Pizza Puffs

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In the lair Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie were eating Pizza puffs

Leo: These are delicious!

Donnie: As you know I don't normally express emotion but WOW that's good!

Lizzie: I can't get enough!

Mikey: It's like a thousand angels blessed each of my taste buds!

Raph ran up to them

Raph: GUYS!!

Donnie was so startled he fell on the floor

Raph: What are you doing?! Those things have mystic poison! I clearly wrote 'Danger do not eat'

He held a big note that said 'Danger do not eat'

Leo: We didn't fall for that old chestnut

Lizzie: I promised myself I would only have one but they're too good!

Mikey: Selfish Raph trying to keep us from eating his pizza puffs

Raph: What? Raph doesn't lie!

Donnie: Oh really? How about you tell us training stats an hour earlier because you know we're always late?

Leo: Or when you told Mikey that if he doesn't take out the trash the trash monster would eat him in his sleep

Lizzie: Or the times you say you only like Kim as a friend

Raph: T-That's my point! I only do that because you guys are irresponsible! I can't trust you to do simple stuff like show up for a mission! AND NOT EAT POISON!!!

Lizzie: Leo and I go on missions together!

Raph: You say that but you two actually go on a date!

Leo: We do both! Besides what poison? I don't feel anything!

Raph: meat sweats but a-

They all saw Leo started sweating

Raph: Are you sweating?

Leo: Yeah a little but only because my hand is on fire

His hand was on fire but he put it out

Leo: See? Right as rain

The fire just came back

Lizzie: Leo could've unlocked a new mystic power or something! Not poison!

Her fur changed from black to orange

Raph: Uh then explain you changing colors!

Lizzie looked at herself in the mirror

Lizzie: You're right... Mikey we match!

Raph: What?!

Mikey: orange is a great color on you! It's just typical overprotective Raph worried about nothing

Mikey's limbs became weak and he fell on the floor

Raph: See?! It got you too!

Mikey: What? Just a little case of jelly bones? I'll be fine!

Lizzie: Just like the rest of us!

Donnie: You know come to think of it I do have a bit of an upset stomach

Everyone could hear Donnie's stomach growling

Donnie: Maybe I didn't get enough to eat!

He leaned down to pick up a pizza puff

Raph: Don't eat that

Donnie: Oh yeah gross it's been on the floor


Donnie picked up the pizza puff

Donnie: Assuming we believe you color me skeptical my goggles will spot any-

He out on his goggles and saw a lot of mystic energy

Donnie: Whoa! That is a lot of mystic! Okay I better analyze this puff and see if I can whip up an antidote

Raph: Now you're talking sense!

Leo: Or we take one last ride on the favor train!

Lizzie: I'm in!

Donnie splits the pizza puff in four pieces and they each had one

Raph: NO! That was our last chance to find a cure! whats more important the pizza puffs or your life?!

Mikey: Uhh...

Raph: Mikey!

Mikey: I'm thinking!

Raph facepalmed

Raph: Lizzie you're going to have rainbow fur forever!

Lizzie: That doesn't sound bad!

Mikey: even if it was Raph will handle it!

Raph: I'm Raph and this is the problem. You guys expect me to solve anything but we'll never be a strong team unless you learn to solve things yourself and that starts today. Now who's got an idea on how we can track down Meat Sweats and find an antidote?

No one said anything and Lizzie's fur changed to pink

Leo: Oh you mean us?

Raph: YES!!

Mikey: Ok fine you know what? My super tongue already found a clue. In that puff I tasted a special flour only available at one Swedish bakery

Donnie: Great Raph check it out and hurry up cause I think my stomach's getting worse!

Donnie's stomach literally became a face

Lizzie: What the-

Raph: Weren't you listening? I'm trying to teach you to solve things yourself!!

Leo's face was now on fire, Mikey could barley move, Donnie's stomach kept growling and Lizzie kept changing colors

Raph: ...Alright I'll drive


The five of them made it to the bakery

Leo: You sure you want me to do this? I don't feel so hot

His head went on fire again

Leo: Oh there we go

Raph: We need to know where Meat Sweats is

Lizzie: Remember Leo you're the team's faceman. Get in there and do what you do best. After all in worked on me

Leo: Aww it did didn't it?

Lizzie held his hand and her fur changed to red

Lizzie: Yeah

Mikey: Aww!

Raph: Focus!!

Leo: Aww...

Leo walked inside the bakery

Lizzie: He'll be ok right?

Donnie: Eh fifty fifty

Raph: Don't say that-

Suddenly there was a loud crash inside and Lizzie turned purple

Lizzie: Leo!!

Raph Donnie Mikey and Lizzie go inside the store and it was a complete wreck

Leo: So about the address

Owner: Get out!!

The owner literally kicked everyone out of the store

Owner: Also take the sweaty apron that Rupert Swaggert left behind!

He gave Raph the apron and went back inside

Lizzie: Raph has another plan right?

Lizzie turned blue

Raph: I'm Raph. And NO!


The turtles and Lizzie went back to the turtle tank and drove off. Mikey was so limb he was out in a bowl

Donnie: What are we gonna do? All Leo got out of that chef was this sweaty apron

His stomach growled again

Donnie: Calm down tummy tello calm down

Lizzie smelled the apron and she turned green

Lizzie: Oh gross! How is this going to help us?

Mikey: Don't worry Raph is gonna bail us out like he always does

Raph: I'm Raph! And I'm not bailing you out!

He started talking to himself

Raph: These guys are lost without me, Maybe I should help them... Make them do it themselves. It's the only way they'll learn! But they're just kids! And you can make them men!

Donnie Mikey Leo and Lizzie stared at Raph

Leo: Hey bud did you eat one of these puffs?

He held a pizza puff

Lizzie: *gasps* gimme!

Lizzie turned yellow and ate another pizza puff

Raph: What?! You have more of those?!

Leo: No what was the last one

He eta the another pizza puff

Leo: Okay that was the last one

Lizzie turned red and tried to grab another pizza puff out of his hands

Lizzie: You're supposed to share!

Raph: Come on guys you can do this. Is the apron a clue? Maybe Donnie could run some kind of spectroscopic analysis!

Donnie: Why would I waste my time with fake science when I could just use the Smell-U-Later!

He put on a big fake nose, opened the window and leaned out of it

Donnie: Meat Sweats is definitely to the east!


The turtles and Lizzie made it to the marina

Donnie: Meat Sweats stank seems to be coming from over there!

He pointed to a small house boat

Mikey: Okay Raph time to smash your way aboard and make Meat Sweats give you the antidote!

Lizzie: We'll wait out here and watch the awesome fight!

Raph (on the phone): Mikey I'm in the tank. What part about solving this yourselves don't you understand?

Leo: Well it's on us but first how about some pizza puffs?

Leo held up four more pizza puffs and Lizzie turned purple

Lizzie: Hand it over!

Raph (on the phone): Stop. Eating. THE POISON!

Lizzie: Agh fine!

She turned orange and the four of them burst into Meat sweat's house boat

Leo: Okay Meaty Sweetie-

Lizzie: Try a different nickname

Leo: How about Mr. Sweaty?

Lizzie: Better

Leo looked back to meat sweats

Leo: Alright Mr. Sweaty hand over the antidote!

Donnie: Preferably inside some of those exquisite pizza puffs!

Meat sweats: You look like a mess! Serves you right for monkeying with me plan to ruin me rival's restaurants.

He grabbed his hammer

Meat sweats: What say we even the score?

Lizzie: You're about to see black and blue!

She changed between those two colors

Lizzie: Literally!

Leo: *sniff* I'm so proud of you

Lizzie: Thanks!

Lizzie was about to attack but got motion sickness and turned green

Lizzie: Agh... I forgot we're on the water...

Meat sweats continued to beat them in the fight

Meat sweats: I'd have you for dinner but you look like three lumps of spoiled meat.

Mikey: I knew we'd never be able to do this without Raph!

Lizzie: We can't lose to meat sweats of all people!

Meat sweats: What's that supposed to mean?

Donnie: Guys Lizzie is right! Leo give me the rest of your pizza puffs!

Leo: Well I don't have any-

Donnie took a bag of pizza puffs from Leo's pocket

Leo: Aw man those really are the last one's!

Lizzie turned yellow

Lizzie: when you were going to tell me you had more?!

Leo: We'll talk about that later!

Donnie threw the pizza puffs in meat sweats mouth and his swallowed all of them

Meat sweats: Oh my! Those are delicious

He started to feel numb like Mikey

Meat sweats: What's happening to this little piggy?!

Meat sweats grabbed a vial that had the antidote

Mikey: That must be the antidote! Leo save us with my jelly bones!

Leo: A vial snag!

Leo threw Mikey's stretchy hand which grabbed the antidote and Mikey drank it turning back to normal

Lizzie: My turn!

She drank it and finally stopped changing colors

Lizzie: feels good to be me again

Leo and Donnie also drank it and were cured

Meat sweats: wait let's talk this over. Just a little sip hey my chummy-wubbies?

Lizzie: Again with the bad nicknames

Donnie: Ah a moral quandary. Do we give the antidote to the villain or-

Leo eats a pizza puff and then drinks the antidote. Now there was only a little left

Leo: Poison antidote everything he makes is delicious! Liz you want some?

Lizzie: I'd rather not get obsessed with poison again

Leo: Have it your way!

He threw the vail out of the house boat and meat sweats ran after it

Lizzie: Well that takes care of meat sweats


Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie returned to the turtle tank

Lizzie: Hey Raph!

Raph: I knew you guys could do it! No you didn't! I did! Oh you wanna go? Bring it!

Raph started beating himself up

Lizzie: should we be worried?

Leo: Eh Raph will take care of it


Meanwhile shadows grabbed Meat sweats and disappeared

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