Rebecca's Rampage!

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In the lair the turtles and Lizzie plugged in their instruments

Raph: Ok guys we have to be perfect for our next performance!

Mikey: how did you book this gig anyway?

Raph: I got a message from someone named 'anon' saying he saw our show at the theme park and wants us to do another one!

Donnie: do know 'anon' is short for 'anonymous' right?

Leo: that does sound sus

Lizzie: Sus?

Donnie: suspicious

Lizzie: Oh got it

Leo: anyway even if there is something going on we can handle it! We beat the shredder!

Raph: alright mad dogs! Let's rock and roll!

Lizzie: that's a good line! Did you just come up with that?

Raph: Yeah I just started talking and there it was! Albearto land prepare to be blown away! Again!

Lizzie: Uh should we be worried about another robot army?

Turtles: ...Nah!


The five of them were setting up the music backstage

Leo: Liz are you ready for the best show of your life?

Lizzie: do you even have to ask?

The curtains opened and they all saw the crowd

All: Hello again Albearto-!

???: Not so fast!

The turtles and Lizzie turned around and saw Rebecca

Lizzie: Rebecca?!

Rebecca: hey! Remember me?

Donnie: let's see you joined the purple dragons, hunted us down and tried to expose us all to New York just because Lizzie stole your spotlight for one day. So yes we do remember you

Leo: Oh man Donnie hasn't stopped talking about you since!

Donnie: Leo please not now-!

Mikey: you two would make the perfect science couple!

Raph: if you weren't evil that is!

Rebecca: I'm flattered really but I set this whole thing just to stop you!

She grabbed the microphone out of Lizzie's hands

Lizzie: Hey-!

Rebecca walked to the center of the stage

Rebecca: Hello Albearto Land! I know you came here for one performance but how about a singing competition instead?!

The crowd cheered

Raph: Wait what?!

Rebecca: Sorry Raph but I gotta give the people what they want!

Donnie: Why do we have so much in common?!

Rebecca started playing her guitar

Rebecca: now do you
want too meet all my
monsters think you're
tough I know they will
drive you all bonkers
meet them once and
they'll forever haunt
ya there's no heroes
in this place just the
shadows that dance
in my headspace so
leaving nothing but
phantoms in a wake
there's parts of me I
cannot hide and I've
tried a million times
cross my heart and
hope to die welcome
to my darkside take
a step into a havoc
look around I'm not
even a half of all of
it walking those line
between panic and
losing my mind now
fully embracing that
madness devils they
all whisper in my ear
telling me my fears I
am living in the night
mare theres parts of
me I cannot hide I've
tried a million times
cross my heart and
hope to die welcome
to my dark side

Rebecca took out a Oozesquitoe in a jar from her back pack

All: Oh no...

Rebecca: so cross my
heart and hope to die
and welcome to my

She let the Oozesquitoe sting her and became a mutant bat

All the people were terrified and ran away

Rebecca: HAHAHAHA!! Evil-!!

the Oozesquitoe wasn't done injecting the ooz which hurt Rebecca even more

Rebecca: OW!

She slapped the bug away with let over ooz in its body

Rebecca: O-OK that hurt a lot more than I thought it would!!

Mikey: What did you just do?!

Rebecca: taking back the spotlight which is rightfully mine!

Lizzie: why do you want the spotlight so badly?

Rebecca: my whole life people only saw me as the girl who always gets in trouble. no matter how much I tried to change a villain is all everyone sees me as... but if that's what people expect then it's a villain they will get! Plus talking over New York just sounds fun! Later losers!

Rebecca flew towards New York

Raph: ...who said anything about taking over New York?!

Leo: you have to admit that all was pretty good

Donnie: really Leo?

Leo: What I can't complement someone right after the craziest thing ever that's how I cope! We've been over this!

Then someone tapped Lizzie and she turned around to see two teenage girls

Sophie: Hi!

Raph: Humans-! Wait we're in costume

Kim: I know you might not remember us but we know Rebecca and-

Lizzie: Hey wait a minute I know you!

Leo: oh yeah didn't we run into while returning our DVD and on the subway?

Sophie: I thought you looked familiar!

Lizzie: well that but this Kim and Sophie. They were apart of Rebecca's band

Donnie: so you DO know her!

Kim: Yes and we want to help you guys!

Sophie: besides it's not every day we team up with teenage mutant ninjas!

All: Wait what?!

Leo: you know we're mutants?!

Raph: and not freaked out with this whole situation?

Raph gestured to his face

Kim: We saw you and a demon at the baseball field on live TV

Mikey: so you're not scared?

Sophie: Nope!

Mikey: that's so cool!

Raph: Alright mad dogs!

He looked at Sophie and Kim

Raph: ...and humans! Let's go stop Rebecca!


Meanwhile Rebecca was flying around New York scaring everyone she saw

Rebecca: HAHAHA!! Evil laugher! ...Wow either that goo is messing with my head or I'm really good at being bad

At that moment the turtle tank parked right in front of her and the others got out of it

Rebecca: well well well look who it is. Came to see the action up close?

Donnie: we don't have time for the back and forth banter! The mutagen is clearly affecting your mind!

Rebecca: Huh you know I said the same thing but I don't really care!

Kim: you don't even have a good reason to be doing all this! You're a villain just because?!

Rebecca: YES! That's the whole point!

She landed right onto top of the turtle tank

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rebecca: I've waited
for the day too send
the mutants away so
now the power is my
salvation now gather
close in protection I
will stand for my city
behold the beauty of
me in all its glory no
need to fear vultures
at the door and right
here you have me to
protect you in these
walls for NYC and for
evermore they have
come to my domain
here to seal my city
in chains but now l
have held it for this
generation and this
is all a complication
I will stand for NYC
just trust in me this
is for your good do
not be so afraid I'm
your friend see this
beauty that will now
surround me is every
one now designed to
defend now let them
come just let us see
them try I am never
about too say good
bye NYC will be here
throughout the ages
written into all of the
history pages and I
will stand for NYC!

Rebecca started laughing evilly again and Leo leaned closer to Donnie

Leo: I'll say it again she's perfect for you

Donnie: how many times are you going to bring that up?

Leo: until you realize it

Rebecca: ENOUGH!

Rebecca suddenly grabbed Donnie and flew even higher


Rebecca: lets see if turtles land on their feet

Donnie: that's cats! You know that right?

Rebecca: Yes I know!! I can't believe I liked you!

Donnie: wait you-

Rebecca dropped him

Rebecca: See you never sucker!

Donnie activated the jet packs in his battle shell and flew right behind her

Donnie: you must've forgotten I installed a jet pack in battle shell

Rebecca turned around and glared at him

Rebecca: a fight in the sky. I like it!

Donnie and Rebecca started fighting in the sky. Leo had to use binoculars to see what was happening

Leo: Ok that's not good...

Lizzie: what's not good?!

Leo: well Rebecca is clearly still learning how to fly and Donnie looks like he's trying to squish a bug

Raph: but who's winning?!

Leo: I'm not sure-!

Suddenly Rebecca landed in a trash bin

Leo: never mind. It's Donnie

Mikey: who knew he could have a one on one fight!

Donnie flew right above Rebecca

Donnie: ready to surrender Rebecca Hunter?

Rebecca stood up and took a banana peal out of her hair

Rebecca: you don't get to decide when this is over! I've only just begun! You may have won the battle but I will win the war! So just give-!

At that moment Sophie hugged her. Everyone was shocked except for Mikey

Mikey: Aww

Rebecca: Sophie what are you-?!

Sophie: I know you feel like people should be scared of you but I'm not. We're friends and I'm not going anywhere

Kim walked up to Rebecca

Kim: neither am I

Rebecca: ...all that stuff is easy for you to say when you change you change for the better when change I change for the WORST! You expect me to change just like that?!

Sophie: Uh... Yes?

Rebecca: fine

All: Wait what?!

Lizzie: That's... it?

Rebecca: Yeah being evil is a lot more exhausting then I thought

Just then Rebecca turns back into a human

Rebecca: whoa! How did I do that?!

Donnie: Huh it must be because you never got all the mutagen from the Oozesquitoe

Rebecca: Hold on let me try something!

She summoned her bat wings and then went back to normal

Rebecca: oh this will be very helpful in the future!

Kim: that was pretty cool!

Rebecca put her arms around Sophie and Kim

Rebecca: what do you say we start over as friends?

Sophie: are the thunder sisters back?!

Rebecca: you know it! Kim?

Kim: promise things will be better then yes

Rebecca: Deal! And Liz?

Lizzie: yeah?

Rebecca: thanks for trying to help

Lizzie: your welcome

Sophie: Wait! One more thing!

She wrote down all their numbers on a piece of paper and gave it to Lizzie

Sophie: feel free to call us so we can hang out again!

Rebecca Sophie and Kim walked away

Leo: ...what just happened?

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