Smart Lair

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In the lair the turtles and Lizzie were acting out a scene from a lou jitsu movie

Mikey and Leo: We are mummies give us your soul

Donnie: Help me Lou Jitsu

Lizzie: you are our only hope!

Raph: who's your daddy mummies?

Raph tackled mikey and Leo

Donnie: Man I never get to be a mummy

Lizzie: we can always act out a different movie

Donnie: but this is one of my favorites

Mikey: Fine be the mummy if you beat Tazan the mummy king!

Splinter sat on the couch

Splinter: Where do you think you four are going?

Mikey: A rooftop showing off the rate Lou Jitsu meets the mummy ninja

Leo: after that me and Lizzie are getting pizza for our next date

Splinter: Let me know how it is after you go some other time because tonight you all stay in and clean!

Donnie: No the classic pause followed by a rug foiled out plans! I hate those

Lizzie: I don't even live here and besides I already do chores at my own home

Leo: exactly and pops we cleaned last year

Lizzie: last year?

Raph: yeah plus it ain't even dirty

The entire room was filthy and probably so was the whole lair

Leo: Uh we should find the turtles and cat who did that and get them to clean up

Lizzie: hey I don't make the messes! Again i don't even live here!

Mikey: Now we're going to miss the movie!

Lizzie and Leo: and my date! Wait we're speaking at the same time! She cells seashells by the sea shore antidisestablishmentarianism! whoa!

Donnie: are you both done?

Lizzie and Leo: yeah sorry

Donnie: good because I have a-

Leo: Please don't say fix bro

Donnie: A fix bro

Leo: We'll be here all night fixing your fix

Donnie:Scoff prepare to-

Raph: and don't say eateth thy words

Donnie: Eateth thy words

Raph: You always say that but we never do

Lizzie: eateth isn't even a word

Leo took Donnie's remote

Donnie: Not amusing Leo!

Leo: Relax bud just saving you from another epic fail It's all good

Lizzie: I say we give Donnie a chance even though this might not go well

Donnie took the remote back

Donnie: thank you Lizzie despite your juvenile antics and complete lack of faith I give you all Shelldon

A flouting robot head came out of Donnie's battle shell

Sheldon: Good morrow kind sirs and madam

Lizzie: well a least it's polite

Donnie: actually Sheldon goes by he/him pronouns

Lizzie: Oh right! Sorry Sheldon

Sheldon: it's alright Elizabeth

Donnie: Shelldon is our automated smart lair. Here to make our lives comfy cozy and complete free of menial chores

Sheldon cleaned the living room in seconds

Donnie: applause and waiting for your applause

Everyone clapped

Splinter: Okay but what can he do for me?

Sheldon: With my help snacks are only a split second away

Sheldon served splinter snacks and a smoothie

Splinter: Woohoo! I never Had to use my legs again! good job purple

Lizzie: alright that's actually pretty cool

Donnie: what do you mean by 'actually'?

Lizzie: well some of your inventions didn't end well

Donnie: oh really? Name one

Lizzie: Albearto and you made a shell that got the four of you stuck together and that big trapper you made that doesn't work without big mamas web goo

Donnie: I said name one! It doesn't matter Sheldon is perfect

Sheldon: Allow me to tidy up gentleman and madam If you like I could play that Lou Jitsu movie for you now

Sheldon turned on the TV with the Lou jitsu movie on

All: whoa!

Raph: Sheldon is crushing it Donnie!

Donnie: What Rapheal? I cannot hear you over you eatething thy words. Zing!

Lizzie: did you really just say 'zing'?

Donnie: yes i did!

Sheldon: good one sir


Later the turtles and Lizzie were in the arcade. A tennis ball cannon is shooting at Leo and Raph's backs as a massage, Lizzie was playing dance dance revolution while mikey and Donnie were playing a racing game

Mikey: your going down Donnie!

Donnie: we'll see about that!

Raph: how about some music Sheldon?

Sheldon played techno music and it was really loud. Lizzie got surprised by it and lost the same

Raph: You got anything less ear bleeding?

Lizzie: or can you at least lower the volume?!

Sheldon: Correction this is Master Donnie's number 1 playlist

Lizzie: master?

Donnie: My fave songs to which I may jammy jam

Leo: great massage bro you know this is your first non boneheaded invention

Sheldon: how dare you insult one is selfless and pure as master Donatello?

Leo: relax I'm just teasing him bud

Mikey: Are we talking or racing? I'm laying the hurt on you here bro!

Donnie: no i will not be defeated!

Lizzie: you got this mikey!

Mikey: Thanks Liz!

Suddenly the chair mikey was sitting on fell on purpose making Donnie win the game

Lizzie: you ok mikey?

Mikey: yeah but what was that? Shelldon made my game glitch?

Sheldon: I would never

Donnie: he would never and I won the game a victory massage please Sheldon

Donnie stood up and the tennis balls balls were now shooting at his back instead of Leo and Raph

Leo: Hey!

Raph: Where did my relax go?

Donnie: yeah tennis ball massages are the best!

Lizzie: you made Sheldon only for yourself didn't you?

Donnie: I would never!

Leo: then did you program him to be your best bud or something?

Donnie: I would never

Sheldon: He would never

Donnie: Please nothing is more important to me than the happiness and comfort of my brothers

He leaned up and the tennis balls started hitting Leo and Raph in the face

Leo: Ow!

Lizzie: Alright that's enough!

Lizzie shut of the tennis ball cannon

Donnie: hey what did you do that for?

Lizzie: so the tennis balls wouldn't hit them in the face! Obviously! Now I'm going to get a snack WITHOUT Sheldon's help!

Leo: I'm going with you!

Mikey and Raph: same here!


Raph Leo mikey and Lizzie go to the kitchen and saw leftover pizza

All: pizza!

Mikey went to grab a slice but one of the vacuums shot a small laser at him

Mikey: Ow! The vacuums have lasers?

Sheldon: Those are Master Donatello's slices

Raph: sorry Shelly leftovers are fair game

Lizzie: Donnie's not even here to eat the pizza

Raph went to grab the pizza but was hit by a laser

Raph: you ask for it!

The four of them destroyed the vacuums but more kept coming and started shooters laser at them


Raph Leo mikey and Lizzie ran out of the kitchen and the lasers stopped

Leo: I'm starting to think this whole Shelldon smart lair thing is a scam Donnie is just getting back at us for picking on him

Lizzie: he did build Sheldon in the first place

Sheldon flew over to them

Sheldon: Never he's too beautiful for that I promise I am here to serve all over you. Right after I delivered Master Donatello all the pizza

The microwave flew to Donnie's room

Leo: The microwave flies.

Raph: What?

Mikey: A pizza butler? It is good to be Donnie

Lizzie: why didn't Donnie just tell you he was upset?

Leo: I don't know but you should go. Save yourself from Sheldon!

Lizzie: I'm not leaving you!

Leo: then at least come back tomorrow you won't get any sleep with this music

Lizzie: alright but I'll be back first thing tomorrow

She kissed Leo on the cheek and went back home


The next day Lizzie went back to the lair and things didn't get any better

Raph: I can't live like this Sheldon's turning our home into Donnie land!

Lizzie: it's that bad isn't it?

Raph: yes!

Leo: We have to take Donnie down a peg

Mikey: But how? He's so brave and strong and he's such a dreamboat! Wait why did I just say that?

Lizzie: because Sheldon kept saying those things all night

Raph: it's too bad Sheldon doesn't love our favorite things.

Leo: that's it! We should beat Donnie at his own game

Lizzie: if your talking about reprogramming shield in that's a good idea but none of us are good at coding

Leo: how hard can it be?


Later that day Raph mikey Leo and Lizzie reprogrammed Sheldon and were finally eating pizza in the kitchen. Sheldon was there to

Mikey: Best brother ever!

Lizzie: at first he was annoying but now i don't think that anymore

Donnie walked in the kitchen

Donnie: why thank you mikey and Lizzie

Mikey: not you Sheldon

Lizzie: he's cool now

Sheldon: Back at you! Too bad our buzzkill sixth wheel had to crash the party

Donnie: That is an unexpectedly harsh greeting now what is for breakfast today?

Mikey: burritos!

Donnie: Tempting but my culinary needs are more refined one flavorless juice Sheldon

Sheldon: fine! Flavorless juice is served

Sheldon poured juice all over Donnie

All except donnie: hahahaha!

Donnie: i demand to be cleaned immediately

Lizzie gave Donnie a small napkin

Lizzie: here this should help... a little! Haha!

Donnie: I meant with water

Sheldon: why didn't you say so?

Donnie was sprayed with water hard

Donnie: This is not actually cleansing me!

Mikey: No fun when Sheldon isn't doing what you like Is it Donnie?

Donnie: What have you rapscallions done? Did you mess with his programming?

All: We would never

Sheldon: They would never

Raph: Shelly music

Sheldon played music that everyone liked

Lizzie: that's much better

The vacuum's started shooting laser's at Donnie

Donnie: No lasers! And more importantly turn off that music!

Raph: Nice moves Donnie

Lizzie: Ha! alright Sheldon that's enough

Raph: yeah well played Shelly but you can stop now

Sheldon: sorry parties just getting started as soon as I give Donnie the boot us real bros and sis can bro out!

Leo: Ok that's enough. time to chill Shelldon the jokes over

Lizzie: we may have been mad at Donnie but he doesn't deserve this!

The four of them destroyed the vacuum's

Sheldon: Come on bros and sis just let me turn Donnie into turtle dust and I can be your forth brother It'll be excellent!

Donnie: You three messed with his circuitry!

All: We would never

Sheldon: they. Would. Never!

A a giant vacuum started moving towards the turtles and Lizzie so they ran out of the kitchen. The vacuum tried to follow them but couldn't fit through the door

Sheldon: I should've thought that through


Sheldon found the five of them in the skateboarding room

Sheldon: Hey there you guys are!

Lizzie: leave us alone!

Mikey: You can't be our fourth brother!

Shelldon: I Beg to differ with you bros like it or not I'm in and Donnie's out

They were all surrounded by a bunch of tech weapons

Raph: Just admit it Donnie you made him favor you over us.

Donnie: You made him try to vaporize me!

Lizzie: can we argue about this later?!

Sheldon: enough wining!

Robot claws held the turtles and Lizzie against the wall

Donnie: oh no...

Sheldon: Time to snip a branch off the family tree

A saw slowly moved towards Donnie

Donnie: If I am to perish tell me the truth family you reprogram him I promise no hard feelings

Leo: Don't fall for it

Lizzie: he's about to cut in half!

MIkey: Ok fine we did

Donnie: I knew it! Hard feelings! Massive hard feelings! Well at least I'll go to my end knowing I was the better brother

Sheldon: No way you totally programmed me to favor you

All: I knew it!

Lizzie: H-Hey Sheldon you know you could use more electric power and do all kinds of new stuff! And I know where to get it!

Leo: what are you doing?

Lizzie: trust me. What do you say Sheldon?

Sheldon: heck yeah! Sounds awesome! oh why didn't  you say so?

The saw stopped moving

Donnie: phew...

Sheldon let lizzie go and she stood up

Lizzie: lights out Sheldon!

Sheldon: wait what-?

Lizzie summoned electricity around her and used it to destroy Sheldon. The turtles were now free but Lizzie was really tired all of a sudden

Leo: whoa...

Lizzie: Yes! It worked!

Raph: nice work Liz! What a day right? Now Donnie just has to invent something to clean up all of Sheldon's mess

Donnie: This sounds like a job for Shelldon 2.0.

All: No!

Donnie: Which will not play favorites

Lizzie: h-he better not! I will destroy him if it does!

Splinter walked in the room

Splinter: What did you do? You destroyed my detective microwave friend!

All: We would never

Donnie: They would never

Suddenly Lizzie passed out

All: Lizzie!


Lizzie woke up on a bed in Donnie's lab

Lizzie: ...what happened?

Leo: you passed out after using your cool new powers!

Mikey: you were only unconscious for a few hours

Raph: we're all glad your feeling better though

Donnie: I did some DNA testing and remember when we first found the mystic Pizza place?

Lizzie: yeah?

Donnie: I said you had a lot of mystic powers in you not your scythe-

Lizzie: yes Donnie I was there!

Donnie: right anyway it's a lot more powerful then I thought if you use this mystic power to much you'll become to exhausted to even move.

All except Donnie: what?!

Donnie: yes have you used this mystic power before today?

Lizzie: I used a little bit of electricity to fight Mrs. cuddles and...

She remembered fighting draxum after he dropped Leo off a roof

Lizzie: Draxum when he threw Leo off the roof!

Raph: you fought Draxum without us?!

Lizzie: that's not the point but yes! And I used a LOT of mystic power in that fight

Donnie: then the solution is pretty simple. Either don't fight with this power again or practice getting better with it

Leo: the answer is pretty obvious

Mikey: lizzie won't use her cool powers again?!

Leo: no she's just has to train more

Mikey: Oh that makes more sense


Meanwhile Rebecca got a notification on her phone and looked at it

Rebecca: that's a lot of tech in one place... now I just have to hack into it

The End

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