Breaking Purple

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In the lair's kitchen Donnie just finished making a sandwich

Donnie: at last my greatest creation! The ultimate evolution in a breakfast sandwich. A toasted avocado bacon-bagel-rito...

He smelled the sandwich

Donnie: with cheese!

Suddenly Sheldon flew passed Donnie causing him to dropped the sandwich

Donnie: ...SHELDON!

He found Sheldon by the skate ramp

Donnie: I told you no drone-racing in the lair!

Sheldon: You guys have a giant skate ramp in the house and I can't race?

Donnie: No you can't

Sheldon flew closer to him

Sheldon: Why?

Donnie: Because I said so, emailed so and texted so!

Sheldon: That's so unfair! I'm sick of this shell-pression!

Sheldon flew away again and Mikey walked up to Donnie

Mikey: problem Donald?

Donnie: It's Sheldon. I just upgraded his operating system to version 13

Mikey: Wow 13. It feels like he was just a twinkle in your toolbox

Donnie: Yeah and now he's a pain in my shell. He charges until noon, he's always coding back to me, and now he's drone racing all over the house. I don't know what to do

Mikey: Sheldon is at a delicate age. You need to nurture his spirit or you'll drive him away. Which is why I called someone who's been through same thing!

Donnie: Who would that be?

Mikey step aside to reveal Rebecca standing behind him

Rebecca: Hey Donnie

Donnie: Rebecca?! Mikey how could you bring a former villain to the lair?!

Mikey: the key word being former!


Donnie was suddenly siting on the couch with Mikey and Rebecca being in front of the screen

Donnie: Uh what is happening?

Mikey: The two of us will teach you a healthy way to express your feelings

Rebecca: I learned that the hard way.

Mikey: to start of with introductions I am doctor feelings and Rebecca is my assistant

Rebecca: I can't believe I agreed to this...

Mikey: welcome to our seminar hug it out!

Donnie: Doctor feelings? I thought you were doctor delicate touch

Mikey: Doctor delicate touch. Feels. Nothing.

Donnie: Uh huh and Rebecca what about the whole 'I can't believe I liked you' comment?

Rebecca: We'll discuss that later. Right now zip it and pay attention!! Understand?!

Donnie sat up straight in the chair

Donnie: Yes ma'am

Rebecca: Good

Mikey: Thank you Rebecca. Lesson 1 'because I said so' is not an answer. You need to learn a better way to express your feelings to your family

Donnie: Yes feelings. Hot, cold, sleepy, hungry-

Rebecca: Wrong!

Donnie: what-

Mikey: Feelings like anger. Remind you of anyone?

The screen shows Donnie yelling at Sheldon

Donnie: ...Nope!

Rebecca: let's try that again shall we?

Mikey changed the image to splinter yelling at Donnie than back to Donnie yelling at Sheldon. He kept going back at forth until Donnie understood it

Donnie: *gasps* No! Anything but that!

He got on his knees

Donnie: Ok please teach me!

At that moment the three of them heard Sheldon break something and went to see what happened

Donnie: SHELDON-!

Mikey: Donnie remember to express your feelings

Rebecca: Calmly

Donnie: if that's what I must do...

He walked up to Sheldon

Donnie: Shelldon I FEEL frustrated when you are destroying my precious inventions

Sheldon: Eye roll

Sheldon rolled his eyes

Donnie: You did not just-!

Rebecca coughed on purpose

Donnie: Fine fine. I feel very very... that's 2 verys... annoyed when you eye roll at me!

Rebecca: so far so-

Sheldon started playing on his tablet

Donnie: That's it! You are grounded young man! Literally!

Donnie chained a ball and chain to Sheldon and he fell on the floor

Sheldon: Hey!!

Mikey: Donald!

Rebecca: Oh come on! Seriously?

Donnie: Yes seriously! That is a restraining bolt. From now on he won't go anywhere or do anything without my say so

Sheldon: 01001 you!

Donnie: Watch your mouth young man!

Sheldon flew away

Donnie: Sorry you two but I feel this was a job for Dr. Actually Solves Problems

Rebecca: you're so smart but also an idiot sometimes

Donnie: Thank you- Hey!


The next day Donnie finished his sandwich again with Rebecca

Donnie: You see this Bec? With Sheldon grounded I can finally enjoy my toasted avocado bacon-bagel-rito in peace

Rebecca: You only made things worse by- wait did you just give me a nickname-?

Donnie suddenly got nervous

Donnie: Uh you're right I should check on him!

He ran ahead of her

Rebecca: Heh yeah he likes me too


They both went to see Sheldon who was under a blanket

Voice: Greetings Donnie or other turtle or human. I am still charging. I am very sorry for everything I did. No need to investigate further

Donnie: You see that? I really got through to him

Rebecca: oh please I've snuck out more times than I could count

She took off the blanket and there was just a recording of Sheldon's voice

Donnie: Wha?! he ran away?!

Rebecca: I told you

Donnie: where did he go?!

Rebecca: he went to a sweet 16 birthday party. How am I supposed to know?!

Donnie: your sarcasm is not appreciated

Rebecca: Oh come on you like it

Donnie blushed

Donnie: N-Not my point!


Donnie and Rebecca looked for Sheldon all over the city until they looked in repo mantis junk yard

Repo: This is top notch scrap! Where'd you get all this?

Loose Lips: Whoa whoa. Loose Lips Malinowski don't talk about sources. I'm not just going tell you I got it from the drone races where wayward teen drones go when they run away after a fight their misguided potential figures...

Donnie felt guilty and Rebecca facepalmed

Loose Lips: will regret for the rest of their lives. That's where I got it from

Repo: Shame. All this senseless carnage can be avoided if people simply communicated

Donnie: you see Rebecca that is the definition of a hypocrite

Rebecca: Uh I feel like I'm missing some context here

Donnie: Oh the mantis is Lizzie's- wait... Sheldon!!


Donnie and Rebecca made it to the underground drone race

Rebecca: You find Sheldon I'll be in the crowd watching this awesome race!

Donnie: weren't you just teaching me about 'responsibility'?

Rebecca: Hey I'm still a teenager! I'm not missing this!

Rebecca sat on the bleachers while Donnie disguised himself as a drone

Announcer: Welcome warriors of the sky to Thunder Dome! I'm your host and reeling a last minute entry. Introducing Dronatello!

Sheldon saw Donnie next to him

Sheldon: Donnie?!

Donnie: I know you're mad at me but don't do this. It's too dangerous!

Sheldon: Well my friends don't think so. They think I can win!

Announcer: Racers start your runners!

Donnie: Those jerks are not your friends!

Sheldon: You're wrong and Rebecca was the jerk! They don't have any rules and they let me do whatever I want. Dragons till the end!

The race started and Donnie went after Sheldon. Rebecca used binoculars and saw Donnie falling behind

Rebecca: This is why I had to come

She held a remote and pressed a red button. It didn't work at first so she kept pressing it until Donnie flew super fast

Donnie: AHHHHH!!!

Rebecca: He'll thank me later

Announcer: In an unprecedented move Droneatello is crashing straight through the obstacle course! It's a good thing drones can't feel pain. But is it enough to win the race?!

Donnie flew so fast he crashed through the finished line first and into the wall

Rebecca: Donnie!

She ran up to Donnie to make sure he was ok and patted him on the back

Donnie: Ow...

The prize was dropped right next to Donnie which was the shadow transmitter

Rebecca: i'd hug you if you weren't in so much pain

Sheldon flew up to the purple dragons

Sheldon: Sorry guys... But we'll get him next time!

Kendra: Useless drone! There won't be a next time!

Sheldon: But we're friends-!

Kendra: Are you kidding me? We were never friends. I just needed you to get the shadow transmitter and you failed! Rebecca was more useful than you! Jase get that transmitter!

Kendra pointed to Donnie who was holding the transmitter

Jase took out his giant drone but Rebecca just turned into her bat form and destroyed Jase's drone in one big slice

Donnie: Whoa...

Kendra facepalmed and glared at Jase

Kendra: I wish my dad never married your mom...

Rebecca turned back to normal

Kendra: How did you-?!

Rebecca: pretty cool trick right?

Kendra: apparently we won't be taking that transmitter. But after we make some minor upgrades you love birds are so toast! Rebecca you will regret leaving the purple dragons!

Donnie and Rebecca: Oh you think we're-

Kendra: Hahahaha!

The purple dragons got away and Donnie saw Sheldon

Donnie: Sheldon!

Sheldon: You proved your point okay?  I never should have run away and joined the Dragons

Donnie: Hey, we all make mistakes, bud, including me. I shouldn't have been so harsh. I'm really really sorry. Two really's

Rebecca could tell Donnie really meant it this time

Sheldon: Uh I'm really really really sorry too Dee

Rebecca walked up to Donnie

Rebecca: Give him a hug

Donnie looked back at Sheldon and they both hugged.

Than Rebecca picked up the transmitter that Donnie dropped

Rebecca: I'm just going to hold onto this...

Donnie: Rebecca!

Rebecca: What? We could need it in the future!

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