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The turtles and Lizzie arrived at Central Park looking for a mutant hippo. Raph is wearing a hippo costume and take off the head

Raph: You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It's a million degrees in this thing

Mikey: I'd be happy to wear it if you need a break

Raph: I'm the leader. The leader wears the suit.

Lizzie: I feel like the mutant will be able to tell it's just a costume

Leo: true but Raph is the most hippo like

They hear someone yelling for help close by and get a closer look and see a worm a magician's saw box.

Warren stone: help! A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half!

Leo: Does anyone else find this a little...

Lizzie: weird?

Donnie: Odd?

Mikey: Magic worm?

Raph: Totally legit!

Everyone jumped down but Raph landed in sticky paper

Raph: hey! I'm stuck!

Leo: not again

Lizzie: do you need help?

Raph: no I got it!

Warren jumped out of the saw box

Warren Stone: hahahaha! Stepped right into my goop trap.

Raph: Your what now?

Warren stone: Goop trap.

Mikey: Talking magic worm?

Lizzie: I think he's another mutant

Warren stone: I am Warren stone your greatest foe and-

Leo: I'm sorry Warren who?

Warren stone: your greatest foe! You your brothers and girlfriend will-

Lizzie: oh no we're not a couple. Me and Leo are Just friends

Leo: we could be a couple if you want

Lizzie: *blushes* I'm serious! Just friends!

Warren Stone: uh hello? greatest nemesis over here. Stop!

Warren jumped on Lizzie's face and she freaked out

Lizzie: Ahhh! gross get it off!

Leo hit Warren off Lizzie's head and cut him in half with his sword


Leo: He was on her head a panicked!

Lizzie: when I said get it off I didn't mean kill it!

Mikey: Is he gonna be okay?

Raph: Is he gonna be okay?! He's in two pieces!

Suddenly Warren got back up even though he was just cut in half

Warren: You fools! You've unleashed my ultimate power. Now I can regenerate It's an amazing power but it's incredibly painful.

Lizzie: so your going to be ok?

Warren: yes.

Raph: ok good. we can get pizza now

The turtles and Lizzie walked away and continued looking for the mutant hippo


Later that night the turtles and Lizzie arrived at a museum. Mikey was wearing the hippo costume this time

Leo: Now your sure the hippo is in there?

Donnie: yes I picked it up on my scanner. Current Occupant called it in

Raph: Now explain it to me again why can't I wear the suit?

Leo: we've been over this

Donnie: You ruined that woman's 95 birthday

Raph: She's fine

Lizzie: she's in the hospital!

Mikey stood in the center of the museum waiting for the hippo

Leo: Hippo man! Your biggest fan is here. She loves magician's animals. Bunnies doves tigers and was hoping you brought some

Mikey: I hope he likes me

Leo: Of course he'll like you your adorable but not as adorable as you Lizzie.

Lizzie: can we focus- wait really? Y-You really think I'm adorable-?

Warren stone: Breaking news You may have beaten me before but I'm a little tougher this time. I've really grown into my role as your greatest nemesis

Everyone turns around to see Warren srone got bigger and more muscular

Raph: Jumping Jack Flash!

Lizzie: what the heck?!

Mikey: Omigosh!

Raph: You're not a hippo are you?

Warren stone: No I'm not a hippo Do I look like a hippo-

Donnie: Maybe a baby hippo?

Warren stone: I am not a hippo and please stop interrupting me! I called in the hippo sighting!

Mikey: Guys! He's Current Occupant!

Warren stone: Yes he gets it. I am Current Occupant!

Lizzie: this was all a part of the plan to trap us here!

Warren stone: yes! Finally someone understands my plan!

Mikey: so now we're here to save you from the hippo magician. Where is he?

Warren stone: No you idiot. It was a trick. There is no hippo. I'm Warren Stone your greatest enemy! Prepare to meet your-

All of a sudden the mutant hippo threw a smoke bomb and appeared in front of the turtles Lizzie and Warren stone

Hypno: hypnopotamus has arrived!

Raph: Finally. It's the thing we actually care about Your up Mikey

Mikey pretended to be attracted to hypno and he fell for it

Hypno: Hello future Mrs. Hypnopotamus

Mikey: oh my

Lizzie: Eww!

Mikey walked up to his brothers and Lizzie without wearing the hippo head

Mikey: see my hippo is better

Lizzie: I thought you were distracting hypno

Hypno realized he was kissed the hippo head and was shocked

Hypno: I got to say this has been the worst mating season

He summoned three magic rings

Hypno: feel the power!

Leo: ok that is one well dressed evil mutant hippo

The turtles and Lizzie took out there weapons

Raph: let's smash this guy!

They all started fight hypno and forgot about Warren

Warren stone: No smash this guy! me! Oh come on!

Hypno hypnotized everyone expect for Warren because he forgot about him to

Hypno: Now which one should I take care of first hmm? Big Red? Baby Blue? Kitty Cat?

Warren stone: Some nemesis. He doesn't even know their names.

Hypno threw one of his magic rings at Mikey but Warren stopped it with his hair

Warren stone: Breaking news. If anyone's going to end these guys and girl it's going to be me.

He threw the magic ring away from hypno

Hypno; Sorry who are you?

Warren: I'm Warren Bad Boy Stone. I hate these punks more than anyone that's why I have to stop you

Hypno tried to hypnotize Warren but he used the gem that made him muscular to reflective the magic and make it affect Hypno instead.

Warren was now a small worm again and the turtles and Lizzie woke up

Warren stone: now we can start our fight-

Leo: what just happened?

Lizzie: I don't know but I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Raph: I think we won.

Donnie: My plan must have worked

Raph: it was my plan to use your plan your welcome everybody

Warren stone: No! I saved you loser by hypnotizing hypno and saving your lives!

Leo and Lizzie: and you are?

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