Pizza Pit

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The turtles and Lizzie are jumping across buildings

Raph: pizza week!

Leo: pizza week!

Donnie: pizza week!

Mikey: pizza week!

Lizzie: pizza week!

All: pizza week!

Donnie: and scene

Lizzie: we should do that more often

Raph: everybody set your stomachs to I'm not stopping till I explode mode It's time we get out pizza on

Leo: yeah! And Liz I got something great planned for us tonight!

Lizzie: I'm excited

Mikey: so get ready for the delicious flavors and complex emotions of our first stop and my personal favorite Lou Mike Tony's pizza!

They all saw the pizza place fall through the ground

Mikey: NOOOO!!!

Mikey fell on his knees and Lizzie comforted him

Raph: Where'd it go?

Leo: I think it closed

Lizzie: it looks more like destroyed

Donnie: My phone says it's open until ten

Mikey: Who would do this? Why pizza supreme in the sky? Why do you test us like this?

Leo Raph Donnie and Lizzie don't say anything

Mikey: Why aren't you guys more upset?

Donnie: Uh I'm very sad

Lizzie: there are other restaurants in New York

Mikey: none of them were as good as Lou Mike Tony's!

Donnie: I found a bug once and that's really it for me. Okay now that we've all moved on let's get us some of my favorite Tony Lou's Pizza

The five of them saw Donnies favorite pizza place sink underground

Donnie and Mikey: NOOOO!!!

Donnie: I only pretended to care when it happened to Mikey's place favorite place but now that it's happened to me I hurt!

Mikey: Both our favorites were sink holed. This is the worst pizza week EVER!

Lizzie: shouldn't we be more concerned about the fact that these restaurants are sinking in the first place?

Leo: priorities Lizzie! This is pizza week we're talking about!

Donnie: To lose one pizza place is New York real state but to lose two pizza places is...


The turtles and Lizzie go inside the turtle tank

Donnie: a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top!

Lizzie: did you really have to take us all the way to the turtle tank just to finish that sentence?

Donnie: Yes! Now what do Lou Mike Tony's and Tony Lou's Pizzeria have in common?

Lizzie: the fact that the owners are relatives?

Leo: or besides both being pizza places?

Donnie: Exactly! They're both pizza places but not just any pizza places two of our favorite pizza places! And what's the key thing they have in common?!

Raph: Uh... besides having the same name but in different order?

Donnie stated writing that down in a notebook

Donnie: do you think that's important?

Leo: No

Lizzie: I still don't get it

Donnie threw the notebook in the garbage

Donnie: whatever it's us! We are the link between all these places! Ergo whoever's behind this isn't only after pizza they're after us and clearly we all know that it's Pizzasaurus the evil spawn of the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot! It's taking over Pizza Week

Leo: Pizzasaurus? We've been over this none of those things are real

Lizzie: sure we've seen some pretty cool and dangerous stuff like mystic weapons mutants draxum and big mama but I don't think Pizzasaurus is an actual thing

Raph: everything's going to be fine we just need to eat so let's get to next place as fast as possible let's get our pizza on!

Lizzie: so where what pizza place are we going to now?

Leo: my personal favorite!


The five of them used motorcycles and arrived at Leo's favorite pizza place

Leo: Thank the pizza supreme in the sky! My favorite Mike Tony's favorite Lou pizza is still here

Raph: See? Everything's fine

Lizzie: we can finally eat!

Three mutants walked out of the restaurant

Donnie: these must be the creatures destroying our pizza places!

Lizzie: creatures? Donnie if they're yokai that's very offensive

Donnie: it is?

Lizzie: yes!

Prairie: It's the man! Let's blow this joint before it kills our vide!

Groundhog: Is that the same as dig? I dig digging!

The three of them go underground

Donnie: after them!


The turtles and Lizzie drive after DIGG underground and saw speakers surrounding the pole that's right underneath Leo's favorite pizza place

Leo: Oh no! Mike Tonys!

Donnie: She's going to send a sound wave through the pillar and take out the whole building!

Lizzie: who uses music for evil?!

Prairie: rock and Roll! sound check punk rock!

She played her guitar and the whole place started to collapse

Prairie: So long loser!

Prairie dug underground and escaped

Lizzie: we have to get out of here!

Leo: you don't have to tell me twice!


The five of them made it back to the surface and saw the pizza place fall underground

Turtles: NOOOO!!!

Leo: Mikey Tonys! Why did they have to tear everything that's beautiful in the world?

Lizzie: what do we do now?

Raph: Pizza week is not just a week Its a week about family coming together

Donnie: Does he think we don't know what a week is?

Lizzie: I'm not sure

Raph: Five weekdays! and a weekend that accumulated me eating my favorite pizza in the whole wide crazy world

Lizzie: Raph you do know they'll be back right?

Raph: wait what?

Leo: those mutants are on their way to sinkhole Mikey and Lou: The Brothers Tony Pizza?

Raph: say what now?

Leo: Didn't you hear those mutants said? Three down one to go?

Raph: Yeah but they could be talking about anything right? RIGHT?!


The turtles and Lizzie arrived at Mikey and Lou the Brothers Tony Pizza wearing the hazmat suits from bus buster's

Leo: This is a random health inspection! Everybody out!

Lizzie: we have reason to believe there is deadly virus here in this restaurant!

Mike: Health inspection?

Raph: Sir revchier reports that uh.. I can't do it guys. It'll ruin him...

Mikey: I got it I'll be dr delicate touch

Lizzie: oh no...

Mikey walked up to mike


All the costumes ran out of the restaurant terrified

Mike: Bugs? This is the first time in 25 years I've ever had any kind of bug

Lizzie: sorry sir it happens to everyone

Leo: we're all having a bad day get over it

Leo pushed mike out of the restaurant

Raph: I just want you to know sir that we'll have your place open so you can get back to serving high quality pies in-

Mikey shut the door

Mikey: Enough! Let's get back to exterminating!

He started laughing like a maniac

Lizzie: Uhh mikey do you need to sit down?

Mikey: NO!

Donnie: Should be worried about him?

Leo: probably

Mikey: They're all going to pay!


The five of them go underground using a big drill and find DIGG

Raph: Can we fight them with a drill?

Donnie: no it would be far to effective

Lizzie: isn't that a good thing?

Donnie: yes but when we the last time we had an epic fight scene?

Lizzie: true

Donnie: now your personal vendetta against us is over!

Prairie: what are you idiots talking about? We've never met you before today

Raph: haha! Sure

Lizzie: if you don't know us then why are you doing this-

Raph: Attack!

All: Cowabunga!

They all started fighting DIGG

Donnie: Alright why are you ruining pizza week?

Prairie: Who cares about pizza? We're an underappreciated band and the thunder sisters biggest rival

Lizzie: wait are you talking about-

Donnie: you also hate pizza!

Prairie: Why are you so focus on the Pizza? We're taking out the pillars once we take out this last support pillar the Kaufman Coliseum will sink down giving us a captive audience to rock out for! I'd like to see the thunder sisters compete with that!

Raph: Time out so your saying this isn't a multi level conspiracy that may or may not involve the mayor or the illuminati or send us around taking down our 4 favorite pizza places?

Lizzie: what does this have to do with the illuminati?

Prairie: We don't even like pizza dude

Groundhog: Unless pizza's for digging!

Mikey: so your saying that not only did you destroy everything I love in the world but you didn't even have the common courtesy to know you were doing it?!

Mikey was about to attack them but Raph held him back

Raph: So you guys just wanna play a gig?

Groundhog: Yes and gig rhymes is dig!

Lizzie: hmm... I think I have an idea


The four pizza places were new one pizza place and DIGG were there new band. the turtles and Lizzie were finally eating pizza on the roof

Leo: that was a great idea liz!

Lizzie: thanks! That family got back together and DIGG got an audience to play for its a win win

Raph: And that's how for one week or five weekdays and two weekends days Pizza week was saved by me

Leo: Who are you talking to?

Raph winked at the audience and none of them noticed a pizza monster behind them screamed

Lizzie: did you guys hear something?


Later that night Leo and Lizzie jump onto the top of the Empire State Building

Lizzie: Wow this is view is amazing

Leo: you know what else is amazing?

Lizzie: let me guess... is it me?

Leo: oh come on how did you know I was going to say that?!

Lizzie: It was to obvious so what did you have planned?

Leo: this

Leo started playing music on his phone

Leo: now this is all the
start of your story and
If you got guts you get
glory anyone can make
it even you In new york
city and now's the time
have to stand tough it
cause if you work hard
you rise up anyone can
make it even you look
at me I'm just a blood
pumping you and me
are 2 hearts thumping
we're two souls giving
the same feed so take
it all the city's yours It
is worth fighting for It
is all yours so just take
it all the city's yours It
is worth fighting for It
is all mine It's now all
yours so put on you're
gloves on start training
you have to get all wet
when it's raining If you
got heart you will make
it too In New York City
you see what I see look
harder you know we're
the same when we all
start off four walks two
heads one heart paired
so take it all the city's
yours ask it all for more
then you arrange a tour
so take it the city's now
yours It's worth fighting
for It's all mine It is all
yours so take it all

Lizzie: so take it all

Leo: the city's yours

Lizzie: the city's mine?

Leo: It's worth fighting

Lizzie: so It's worth
fighting for

Leo: It's all mine

Lizzie: It's all mine

Leo: so take it all

Lizzie: so take it all

Leo: the city's yours

Lizzie: the city's mine

Leo: It's worth fighting

Lizzie: so It's worth
fighting for

Lizzie: It's all mine

Leo: It's all mine It is
all yours In new york

The End

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