Repairing The Baron

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Raph just finished fixing April's ceiling fan

Raph: There! That should keep the fan from falling down again

April: Phew thanks Raph-

There was a loud crash and the fan fell on top of Raph

April: Oh come on! Not again! My stupid neighbor!

Raph: Your neighbor keeps knocking the fan down?

April: Yeah! Usually it's just a lot of clip clopping but lately it's like a dinosaur on a trampoline!

Raph: Oh no way! You can't have that. I'm gonna go set this guy straight


They both went to his neighbors door

April: Now don't make a scene! You're not gonna make a scene? You're gonna make a scene? Don't make a scene

Raph: Raphael doesn't make a scene. He's just going to politely give the new tenant his perspective on the noise situation. And to make sure that neighbor is not scared...

He put on a black ski mask

Raph: A disguise!

Raph knocked on the door

Raph: Excuse me kindly neighbor. I was hoping to have a friendly word with you about you

Someone opened the door

???: I told you Carol. I don't want to meet your daughter

Raph saw it was Draxum but he was a lot weaker

Raph: Baron Draxum?!

He tackled Draxum onto the ground inside his apartment

Raph: I don't know what kind of evil plan you're up to but-

Draxum: get off me!!

He pushed Raph off of him and tried to summon a vine but it was super small

Draxum: Stand... Back!

Then Rebecca stood in front of Raph

Rebecca: Guys that's enough!

Raph: Rebecca? What are you doing here?

Rebecca: Not just me

She pointed to Mikey dressed as a dinosaur on a trampoline

Raph: Mikey? What are YOU doing?

Mikey: Dinosaur trampoline always cheers you up so I thought I would try it on Draxum!

Raph: Huh... I do feel my confusion being replaced by joy!

April: Not me! Why are you two helping Baron Draxum?!

Rebecca: I used to be bad so I get it

Draxum: You do not get anything!

Mikey: Really? When I found you were you or were you not living on the street?

Draxum: ...Maybe

Rebecca: and are you or are you not wanted in the hidden city?

Draxum: ...Maybe

Mikey: Powerless because your soul got sucked out by the dark armor and who set you up in style?

Draxum: Dr. Positive...

Rebecca: Don't forget

Draxum: the breathing exercises you told me about...

Rebecca: Good!

Mikey: we're the ones who's gonna turn you from bad guy to glad guy! From sad heep to happy sheep! From devil to A level baby!

Rebecca: Ok Mikey I think he gets it

Raph: What are you guys thinking?! Draxum is the sworn enemy of the Mad Dogs!

Mikey: But he's also the one who created us and that makes him family! And once he gets some of those warm and fuzzy feels like he's a part of our family his goodness will shine

Rebecca: I wouldn't have my powers without him anyway

Then the doorbell rang

Mikey: Oh great they're here!

Leo, Donnie, Splinter and Lizzie arrived. Splinter was holding food

Splinter: Happy house warming Mr And Mrs O'Ne-

They all saw Draxum and were shocked

Splinter: What is this?! I thought we were finally meeting April's parents!

April: No apparently we're helping Draxum get his groove back

Leo: Called it!

Donnie gave Leo a dollar

Rebecca: Sup guys

Donnie: Rebecca?

Lizzie: What are you doing here?

Rebecca: Raph asked the same thing. I'm also helping out because I can relate to Draxum. Kinda...

Splinter: Oh no! I don't make my famous green bean casserole for my mortal enemy!

Mikey grabbed the casserole before Splinter could throw it on the ground

Mikey: Whoa whoa! He's not our enemy anymore! He's family! And once he gets some of those warm and fuzzy family feels it'll crack that icy shell and we'll be knee deep in sunshine!

Lizzie: I don't know about this Mikey...

Leo: I'm with Lizzie

Mikey: But Rebecca did bad things to we forgave her!

Donnie: that's because she was less of a threat!

Rebecca: Are you saying I can't be threatening?

Raph: Uh let's eat!

Everyone sat down to eat dinner but the atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife

Mikey: Isn't this nice? When's the last time we all got together like this huh?

Leo: The time Draxum dropped me off a building?

Lizzie: back when he kidnapped me and Mayhem?

Donnie: No actually I think it was when he ambushed us at the botanical garden

Raph: No no the baseball stadium. Dark armor tried to destroy humanity?

Rebecca: now I understand why you think I wasn't a threat...

Mikey: Yep! Those were good times!

Leo: Oh sure let's just brush over the fact that he killed Lizzie and if she didn't have any lives left she would've died

Rebecca almost choked on her water

Leo: But that's no big deal right?

Lizzie: Huh I barely remember that...

No one said anything for a while

Splinter: Would somebody please pass the creamed corn?

Raph: We don't have any cream corn."

Splinter: Well I figured the guy who turned me into a rat could just-

He stabbed his knife into his food


Leo: Oh yeah then destroy them once he was done!

Lizzie: Leo... please don't...

Mikey: Guys! We're here for a nice family dinner not to fight who mutated who!

Draxum: No he's right. If I had my powers I could create the most loathsome creamed corn beast I ever seen! Fear king corn those fool humans would shriek in terror!

April: Fool humans? As one of the humans here I take offense to that

Rebecca: Same. I may have let being in charge get to my head but I am not a fool

Draxum: But you are fools! You put sunglasses on your dogs, you take photos of your food and do not get me started on Carol

April: At least we're not fool enough to jump into a suit of dark armor without reading the owner's manual

April and Donnie high fived

Draxum: As for you Rebecca I expected more from you giving your ability to become a mutant

Rebecca: Are you saying I'm wasting my potential?

Draxum: Yes

Rebecca got mad and her bat ears appeared

Mikey: Hey relax Bec! Draxum just needs to spend time with humans so he can see why we like them so much and I know just where to do it! Who's coming with me and Draxum to Albearto land?!

No one said anything then Mikey held Raph and Rebecca's hand

Rebecca: Alright fine!

Raph: Huh? Why me?!


At Albearto land Raph Mikey Draxum and Rebecca waited in line for a ride while wearing hoodies

But a kid kept kicking Draxum

Draxum: That's it!

He picked up the kid by his shirt

Draxum: Stop kicking me! Where is your mother? I'll have her fed to wolves

Raph: Not sure your plan is working Mikey

Mikey: Stay Dr. Positive Raph

Rebecca: he threatened four other kids on our way here

Mikey out the kid down

Mikey: you little playful human you. They love to jump and grab and hand

The kid kicked Draxum one last time before running off

Mikey: And kick

Rebecca: Yeah I'm probably never having kids

The line was almost over

Mikey: Look! We're next! Time for the fun to begin baby!

A montage started of them going on different rides but Draxum hated all of them.

Eventually four of them got food

Mikey: There is nothing better than human funnel cake

Rebecca: I loved these as a kid

Draxum: Which part of the human is it made from?

Raph: What? No. It's made by humans not from them

Draxum threw it out and walked ahead of them

Raph: See what I mean Mikey? This guy's never gonna like humans. There's no way a being with an ounce of good in them throws funnel cake on the ground

Rebecca: imagine if he did that to pizza

Raph: that just won't be tolerated in our family!

Mikey: Dr. Positive is becoming Dr. Slightly Disappointed...

Suddenly two bounty hunters were in front of them

Bounty hunter: Draxum! By order of the Council of Heads you are under arrest!

A beam was shot at the four of them but they managed to dodge it. The people at the amusement park immediately ran away.

Raph: Draxum don't these guys work for you?!

Draxum: No they are bounty hunters loyal to the one with the most coin

Mikey took out coins from his jacket

Mikey: Uh would they back off for 27 cents and a button?

Rebecca: I think I have 20 dollars in my pocket-

Draxum: You can try! Tell me how it goes!

Draxum runs away as fast as he can

Rebecca: Seriously?!

The bounty hunters ran after him

Mikey: Raph we gotta stop these guys!

Rebecca: Finally! I've been want to use my powers!

Raph: but Isn't he just getting what he deserves?

Mikey: He created us Raph. Without him we wouldn't even be here, Leo wouldn't have met Lizzie and Rebecca wouldn't have changed either! He deserves another chance

Raph looked at Rebecca who smiled and nodded

Raph: ...I hate to say it but sometimes Dr. Positive makes a lot of sense

Rebecca: Let's do this!

Rebecca transformed into her bat formed and helped Raph and Mikey fight off the bounty hunters

Draxum: You saved me? Why?

Raph: I'm still trying to get used to this but Mikey thinks you're part of the family and rule number one of the Mad Dogs code is you take care of family!

Rebecca saw a family about to fall out of the ferris wheel

Rebecca: I got this-!

She was about to fly off but Draxum stopped her

Draxum: No! You hold off the bounty hunters with the turtles! I'll... Agh save the humans

Draxum ran off again

Rebecca: Huh not bad. Not bad at all

Raph: Alright guys let's warp this up!

Rebecca ontinued to fight with Raph and Mikey. They literally sent the bounty hunters flying

Meanwhile Draxum saved the humans but lost his mask and the others ran up to him

Mikey: Look at you! You saved humans!

Raph: And I got a little bit of your powers back

Rebecca changed back into her human form

Rebecca: I bet it feels great

Mikey: So change of heart? Maybe living among humans is not so horrible after all

Draxum: Strongly disagree but I suppose I might be able to tolerate them somehow. Given that I have no choice

Mikey: There's the bare minimum!

Raph: If you're gonna live up top you're gonna need a job. Now what kind of gig would be perfect for someone who's always angry needs to be the boss and hate humans?

Rebecca: Hmm... I might have an idea!


Rebecca gets Draxum a job as a cook at her and Aprils's school. He served food for a student

Draxum: Here is your nutrient mound. Dismissed!

The student runs off in fear while April and Rebecca were watching

April: Well this seems like it could backfire

Rebecca: Eh who knows it might actually work

Draxum used his vines to throw a kid in the trash bin

Rebecca: Maybe

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