Air Turtle

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The turtles were playing a game of basketball and Leo threw a basketball into the hoop

Leo: Oh yeah baby! Leon's on fire tonight boys! Next baskets for the win! Liz this one is for you!

The girls were sitting on the nearby bleachers

Lizzie: You can do this Leo!

Rebecca: Donnie doesn't even look like he's trying

She pointed to Donnie on his phone

Kim: Raph is the one who should be winning this! He's the biggest and strongest!

Sophie: At least Leo's having fun right?

April: Yeah but no one else is

They all watched Leo win another game

Leo: Victory!!

Donnie sighed while Raph and Mikey were annoyed

Leo: Sorry guys but I gotta win. Tried losing once wasn't for me. Win at all cost. Catch phrase wins!

Raph: This happens every time!

Leo started doing a victory dance

Leo: I'm the best I'm the best! Yeah!

Mikey: Not the dancing! Anything but the dancing!

Raph: Let's get out of here!

Everyone left and Leo was still dancing


Later that day the group went to a basketball game but Leo wasn't with them

Lizzie: Has anyone seen Leo?

The mascot jumped in front of them and took of the head revealing it was Leo

Leo: You guys are in luck. I'm breaking out my new victory dance once we win tonight

Raph: Yeah right

Leo: Trust me! I'm on the inside!

April: As a mascot?

Kim: You'd be better off as a player

Leo: true but I'm more of a consultant who wears a costume and fires a t-shirt cannon. The dunk listens to me

Rebecca: Only if you're useful

Leo: Huh?

Rebecca: Seriously? If your ideas don't work or if they're bad then he won't need you anymore

Donnie: it's a classic tactic for businessmen

Leo: You guys are being silly I got this!

He put the hat back on and the game started

Raph: those guys are going to whoop the Daves!

Lizzie: That's there team name?

Sophie: Go Daves!

Leo's team walked through a mystic archway giving them mystic powers and became masters at basketball

Leo: Yeah! Let me hear you!

Lizzie: that can't be good...

The first half of the game was over and Raph stood up

Raph: Leo are you noticing anything weird going on with the team?

Leo: Yeah! They're awesome. That arch must really be working. My idea by the way

Donnie used his goggles to look at the arch

Donnie: Yeah Dave is it? That arch is severely mystic

Mikey: That would explain why they're so creepy and not human

Suddenly the Daves become monsters

Kim: That can't be good...

Lizzie: what's the plan Raph?

Raph: alright boys-

April coughed on purpose and Raph looked at her, Rebecca, Kim Sophie and Lizzie

Raph: Uh and girls! Looks like this trip just went from personal to business!

Leo: Hey! You all are just jealous that once I joined the Daves they went from losers to Leos which means winners!

He turned around and saw the players as monsters. Rebecca just did a slow clap

Leo: Oh... so about that arch thingy

Mikey: Ya think?

Sophie: does this happen a lot?

Mikey: Probably once a week

Rebecca: Nice going Leo

Leo: Alright I messed up!

Donnie: This is why I called an expert on all things mystic

Donnie was on FaceTime with Draxum

Draxum (on the phone): Ugh point me at the idiot

Donnie faced the phone at Leo

Draxum: Do you know what you've done?!

Leo: What? Uh-

Draxum: That is the Arch of Aquinon! Whoever walks under it is turned into oh I don't know a demonic warrior!!

Leo: Oh yeah that makes sense

Kim: You knew about this?!

Leo: Without admitting any fault there may have been some signs

Lizzie: it was obvious wasn't it?

Leo: Kinda...

Draxum The only way to reverse the power of the Arch is to defeat its demons in battle!

Donnie: Ah yes so in this case a game of bask-eh-ball

Raph: Donnie I know you know how to say it we're all onto you!

Donnie: Uh-

Raph: Okay here's the plan-

Kim: Wait! Raph let us girls do it! There are five of us anyway

Sophie counted to make sure she was right

Sophie: Me, you, Lizzie, April... and Rebecca! Yep that's five!

Leo: What?! Come on let me in on this!

Raph: Kim is right Leo they work as a team. Take your win at all costs attitude back to your boy Dunk man

Leo stood in front of them

Leo: Your right...

He took off his mascot outfit and had his basketball clothes on underneath

All: Huh?

Leo: I'm sorry... That eccentric billionaire who was kind of a surrogate father figure to me...

Lizzie: What?

Leo: he has shown me a version of myself I don't like... I've been a ball hog, a bad teammate and worst of all a b-bad... I-I've been a bad.. I'm going to say it... I've been a bad brother!

All: Aww!!

Lizzie: that was really sweet Leo

Leo: I know

He held her hands

Leo: Go knock it out of the park. And if you need me I'll be on the bleachers cheering you on like the great boyfriend I am!

Lizzie: That means a lot to me

She kissed Leo on the cheek and Sophie squealed so Kim had to calm her down

Rebecca: Anyway... The Thunder Sisters are going from a music band...

April, Rebecca, Kim, Sophie and Lizzie were suddenly wearing basketball uniforms

April's was green, Rebecca's was Brown, Sophie's was pink, Kim's was yellow and Lizzie's was gray

The five of them were also now standing on the court

Rebecca: To a basketball team!

Turtles: Whoa!

Kim: we're gonna knock you into next week! Or into that Arch!

The game started again and Lizzie grabbed the ball with her tail and passed it to Kim

Lizzie: show them what you got!

Kim caught the ball

Kim: You know I will!

She did a slam dunk

Kim: Boom! Dunking like a pro!

One of the monster players took the ball but Sophie stole it from him

Sophie: we're going to bounce right back! Haha! Get it?

She passed the ball to April who threw it in the hoop

April: You know it Sophie!

Another player had the ball so Rebecca chased after him but he was to fast

Rebecca: we're going to have to speed things along!

She turned into her bat form, stole the ball and did a hard slam dunk

Rebecca: Ha! I never bat an I!

The Thunder Sister's got over 100 points and were winning

Raph: That...

Donnie: Was...

Leo: So...

Mikey: Cool!!

Suddenly Dunk was standing by the Arch

Duck: Time out!! You know I have to do everything myself!

The Arch made him into a monster and landed on the court

Dunk: Game on!

Kim: Let's take him down!!

The girls were immediately crushed and were now losing

Lizzie: Ok that's it! Time out!!

Everyone sat down back at the bleachers

Mikey: They're to good! Are you guys ok?

Rebecca: even in my bat form I'm not fast enough!

Lizzie: Leo any thoughts?

Leo: yes I do! You have to do something they won't except. Something out of the box...

Lizzie: Wait their using mystic powers... so why can we do the same? I say we give them a little shock

She summoned a little bit of electricity in her hands

Leo: ...I love you so much

April, Rebecca, Kim, Sophie and Lizzie got back on the court

Kim stole the ball from Dunk who passed it to Lizzie

Lizzie: two words I learned thanks to greats friends...

She filled the basketball with electricity

Lizzie: Girl power!!

Lizzie threw the ball into the hoop so hard it broke the glass

The Thunder Sisters won the game

Monsters: NO!!

The players turned back to normal. Then the girls all hugged each other

Sophie: Lizzie that was so cool!

Kim: can you teach me how to do that?

April: you just keep getting more awesome

Rebecca: Not bad Liz. Not bad at all

Lizzie almost cried

Lizzie: Thanks girls... that mean a lot

The also Turtles cheered for them

Sophie: you know bow that I think about it this whole situation reminds me of a basketball movie made back in the late 90's...

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