Repo Mantis

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Donnie was looking for spare parts with mikey and Lizzie in a junk yard.

Donnie: junk yards are gold mines!

Lizzie: Donnie we can't take anything from here

Donnie: why not-

Mikey: guys look!

Mikey pointed to the jupiter jim moon buggy

Donnie: Is that?

Mikey: it is! It's the jupiter jim moon buggy!

Donnie: it was in not one not two but sixty sequels of Jupiter Jim's Last Trip to the Moon. we've got to have it.

Lizzie: but we can't steal it

Mikey: then how we can't go and talk to one of those human people

Lizzie: I can because-

Someone picked up the car behind them and it was Repo mantis

Repo: Who the heck are you?

Lizzie: you look familiar

Donnie: a mutant! Wait we're mutants to. It's ok

Mikey: you better hide. There's a human guy around here.

Repo throws the car in a pile of junk

Repo: This is Repo Mantis Salvage. The guy is me.

Lizzie: wait a minute... dad?!

Mikey and Donnie: dad?!

Repo: Lizzie? What are you doing here?

Lizzie: I'm hanging out with my friends. What happened to you?

Repo: I was bit by some wired bug

Mikey: that wasn't our fault!

Repo: I didn't ask if it was

Mikey: oh. You have to sell us that moon buggy! Please!

Donnie pulled Mikey and Lizzie into a group huddle

Donnie: this a negotiation. We have to play it smooth and hard as nails

Lizzie: or I could ask my dad if he can give it to us.

Donnie: that's a good plan.

Lizzie walked up to Repo

Lizzie: dad it would mean a lot to my friends if you could give them the moon buggy?

Repo: sorry Lizzie but I can't. It's just business

Donnie: i have plenty of money. I've got big silver small silver and I can make it rain copper

Lizzie: that doesn't even make 2 dollars

Repo: you don't have enough but I could use you for a job. Ever do any Repo work?

Mikey: of course! No Lizzie what's Repo work?

Lizzie: I don't know

Repo: it's when you take stuff from people who didn't pay for it. Do a job for me today and I'll let you have the moon buggy

Lizzie: that sounds fair

Mikey: we're in!

Repo: I need you to get an RV from a real shady mutant. He lives in the woods


Donnie Mikey and Lizzie arrived in the woods looking for the mutant Repo was talking about. The three of them saw the RV and hid behind bushes

Lizzie: Donnie what's the plan?

Donnie: I ran a profile on this guy. Lawless loner doesn't pay his bills lives in this very spooky forest. He is a ninety eight percent match for the Spine Breaking Bandit!

Mikey: We got this. Think of all the adventures we could have in the moon buggy!

Donnie: alright but we have to got stealth

Lizzie: not a problem

Someone turns on a flashlight behind Donnie mikey and Lizzie.

Donnie: he's right behind us!

The three of them run towards the RV then the person holding the flashlight turn down the lights and actually looked nice

Todd: hey! I'm Todd! Welcome to puppy rescue!

They were all surrounded by puppies.

Todd: The cutest place on earth!

Lizzie: I'm guessing your a dog person?

Donnie: Puppies. which one are you having for dinner?

Todd: right! It's dinner time!

He gave all the puppies there food then made Donnie Lizzie and Mikey lemonade

Todd: you guys want some of my homemade lemonade? I donate it to folks in Alaska who need a little sunshine

They all try it and it was delicious

Lizzie: this is the best lemonade I've ever tasted

Mikey: it's pretty good

Donnie: That honestly tastes exactly like sunshine. And huddle up.

Donnie pulled Mikey and Lizzie into a group huddle

Donnie: Cute puppies nonprofit lemonade? This is no spine breaking bandit.

Mikey: he's the nicest guy in the world

Lizzie: I didn't want to admit it but the puppy are adorable. I don't understand why my dad doesn't like him

Donnie: he didn't pay for the RV

Lizzie: but since he's so nice there must be a good reason why

Donnie: I still have to be tough with him. Hard as nails!

Mikey: got it.

The three of them go back to talking to todd

Mikey: So Todd let's get down to business about your RV

Lizzie: this is really important

Todd: sure! Could you hold Willis and Oliver?

He gave Mikey and Lizzie each a puppy

Lizzie and Mikey: Awww!!

Mikey: Wait a minute. We're supposed to be talking about your RV!

Donnie: Look Todd you haven't made a payment in two years and that means-

Todd: Yeah it turns out all you get for rescuing puppies are million dollar smiles

Donnie: my heart is Neil's friends and I are here to-

He saw Lizzie and Mikey petting all the puppies

Donnie: come on guys-!

Donnie stepped in something

Donnie: I am in something squishy. I am in something squishy!

Todd: I never get to clean the yard up. But you guys are so good at this! Do you want to grab a couple shovels?

Lizzie Donnie and Mikey used shovels to clean up the yard

Mikey: why did we just do that?

Donnie: I don't know.

Lizzie: we were tricked into doing it

Donnie: that's right! Niceness is his superpower!

Todd: you guys must be exhausted. Why don't you sleep over?

Donnie: that sounds great- no! We didn't come here to help you. We came here to repo your RV!

Lizzie: we didn't come here to let you manipulate us!

Todd: Yeah I guess me and the pups will just sleep under the stars tonight

It started to rain. Mikey was the only one trying not to cry

Todd: And every night through puppy hurricane season

Mikey: I CAN'T DO IT!

Donnie: Okay Todd. How about you trade us that dusty RV and we make you a new place to sleep?

Lizzie: it'll have everything you need for taking care of the puppies. Sound fair?

Todd: yes!

Lizzie Donnie Mikey and Todd spent the next few days building a new home for the puppies.


The three of them drove back to the junkyard with the RV

Mikey: Hey Repo! One RV as promised

Repo: not bad at all but I'm not giving it to you. It turns out Jupiter Jim fans will pay big bucks just to sit in that thing

Donnie: what?! We had a deal!

Lizzie: that's not fair you promised you would give them the moon buggy!

Repo: sorry Lizzie but it's just business

Donnie: We are not leaving without our moon buggy!

Repo mantis: Hey the purple one's funny!

Donnie: I keep telling you guys I'm funny

Repo: I'm gonna break your legs halfway through twice!

He large metal blocks and started attacking them

Lizzie: dad what are you doing?!

Repo: I'm not going to hurt you. Just your friends!

Donnie: mikey the magnet!

Mikey turned on the magnet in repo was stuck to it

Mikey: a deals a deal Repo!


They all drove off using the moon buggy

Donnie and Mikey: hard as nails

Lizzie was confused and sad that her dad wanted to hurt her friends

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