Many Unhappy Returns

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At the baseball stadium the shredder was about to appear

Splinter: Stand strong! The Shredder will show no mercy!

Alexa: Hold your ground everyone!

Draxum was lying down on the ground

Draxum: You betrayed me? I thought we were partners

Lieutenant: Ha! That's what we want you to think! After we assembled the dark armor we needed a being of mystic power to energize it and bring the Shredder to life! The dark armor consumed your life force and now it will destroy your body!

Just then foot recruit arrived through a portal

Recruit: Senseis! My fury is unbridled and ready for-

She saw Shredder was back

Recruit: You resurrected the Shredder without me?!

Draxum escaped through the portal and then it closed

Donnie: I wanna say I feel prepared but my chattering teeth won't let me!

The shredder finally stood up

Foot clan: Shred! Shred! Shred!

Shredder attacked the foot clan instead

Foot clan: Don't Shred! Don't shred! Don't shred!!

Splinter: Such blind rage and going after his own? That makes no sense

Alexa: maybe the armor still has a flaw

Leo: Thanks for doing the dirty work for us! Big ups Shreddy!

Splinter: Not now Blue!

Leo: What? I thought our nicknames might give us a nice rapport

Lizzie: I know I just said I like you just the way you are but you could make that thing more angry!

Everyone attacked shredder all at once

All: Cowabunga!

Shredder immediately took out Raph Donnie and Mikey. Then Splinter Alexa April Leo and Lizzie stood in front of them

April: Back off! You don't scare me... Much!

Lizzie: we're not going down without a fight!

Shredder was about to attacked the group but then disappeared

Leo: Huh?

Lizzie: ...What just happened?

Lieutenant: So... that was unexpected...

Splinter: You fools! You have doomed of all humanity!

Alexa: do you have any idea what you've done?!

Brute: do we? No seriously tell me this has all been very confusing

Lieutenant: We must find out what went wrong. Back to the Foot Shack!

The foot clan opened a portal and left through it then the portal closed

Raph: Hey!

Lizzie: they could've at least helped us!


The turtles Lizzie April Splinter and Alexa were walking through a subway station

April: Okay what just happened there? I thought Shredder was an evil samurai dude! Not some... raging animal!

Alexa: if that's true then how did he get that way?

Mikey: Is he coming back? I vote never!

Splinter: I do not know if he is coming back whatever he or it was... That was not the Shredder I have heard tales of!

Lizzie: Either way what do we do now? We've been fighting for two days in a row and I'm exhausted!

Alexa: we'll figure something out we just have to keep going a little longer

Donnie: whatever we do I'm not sure we can handle that guy

Leo: What are you guys talking about? We did great!

Raph: what were you just in?

Leo: The one where we made scrap metal run home to its toaster mommy!

Lizzie: so you're saying shredder retreated?

Leo: Yep! Wait we gotta commemorate this

He took a t-shirt and changes the name to '1 and 0'

Leo: 1 and 0 baby!

Splinter: You declare victory too easily blue! Humanity has never seen anything so destructive and you are making t-Shirts?!

Splinter saw Lizzie wearing the t-shirt

Lizzie: Uh yeah you're right not a good time

Then Donnie tech watch beeped and he looked at if

Donnie: Wow one season later and I still got full battery nice! Oh and segue police feedback is going totally berserk. Something major seems to be going down


The eight of them go to Alberto's Pizza Hut and saw the shredder destroying the place

Donnie: Oh my muffins!

Leo: Gotta need to make a 2 and 0 t-shirt after this!

Lizzie: MOVE!

Lizzie pushed Leo out of the way from shredder crushing him then landed on a claw machine

Leo: Cheater! Don't think we're letting you keep those!

Raph: This is serious stuff Leo! Will you shore up our right flank already?!

Leo: What? Mid battle banter's my thing! Lizzie loves it!

Lizzie: most of the time but-

Leo: Like how yours is saying words like flank! We got this! Trust me

Shredder got back up and knocked everyone into different directions

April: Oh boy...

Shredder glared at April but then Splinter and Alexa stood in front of her

Splinter: I will not allow you to harm humans if it is the last thing I do!

Alexa: if you want to hurt innocent people you'll have to go through us first!

Lizzie: Mom wait-!!

Shredder was about to attack but he disappeared again

Splinter: phew... I really want my last thing to be eating rainbow yogurt

Raph: Is he gone for good now?

Lizzie: I hope so

Mikey: Based on his two zip zaps I predict that baddie's gonna be back in fifteen minutes!

Donnie: Two data points? You hypothesizing with two data points?! Scoff!


They were all fighting shredder at the museum

Donnie: Whoa Fifteen minutes... Scoff retracted!

Mikey: This could be the end fellas!

Shredder stood over everyone

Mikey: This could be the end fellas!

Mikey hid in his shell

Splinter: I wish I had spent more time with my TV... And maybe paid more attention to my grandpa's stories about how to defeat the Shredder!

Alexa: are you serious?!

Leo: Lizzie if this is the end just know I love you!

Lizzie: I know you do!

Shredder was about to attack again but then disappeared again

Mikey: I can't look! Did we make it?

No one answer since they were all to shocked

Mikey: No one's responding I'm the only one who made it!

Raph: Nothing we throw at Shredder is working!

Donnie: I don't know how much longer we can keep this up! He is crushing us!

Lizzie: I've lost enough lives already!

Leo: don't worry my overall ninjocity was totally working!

Raph: It wasn't

Leo: I'm pretty sure it was about to...

Raph: Okay what do we got?

Mikey raised his hand

Raph: Good ideas first

Mikey put his hand back down

Splinter: There may be one person who can help. She's known for reign in raging beats... Big Mama

Alexa: You know her?

Splinter: unfortunately

Mikey: What? She'll never help us!

Leo: She'll help me I'm the face man! People love me

Donnie: Last time you saw her she tried to kill you.

Leo: who hasn't?

Lizzie: Me!

Leo: I meant besides you Liz

Lizzie: you're family and friends!

Leo: well my point is dad's idea is great! I'll go in there turn up the Leo and she'll be begging to help us

Raph: Now's not the time for schmoozing Leo or for splitting up the Mad Dogs. This is Shredder! We need all hands on deck!

Leo opened a portal

Leo: If dad thinks Big Mama can help us we gotta try

Splinter: What?!

Alexa: if we are going to spit up Lizzie should go with you

Lizzie: But mom I can help-!

Alexa: I know but do you want to argue about this now?

Lizzie: No...

Leo: we could use your help Liz! The rest of you can totally handle Shreddy on your own. Trust me. You guys got this!


Leo Splinter and Lizzie made it right outside big mamas hotel

Leo: So you knew Big Mama back in the day?

Lizzie: how did you meet?

Splinter: We were just friends! I mean... it will all be fine! Let's go!

The three of them walked inside and up to the Bellhop

Leo: three to see Big Mama. We're totally on her schedule. Sweet whisker mustache BTW. Makes you look young or old. Whichever you're going for

Splinter: this isn't going to work...

Lizzie: just watch

The Bellhop held a walkie talkie

Bellhop: Three chatted up mutants here for you ma'am. A rat a cat and one of them bleeding turtles

Big Mama (on the walkie talkie): Tell them to shove off

The Bellhop put the walkie talkie away

Bellhop: She says to quote 'Shove off'

Lizzie: well that's just rude!

Splinter: Fine... Tell her... her snuggle muffin beefcake is here

Lizzie: wait what?

Leo: Uh how do you know Big Mama again?

Splinter pulled Leo and Lizzie away from the bellhop

Splinter: In addition to being a crime boss Big Mama is also... kind of... my ex

Leo and Lizzie: ...WHAAAAAAAT?!?!

Lizzie: How?! When?! Why?!

Splinter: Believe me I rue the day those eight legs walked into my life! I met her in human form on the set of 'Crouching Shrimp Hidden Tiger Prawn'. She was the teamster who drove my trailer. It was love at first tire rotation. what a whirlwind we hit all the disco techs. Exercise techs philly cheese steak techs petting zoo techs. Big Mama and I were inseparable! Then one night at dinner on the green I was going to ask her to marry me

Lizzie: Marry?!

Splinter: yes... But instead of accepting my proposal she revealed she was a giant spider kidnapped me to the Hidden City and forced me to fight in the Battle Nexus... Not really the response I was looking for... In hindsight I may have missed a few clues. I do miss her pre kidnapping times. I mean how could anyone stay mad at those eyes? That smile and those-

Leo: No! No! No! No! more lovey and or dovey talk!

Lizzie: Splinter please tell me you don't feel the same way about my mom!

Splinter: Uh...

Leo and Lizzie: SERIOUSLY?!

Splinter: But trust me I do NOT have those feelings anymore!

Lizzie: Phew...

Then the bellhop walked up to them

Bellhop: Hey rat! Big Mama's got a message for you three

Splinter: Probably her long overdue apology

A portal opened then Leo Splinter and Lizzie were sucked into it


The three of them landed on a balcony right over the battle nexus

Lizzie: Oh come on!

Leo: The Battle Nexus? Okay no biggie we've got this just trust me

Splinter: I do not! You don't know Big Mama like I do! She's ruthless!

Lizzie: Yeah that part is pretty obvious!

Lizzie pointed to the monster in the battle nexus eat the challenger

Leo: yikes!

Then the elevator opened and big mama walked out of it

Big Mama: Snuggle muffin beefcake? Where did you hear that naughty little nickname rat man?

Splinter danced with her

Splinter: From you as we tangoed the night away my sassy sugar badger

Big Mama: It is you! And more fetching than ever my fuzzy cuddleupigus!

Leo tried not the throw up

Leo: Liz I swear I'm never calling you that

Lizzie: thank you...

Splinter: I did not come for the trip down kidnapping lane! The shredder beast is about to lay waste to New York!

Big Mama: Well let's have a look see!

She looked through a mystic orb

Big Mama: Ooh what a brutey Behemoth. By the look of it, his quantum energy is in flux. If I had to guess I would say your raging beast is not tethered to this dimension. In other words he's fizzy flopping back and forth my huggy poo

Lizzie: Please just speak English!

Splinter: I assume you have something to contain him?

Big Mama: I do have a splendiferous mystic bubble that you can have. For a price

The mystic orb showed a picture of a mystic collar

Splinter: And there it is always has to be something in it for her

Lizzie: I'm not surprised at this point

Big Mama: Prickly Petey losing his charm?

Leo and Lizzie get between both of them

Leo: Hey! water under the bridge

Lizzie: we can talk about this!

Leo: yep so Big Mama discuss shredder he's bad for us bad for New York and bad for your business in New York. So if you got a solution let's make a deal

Lizzie: Waif that's not what I meant!

Splinter: Blue don't! Nobody ever outsmarts her!

Leo: Relax I got this. You know I don't hear a lot of cheering. Business is not booming so what you need is a headliner. Someone to put butts in seats. Someone to take on your new champ. Someone like your old champ in new form... Ratjitzu!

A spotlight focused on Splinter

Splinter: WHAT?!

Lizzie: That sounds like a good-

Leo: Okay fine let me sweeten the deal

Splinter: But she didn't even say no to your first deal yet!

Lizzie: Leo what are you doing?!

Leo: And Ratjitzu is going to be fighting with no weapons!

Splinter: But that beast has rat crushing tentacles!

Big Mama: We have a deal

Splinter: What?! NO!

Leo: Haha! Yes! See Lizzie? Easy

Lizzie: what makes fighting a technical monster and fighting the shredder easy?

Leo: Like I said before you just have to trust me

Splinter: I knew I should've brought Alexa...

Another Yokai started to help splinter try on his new lou jitsu outfit

Splinter: What have you gotten me into?

Leo: What? This Is one of my all time great Ideas. You got out there you wallop like a champ and we get what we need to defeat Shredder

Splinter: You have thrown us into the lion's den!

Leo: I think it's more of a Kraken's den...

Lizzie: Why didn't you suggest me to go with him? You know I can help!

Leo: W-Well yeah I know that! Your part in the plan is something even better! And safe...

Lizzie: what?

Leo: Uh nothing! I got this

Big Mama transformed into her human form

Big mama: You in that outfit that takes me back all those scrumptious victories! Too bad this time you will lose

Leo: Are you kidding me? This is Lou Ratjitsu we're talking about. He could beat anybody!

Splinter: Leonardo

Lizzie: Uh Leo?

Leo: In fact he could beat tons of anybodies at once!

Splinter: Stop talking

Lizzie: your making it worse

Leo: Like your champ and those 6 guys!

He pointed to 6 other gorilla yokai

Splinter: Will you shut it already?!

Lizzie: she already said yes!

Leo: In fact we don't want this over too quickly you should armor up those rookies. The whole shebang. Especially with these pointy hats!

He put on sharp helmets on the gorillas

Lizzie: Do you want your dad to be killed?!

Big Mama: You have a deal

Leo shook big mamas hand

Splinter: Oh why did I ever trust you this? The others would've have taken this seriously

Lizzie: I'm sure Leo has a good plan... Right?

Then Splinter was taken to the arena while Leo Lizzie and Big mama watched from the balcony

Big Mama: The arena has never been this woozy fuddled!

Announcer: And now inside the arena the all time winningest Battle Nexus champion back and even hairier Rat Jitsu!

Lizzie: I can barely see him from all the way up here!

A yokai gave her binoculars

Lizzie: Oh thanks

She used them to get a better look

Leo: Dad! Dad! Up here!

Splinter: Can someone tell my son I am not talking to him?!

Leo: You got this pops. I love you!

Leo blew a kiss but splinter smacked it away

Lizzie: I hope you know what you're doing Leo

Leo: Trust me I do! Remember big mama a deals a deal

Big mama: Of course Big Mama never goes back on a deal. She does however... alter the terms at the very last second!

Lizzie: wait what?

Leo: I'm sorry?

Suddenly both Leo and Lizzie are tackled then there weapons were taken away

Leo: No!

Lizzie: give those back!

Big Mama: One last wrinkly doo. You'll both be fighting alongside your papa but you still get my bubble if you win

Leo: an out of nowhere betrayal?!

Lizzie: You can't do this!

Big mama: Oh please you'll be fine Elizabeth. After all you still have some lives left don't you?

Lizzie: ...How did you-

Big mama: your boyfriend was clearly worried and specifically told me not to have you fight. It's not rocket science

At that moment a trap door opened underneath Leo and Lizzie then they both fell through it


Then Leo and Lizzie fell inside the arena next to splinter

Splinter: Oh the old last second trap door betrayal?

Leo and Lizzie both stood up

Leo: Please this was my plan all along

Lizzie: I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing that

Splinter: Just admit it already son! You were played!

Leo: How come nobody trusts me? None of you guys have any faith in me! Why?

Lizzie: that's not what I-!

Splinter: Maybe... THIS WHOLE SITUATION!

Splinter pointed to the giant monster in front of them

Leo: This whole situation was my plan all along. If it wasn't then why'd ask your tailor to make you this outfit?

Lizzie: to look like lou jitsu?

Splinter: So we could both perish looking super fly?

Leo: Or so I could sneak this baby in!

Leo held his sword that he hid in his jacket and created a portal to get Lizzie's scythe

Leo: here you go Liz! My deal was no weapons for splinter not me or you

Lizzie held onto her weapon

Leo: and about what big mama said-

Lizzie: can we talk about that after we save the world?

Leo: Yep fair enough! You ready?

They both stood back to back

Lizzie: as I'll ever be!

Leo: If you would do the honors papa!

Leo Lizzie and Splitner all attacked at once. Splinter used his tail as a whip to take down the gorilla Yoki

Splinter: Haha! Still got it!

Leo: Now grab the helmets!

Splinter and Lizzie held the helmets

Splinter: is this one of those moments I'm supposed to trust you?

Leo: Bingo! Liz... do your thing!

Lizzie: Oh I like where this is going!

Lizzie filled each helmet except for one with electricity and threw them into Leo's portals.

Leo: Time to get kraken!

Leo ran towards the kraken when Lizzie grabbed his hand and ran even faster

Lizzie: need a lift?

Leo: don't mind if a do!

Lizzie summoned her electricity again and threw Leo high into the air

Leo: special delivery!

Leo teleports each helmet onto the tentacles keeping the kraken from moving and then Landed on the ground safely

Leo: Superhero landing! One more helmet

Lizzie: you got this splinter!

Splinter: Wait what?!

Leo puts the helmet on Splinter then tossed him into the portal. Then splinter appeared right above the kraken

Splinter: can we try a new plan?!

Splinter hit the kraken on the head with his helmet and it was knocked out cold

Announcer: It's a knockout folks!

The entire crowd cheered and Splinter stood up

Lizzie: we did it!

Leo: They love you pops!

Splinter: It was all you two

Then big mama landed behind the three of them

Big Mama: silence!

Leo: Just the spider I was coming to gloat to

Lizzie: we did our part now it's your turn

Big mama: a deal is a deal and as a sign of respect I shall return this Shredder beast to his prison dimension if you catch him

She gave Leo the mystic collar

Leo: Sweet! Come on guys let's jet!


Back with Raph Donnie Mikey April and Alexa they all made it to an alleyway

Donnie: After inputting Shredder's previous coordinates on the X Y Z and D for Donnie. I have calculated that this is the site of our final resting spot...

Alexa: Donnie!

Donnie: I mean go team!

Suddenly another portal opened

Donnie: Oh my Muffins!

Then Leo splinter and Lizzie walked out of it

Leo: You love us you missed us we're back baby!

He showed everyone the mystic collar

Leo: Lou jitsu, Wild Cat and Blue saving the day!

Lizzie looked at Alexa

Lizzie: Mom I'm ok I promise-!

Alexa hugged her daughter

Alexa: I knew you could handle yourself!

Mikey: Aww!

Raph: I hate to ruin the moment but we're getting our butts kicked after you left us high and dry.

Leo: High and dry? Come on dudes when I said 'you got this' I mean that. Look I bet the only reason we're here right now is cause Donnie inputted coordinates and blah blah blah, Mikey razzed his tazz, April finally used her crane license, Alexa used her mystic powers to keep the shredder busy and Raph's gonna put it all together in a plan to defeat that lead head with this mystic collar!

Leo held the mystic collar in front of raph's face again

Alexa: ...Huh

Raph: Wow Leo that's remarkably accurate

At that moment the shredder appeared in front of them all

Raph: He's back! Prepare for Operation Fire Hanky Tickle collar!

Lizzie: Operation what now?!

Leo ran past Lizzie but she grabbed him hand

Lizzie: Leo! You sure this will stop him?

Leo held Lizzie's hand tighter

Leo: trust me Liz

Lizzie pulled Leo closer and kissed him

Lizzie: I do... Now go!!

She let go and Leo joined the fight

Raph: Alexa! Lizzie! Time to stun him!

Alexa and Lizzie summoned their electricity and electrocuted shredder making him dizzy

Raph: Mikey! Flame on!

Mikey used his whip to tie up the shredder

Raph: Okay Donnie! the hanky!

Donnie: Donnie's on it! one small step for turtle kind!

Donnie threw a handkerchief over the shredder's eyes

Raph: Leo now!!

Leo jumped behind the shredder and put the collar on him. Then there was a bright purple light and shredder was laying on the floor unconscious


Splinter: My sons! They will write scrolls about this one day!

Alexa: maybe even make a movie!

At that moment big mama walked out of the alleyway

Big mama: I'm sure they will! Your team is not to be trifled with

Lizzie: You got that right

Alexa: Lizzie!

Lizzie: sorry! I still have so much adrenaline

Leo: One tamed no longer phasing! Scrap metal psycho ready for your disposal!

Big Mama: You did your part so I will do mine

A portal opened up and the shredder was sucked into it

Raph: Bam! back into his prison dimension never to be heard from again!

April: What an epic three days of non stop fighting!

The turtles April and Lizzie all immediately fell asleep

Splinter: Alexa are they-

Alexa: they're fine. Might sleep for the next few days but fine

Splinter: Alright good

He looked at big mama

Splinter: I wish I could say it was a pleasure to see you again my sassy sugar badger

Alexa: wait what?

Splinter pushed the teenagers down a manhole and Alexa followed him

Big Mama: You fought valiantly my huggy poo. You really forced Big Mama to own up to her own deal... Even if she did alter the time for the last second


Meanwhile Rebecca was walking home when she saw an Oozesquitoe

Rebecca: what is that thing?

She took a jar from the trash and trapped the Oozesquitoe inside it

Rebecca: I don't know what you are but I'm going to find out...

To be continued in an original episode

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