers sir. We would like to partake in your ride along program

Kim: It's free though right? Because I'm not sure the money I have works here.

Police yokai 1: Of course it's free!

Police yokai 2: right this way!


Both of the police dragged Raph and Kim towards a police van

Kim: Uh do you mind-

Police yokai 1: So interesting in crime aren't you?

Raph: Oh yeah. Some say I'm an expert but I say you and learn more

Kim: Kicking butt is always the best part. I'm even thinking about getting a weapon!

Police 2: You should keep thinking!

Both of the police threw Raph and Kim in the van

Raph: What the?

He noticed his tonfas were gone

Raph: Where's my-

Kim turned his head around and saw police yokai 1 holding the tonfas

Police Yokai 1: We'll hold onto your sticks for quote on quote insurance reasons!

The police van doors shut and locked

Raph: Insurance reasons?

Kim: The pamphlet said this would be fun but this doesn't seem fun!

The police van started moving

Police yokai 1: Man I can't believe Heinous Green and Killer Kira The Bee walked right into our station!

Police Yokai 2: I guess they're more brawn than brains!

Police Yokai 1: Good thing we had this transport headed to the maximum security facility.

Raph and Kim turned around again to see four other criminals in the van. An ogre, a rat, an electric eel and a female tiger. She's voiced by AJ Michalka

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They all glared at Raph and Kim while the ogre and tiger were holding hands

Raph poked his head out of the small window

Raph: Excuse me! Not to question how you do your ride along but this is maybe a bit more hands on than the brochure led us to believe

Kim: it says if you're treating US like criminals!

Police Yokai 1: that's because we are! Two you are going away for life! Heinous green and killer Kira!

The police yokai showed them the wanted posters and the other criminals in the van looked shocked

Kim: the second name sounds a little more intense... I kinda like it!

Raph: What? This isn't me or Kim! He doesn't even have my handsome snaggletooth!

Kim: Also I'm not a Bee! I'm not even a Yokai!

Yokai police 2: Tell it to the judge slappies!

The Yokai police closed the window and locked it

Ogre: Oh so you're heinous green and Killer Kira are you?

Tiger: There are rumors you two are a couple but I don't believe that

Raph and Kim both blushed

Raph thinking: You're in a pickle Raph. You're a good guy trapped in a wagon full of baddies who think you're a crook named Heinous Green and also think Kim is someone named Killer Kira! Do you tell them the truth? Sure you can do that if you wanna get creamed! You gotta play along until you get this sorted out!

Tiger: HEY! My lover asked you a question.

Ogre: So I'll ask again are you or are you not heinous Green and Killer Kira?

Kim: Fine you want to know-?!

Raph got her attention and he gestured for her not to say anything

Kim: ...Yes. We are in fact those people

Eel: The legendary Heinous Green and Killer Kira! We'll make him our leader and she'll be the second in command. What do you say Dastardly Danny?

Danny: Yeah I second that Malicious Mickey. What about you Luscious Luna?

Luna: No way! The leader position belongs to my Lawless Leonard!

Leonard: yeah the blue guy is always the leader!

Danny glared at Leonard and Luna

Danny: Hey shut your word hole love birds

He looked back at Raph and Kim

Danny: So what's the plan new leader?

Raph: New leader? Well as your new leader I say we uh sit here quietly and respectfully until we get to our destination where we can get this whole incarceration situation figured out

The four criminals just glared at him again

Kim: O-Or we bust out and teach the police a lesson for thinking they could beat unstoppable criminals like us!!

Danny: Now that's a plan I can get behind!

Mickey: Now I know why they call you 'Killer'!

They all used Raph to bust open the doors

Police Yokai 1: Hey stop right there!

The four criminals ran away without Raph and Kim. Leonard and Luna were still holding hands

Raph: Officers! There's been a big misunderstanding!

Kim: If you could just give us two minutes to explain everything-!

At that moment police yokai 1 threw a ball at Raph and he was suddenly trapped inside a bubble which bumped into Kim

The other criminals saw what happened

Mickey: Heinous Green is caught! And Killer Kira is down!

Leonard: Leave them! They're dead weight!

Luna: We don't need their help anyway!

At that moment Raph and Kim caught up to them

Raph: Yes great idea! Leave us behind with the police!

Kim: We can handle two police officers!

Danny: no way you're one of the Mud Dogs now!

Raph thinking: Wait didn't Lizzie mention these guys before?


The six of them took refuge in a blue forest

Leonard: Now that we're out we can pull a robbery. Something exciting!

Luna sat closer to Leonard

Luna: How about something romantic

Leonard put his arm around her

Leonard: You know me so well

Kim thinking: For criminals they're actually kind of cute together

Danny: What about a trade or a bank? What do you think Heinous Green? How about you Killer Kira?

Kim: Uh... Well... So Luna how did you meet Leonard?

Luna: I was a criminal who worked alone

Leonard: while I saw her skills and knew it was pretty impressive

Luna: We became the ultimate partners in crime.

Leonard: And I changed my name to loathsome to lawless

Mickey moved in front of the two of them before they were about to kiss

Mickey: But they have no idea what 'get a room' means

Luna: What was that?

Mickey: Uh nothing!

Raph thinking: What do I do Mind Raph? We're a good guys with a strong moral compass but caught up in a life of crime! Relax all you need's a clever plan to get them caught. That is a good idea

Raph gestured for Kim to keep up the act

Kim: Do you have a plan?

Raph: Yeah and it's fool proof!

Luna: What's fool proof?

Raph and Kim: Uh...

Raph: The crime of a lifetime!


They all arrived outside the police station

Leonard: We're gonna rob a Police station?

Luna: Do you WANT us to get caught?

Kim: Yes- I mean no!

Raph: just think about it. Where does all the money go when they catch a gang of robbers? Answer police station! and it's always open. And... et cetera!

Mickey: Yeah that does make sense

Danny: Alright I get that

Leonard: You must've been on the debate team

Luna: Kira you must've been class president

Raph: Okay, here's the plan. First put on these disguises

Stone heads are put on the Mud Dogs

Stone heads: I am a criminal!

Raph: Danny you create a diversion by confessing to a crime. Mickey you bash the symbols Luna you tell the other officers about crimes that are going to happen while Leonard dances his way into the evidence room. Go!

The Mud Dogs walked into the police station

Kim: You were right this is fool proof

Raph: Really? Thanks. Usually I'm not the smart one

Kim: You're smart in my opinion

Raph blushed a little bit

Raph: T-This will get those bozos caught for sure! We'll hero's for turning them in and I can clear up this whole Heinous Green and Killer Kira situation once and for all!

Kim: There is absolutely no way this will backfire. The police have seen their faces so it's not like they're gonna walk out of here with a bunch of cash-

The Mud Dogs walk out of the police station with bags of money

Mud Dogs: It worked perfectly!

Kim: Oh come on!

Raph: Uh what she meant was great news!

Danny: we got these keys to get you out

Danny unlocked the bubble setting Raph free

Luna: These cops are so dumb

Mickey: Where are we gonna stash this loot?

Raph: Uh in the arms of its rightful owners?

They all laughed

Leonard: That is funny coming from an accessory to a crime! Now we're gonna stash it in the hideout!

Kim: Why don't we go to your hideout? Wait there until the heat cools down?

Luna: Our old hideout was taken over by your old crew remember? The Thunder Thieves?

Danny: ...They got the better criminal team name

Luna: Why don't you think I trust you?

Kim: R-Right! Guess we have to find a new place! Uh... Raph?

Raph: I have the perfect idea!


The six of them stand outside a prison

Leonard: You want us to break into a prison?

Raph: It's the perfect hideout. They'd look for people breaking out of prison not for people breaking in

Luna: Now that you mention it this could work

Kim: Exactly! Just trust us

Raph: Alright!

He opened a manhole cover

Raph: hop in!

The Mud Dogs climbed down and into the prison

Kim: Phew...

Raph: This time they'll be caught for sure-

Suddenly Mickey popped his head back out

Mickey: All set boss!

Kim: Wait what?


Mickey dragged Raph and Kim into a very fancy room in the prison

Danny: We landed in a minimum security presidential suite. We can come and go as we please!

Kim: Yay...

Luna has some of the food

Luna: I could get used to this!

Raph thinking: Every hair brain plan I come up with that works remarkably well! Wait a minute... Are you in their crew? Are you a mole? Tell me!

He punched himself in the face

Kim: Uh... Raph?

The others watched Raph beat himself up

Leonard: Whoa he is tough even roughs himself up. What do you say babe? Let them on the team permanently?

Luna kissed him on the cheek

Luna: If it means keeping all this loot and the hideout? Definitely

Leonard nodded and walked up to Raph

Leonard: You know at first I felt you were put in charge just for change which actually hurt my feelings. But here you have a real knack for crime! You two could be the second ultimate crime couple!

Raph: We're not-!

Kim: Wait second?

Luna held Leonard's hand and glared at Kim

Kim: Right sorry

Danny: Guess we know what we're gonna do now huh boss?

Raph: Of course I do but you go ahead and tell everybody else

Leonard: Come on you know we gotta kick a share of this loot up to Big Mama otherwise... agh...

Raph: Is there any wiggle room in that?

Danny: Hahaha! Oh you are Heinous but no we die. Come on

The mud dogs grabbed one of the bags of loot

Kim: Uh... Raph? Who's big mama?

Raph: You don't want to know


Raph Kim and the Mud Dogs arrived at the battle nexus and saw big mama. Raph and Kim were hiding behind Leonard and Luna

Big Mama: Well what brings you fine thuggy doodles to Big Mama?

Leonard: We pulled off a credit score and we're here to give you your cut

Luna: One of our best heists yet if I do say so myself. And I do

Big Mama: Oh I'll always love your confidence Luna!

Mickey threw the bag of loot in front of her

Mickey: We robbed the police station!

Big mama: Scrum diffy doo! How did you do that?

Leonard: With the help of the greatest criminal mastermind in the Hidden City Heinous Green and his second in command Killer Kira!

Big mama: That doesn't sound like Heinous Green. He's more brawn than brains and Killer Kira isn't patient enough for that

Loanard and Luna pull Raph and Kim in front of them

Leonard: are you saying this guy ain't a genius?

Luna: And she's a good person?

Raph: Uh... H-Hi big mama

Kim: Nice to you meet you...

Big mama: Hello to you too!

She looked back at the Mud Dogs

Big mama: I'm sorry but this is not heinous Green or Killer Kira. That is heinous green and Killer Kira

She pointed behind them all and they saw the real heinous green and Killer Kira. She was a humanoid bee

The Mud Dogs glared at Raph and Kim ready to fight

Raph: My bad. Alright we owe you an apology. This has been one big misunderstanding

Kim: at least now the situation was completely figured out right?

Big mama turned into her spider form

Big mama: Yes Yes! An amusing case of mistaken Identities. Destroy them

Luna: With pleasure!

Luna ran towards Raph but he threw her against the wall

Raph: Phew...

Leonard: LUNA!

Kim: Uh oh...

Leonard Mickey and Danny also attacked but both Raph and Kim ducked causing them to tackled big mama

Then heinous Green started to grow bigger

Raph: Run?

Kim: Run!

They both ran away right when Luna and Leonard got back up. He immediately checked on her

Leonard: Are you ok?

Luna: Yeah but we cannot be fooled like that again

Leonard: agreed. I'm just glad you're not hurt


Meanwhile Raph and Kim escaped on a yokai bird and landed right in front of the police

Raph: Ow...

Kim: Raph look!

Kim made Raph look at the police

Raph: Oh thank goodness!

They both ran up to police yokai 1 and 2

Raph: Officers it's Heinous Green!

Kim: And Killer Kira!

Police Yokai 1: So it is!

The police Yokai held handcuffs

Kim: Wait!

Raph: No not us! Them!

Raph pointed to heinous green and Killer Kira who both caught up to them

Police Yokai 1: Oh yeah that's them!

Born of the police yokai trapped Killer Kira in a bubble but heinous green was too big for it

Then Raph saw Police Yokai 1 drop his weapons

Raph: My tonfus!

He grabbed both tonfus

Raph: Kim you get see this up close!

Kim: Then what are you waiting for?!

Raph made himself as big as heinous Green and fought him off

Kim: WHOA!

Once heinous Green was unconscious Raph went back to normal

Raph: Now you see that I'm not Heinous Green?

Kim: Or that I'm Killer Kira? Again... I'm not even a yokai! How did you think we're the same person?!

Police Yokai 1: Okay okay looks like there was a justifiable case of mistaken identity here

Police Yokai: You're free to go slappies

Raph: Oh we will. And if you want the bozos who robbed the police station they're hiding out in the prison

Kim: Also some of the loot they stole is with Big mama

Raph: Raph and Kim out

They started walking away only for the police to stand in front of them again

Police yokai 1: Wait hold on! It's clear you're not those guys but you two ARE evil emerald and Pixie!

Raph and Kim: Wait what?


Raph and Kim were immediately thrown in a prison sell

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