Shadow Of Evil

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Lizzie was at home grabbed her scythe and was about to leave

Lizzie: bye mom! I'm going to stop draxum once and for all with the turtles! I'll be back later today or tomorrow the latest

Alexa stopped lizzie before she could leave

Alexa: hold on you've been going on mission's a lot lately. Don't you think you could use a break? Especially after what happened with Repo and finding out more about our ancestors?

Lizzie: no i don't want to sit here thinking about that besides they're so much fun to hang out with! E-Especially Leo

Alexa: I know but if all that does start to bother you I'm here when you want to talk

Lizzie: I-I know mom. Thanks

Lizzie finally left and Alexa looked at old pictures of her and Lizzie

Alexa: I'll never be I'll
never be I could never
be ready for this I will
never be I could never
be I'll never be ready
thing start and things
end and Isn't it lovely
in theory but I'll never
be I could never be I'll
never be ready


Alexa goes to the lair to check on Lizzie

Alexa: she seemed worried before

She saw splinter about to take off his rope

Splinter: dance around
in my robe time to lose
the rope-

Alexa covered her eyes

Alexa: Uh is this a bad time?

Splinter turned around then saw Alexa and April who sitting on his chair

April: haha! Check you out splints!

Splinter: April! Alexa!

He immediately put his rope back on and Alexa opened her eyes

Splinter: w-what brings you both here?

Alexa: I just wanted to check on Lizzie because she seemed a little worried about something before she left

April: I'm here to tell you about my new job!

Splinter saw the foot symbol on April's shirt and panicked while Alexa thought it looked familiar

Splinter: That is a curious symbol...

April: The logo for the shoe store I work at? the Foot Shack?

Splinter: The foot shack? Perhaps I should drop by. I do love kickies

April: You mean kicks? Shoes?

Alexa: or sneakers?

Splinter: Kids these days they call them kickies. I will come down today. My pump sandals have uh lost their pump

April: No way. You are not bugging me at my new job looking like this whole situation bad idea

Splinter: then Alexa will go to supervise you! She can easily wear a disguise without looking suspicious

Alexa: why should I supervise? Have you been getting into trouble April?

April: of course not! Ok maybe a few times...

Alexa: then I should go with you. Once Lizzie gets back of course. I just want to make sure she's ok

Splinter: the boys and Elizabeth will not be back for awhile and we will blend right in at April's store

Splinter shaved off most of his fur and dressed like a teenager while Alexa just had to wear a hoodie to hide her cat ears and tail

Splinter: I look good. Clothes of a teen body of a greek god

Alexa: Greek god?


Splinter was having trouble climbing the ladder up to the surface with Alexa fight behind him

Splinter: greek god who should have done more than just one pull up a year...

Alexa: do you need any help splinter?

Splinter: no! Like I said I am a Greek god! not an old man...

The turtles and Lizzie started climbing down a ladder close to splinter and Alexa

Raph: If we could find more glowy metal we could use it to trap Draxum

Donnie: I might be able to make us all goggles if I can divide the Hidden City mystic crystal in my lab

Lizzie: or I could buy some more in the hidden city. I got some money saved up and they're pretty cheep

Donnie: wait really? Excellent idea!

Raph: If not I got a sciency idea of  my own

Mikey: Just don't let pops see the crystal

Lizzie: I told my mom everything... ok I might have beat beat around the bush a little bit but she knows

Leo: Oh man they'd both kill us if we find a mystic-

The five of them saw Alexa and splinter on the latter across from them

Lizzie: Mom?!

Turtles: dad?!

Splinter: Boys

Alexa: lizzie

Leo: Uh... What are you doing there?

Splinter: well uh what are you doing here?

Donnie: Uh nothing. Just having a typical normal mystic free day

Raph: Donnie!

Donnie: What? I said mystic free

Lizzie: mom what are you doing here? I told you I'd be back home later today or tomorrow the latest

Alexa: I know but you seemed to have a lot on your mind so I came here to check on you

Mikey: Aww I wish we had a mom!

Lizzie: I told you I'm fine you worry to much

Alexa: I know so now splinter and I are-

Splinter: we're just doing normal things and definitely not investigating anything unnormal

Mikey: Hey that looks like my shirt

Splinter: got to go!

Splinter and Alexa climbed all the way to the surface

Raph: I can't believe we fooled him

Donnie: what father said sounds like code for date

All: What?!

Donnie: lets be honest we were all thinking it

Leo: that would make Lizzie out sister-!

Donnie: technically it is not illegal marry your step sibling

Lizzie: my mom and splinter are not dating! This weird conversation is over!

Leo: agreed!


Splinter and Alexa made there way to the foot shack

Splinter: I can't believe I fooled them

Alexa: fooled them? Why would you lie?

Splinter: do not be alarmed. But I suspect the foot shack is being run by the most evil forces to ever walk the earth

Alexa: what?!

The turtle tank drives passed both of them splashing water on splinter while Alexa got out of the way in time

Splinter: New York. What a town


Splinter and Alexa eventually found the foot shack and walked inside

April: Hi how am I-

She recognized splinter and Alexa through there disguises

April: No way! Splints! Lex!

Alexa: 'Lex'?

April: yeah I give nicknames to everyone anyway you can't be in here

Splinter: Uh you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Randell. I am an average teenage boy and this is my friend uh... Lisa

Alexa: I don't think you're fooling anyone

April: Oh man. You are totally gonna get me fired splinter! And Alexa is right You don't look anything like a teenager

Splinter: Now do not be alarmed but I suspect your store is being run by the most evil forces to ever walk the earth

April: You cannot be for real

Alexa: I know it sounds hard to believe but-

foot Brute and foot Lieutenant walked into the store

Splinter: Foot face!

April covered splinters mouth and then let go

April: yeah Don't mention that. My bosses are super sensitive

Alexa: they look familiar for some reason

foot Brute and foot Lieutenant walked into a vault and closed it

Splinter: I must see what is in the vault

Alexa: but we have to be careful it could be dangerous

April: no! The only place you're going with that crazy theory is out of here

Splinter: great idea!


Splinter ran out of the store and into an alley way right next to it. Alexa and April followed him

Splinter: a sky light! It might overlook the secret room. I'll just climb up-

Alexa: No you've hurt your back enough today

She picked up splinter and jumped onto the roof

April: what the?!

April followed her then Alexa put down splinter when she got to the top

Splinter: thank you Alexa- wait since when could you do that?

Alexa: it's a long story

April: splinter! Alexa!

Splinter: it's Randall and Lisa!


Splinter and Alexa both fell into the open window and entered the secret room. April followed them again

April: Make sure your okay and then Alexa carry him back up

Alexa: hold on first-

April: No one will see anything and I can keep my job.

The three of them saw foot Brute and foot Lieutenant started a meeting with foot soldiers

April: ok maybe just a team meeting I forgot about

Splinter: Shh! April please. You do not know the great evil these men are capable about

Alexa: Lizzie told me she and the turtles fought ninjas with feet on they're faces...

foot Lieutenant opened a scroll with a picture of the shredder on it. Splinter and Alexa both gasped

Splinter: No! No I am too old and far too weak

April: For what?

Alexa: no one can face that demon on there own

April: face who?

Splinter: The evil that is about to be unleashed

April:You mean the pump sandals?

Splinter: No. A demon banished 500 years ago. That picture is the piece of the kuro Yoroi. A mystic armor that swallowed the soul of the madman who wore it. When he was finally defeated the armor was scattered around the globe. for centuries my ancestors made sure none of the pieces fell into the hands of the Foot clan

Alexa: I read about the armor but I thought it was gone for good

April: so I worked at an evil Foot store?

Splinter: I did not believe the legend either so I unlike my ancestors was a bit more chilaxed about my destiny. Instead of protecting humanity I choose fame and Fortune. I raced cars and I had a good time. Did I mention I have a good time?

April: yep got that part. What about you Alexa? You said you read about the foot clan?

Alexa: yes and for a long time... I was a kunoichi stopping yokai from using mystic powers for evil. I was planning on stopping the foot clan but I couldn't because I soon realized I was going to have Lizzie. So I gave it all up to raise her and hoped the foot clan was just a story

Splinter: it's all real Alexa. you saved people while I danced though life and now the foot have regrouped. Once they collect the armor their master will be freed and there will be nothing that can save us

April: Mind blown! Total game charger! No way we can let them do this!

Splinter: my old wrinkled body will stop me!

April: Uh...

Alexa: I should lead-

Splinter: Do not be afraid. I will protect you

Alexa: thank you splinter but I don't need protection

She knocked out two foot soldiers and threw another against the wall with her tail

April: whoa your pretty good for an old- uh... middle aged... um... how old are you exactly?

Alexa: never ask a women her age but I'm 40

Splinter: that was amazing! You really were a ninja

Alexa: kunoichi. That's what a female ninja is called

Splinter: right!

Splinter took the masks off the two soldiers and him and Alexa each put one on

Splinter: You will never walk the earth again... Shredder


Splinter April and Alexa go back outside disguised as foot soldiers and stood with the real soldiers

Splinter: It is too dangerous. Alexa and I must do this alone

Alexa: make sure Lizzie stays safe. I don't want her to lose all of her 9 lives

April: but I can help!

Splinter: No we are going deep undercover to make sure they never obtain even one shred of the evil armor. Please give my love to my sons

Alexa: tell Elizabeth I love her and that everything I did I did for her

April took out her phone and started texting the turtles and Lizzie

April: 'Hey guys your pops love you and Liz your mom loves you to and everything she did she did for you'

Foot Lieutenant: Employee O'Neil! back in the store!

April: yes boss...

April went back inside the store

Splinter: Rookie recruit Randell and Lisa here boss. Big fan of world domination

Alexa: I am also a fan of world domination

Foot Lieutenant: get it

Splinter and Alexa got in the truck and it drove away


The foot clan splinter and Alexa arrived at a empty subway station

Lieutenant: Spread out. Alert me when you found it.

Alexa: yes lieutenant

The foot clan started looking for the armor piece and splinter saw it as one of the hands on a clock

Alexa: is that it?

Splinter: yep

Splinter and Alexa saw April disguised as a foot soldier

Splinter: You should not have followed us

April: I wasn't gonna let you do it alone

Alexa: splinter and I are doing this together which means we're not alone

April: I know but you'll need all the help you can get Lex

Alexa: I agree but this mission is way to dangerous for a teenager

April: you have no idea the crazy stuff I get into

Splinter: she has a point Alexa and will not go away either way. April district the Foot with Alexa for me so I can snag the armor piece

April and Alexa: on it

April: jinx!

Alexa: please focus

The both walked up to the foot clan

April: Hey! Hello evil ninjas! I saw a metal armor thingy back here

Alexa: I saw it to deeper into the subway station

While the foot clan were distracted splinter grabbed the real armor piece

Splinter: One piece they will never find. Not even lunch and I already saved the world

Suddenly the turtle tank crashed into the subway station. The turtles and Lizzie jumped out of it

Leo: and he sticks the landing!

Lizzie: funny seeing us drop in like this!

Splinter: my sons

Alexa: Elizabeth...

Donnie saw splinter holding the armor piece but no one knew it was him

Donnie: mystic metal!

Raph: Just as I planned

Lizzie: I thought this was Donnie's plan

Raph: it was both of our plans!

The five of them saw the foot clan

Raph: Wait what are the flame heads doing here?

Foot Brute: Excellent Randell has the artifact

Raph: Hand it over bozos. We got a bigger fish to catch with that

Foot Lieutenant: Bigger than us? That hurts. You are no threat to us anyway

Leo: ok now that hurts. Lizzie?

Lizzie: Lets do this.

She summoned a lot of electricity in her scythe and hands

Alexa: Lizzie...

Lizzie: who's not a threat now foot faces?!

Foot Lieutenant: I take back what I said... attack!

The foot clan attacked and Lizzie ended up fighting her mom but didn't know it was her. Alexa dodged every hit

Lizzie: stop moving idiot!

Alexa: you seem stressed. Do you want to talk about it?

Lizzie: you are so annoying! that's exactly what my mom would say!

Leo: need a hand Liz?

Lizzie was finally able to kick Alexa in the stomach

Lizzie: No I'm good! But thanks!

The turtles and Lizzie took out the rest of the soldiers except for Alexa and splinter

All: Cowabunga!

Foot Lieutenant: We must stop finding recruits in ninja chat rooms

Alexa and splinter got back up

Foot Brute: You two Randell and Lisa

Foot Lieutenant: Show us you are worthy of you are out of the Foot clan

Alexa: Oh uh actually I'm just an intern for the day

Splinter: and I'm a little out of shape. For a teen

Foot Lieutenant: DO IT NOW!

Lizzie: isn't he pretty short for a teen?

The turtles laughed

Leo: it's adorable what is it bring your ninja son to work day?

Lizzie: the other ninja must be his mom

Splinter: Surprisingly yes

Alexa: but I'm not his mother

Splinter: if you back down now we will let you go in peace

Mikey: Or what you'll hug us with those cute little arms? So cute

Alexa: do not underestimate someone based on how they look!

Leo: what about you? Oh let me guess sing us a lullaby?

Lizzie: my mom has a really good one you could use

The five of them laughed even more

Splinter: You should just go. I am sure your father whoever he may be would like you to come home in one piece

Raph: A little runt the exact same size as pops is telling us to run home to daddy. This guy cracks me up

Alexa: I'm sure that girls mother is very worried about her daughter right now

Lizzie: why is everyone so worried about me today? I can take care of myself!

Alexa: I'm sure she knows that but-

Lizzie: No buts! You and your partner can give us what we came here for!

Splinter: Okay looks like I have to teach you a lesson

Alexa: a lesson that won't hurt them to much right?

Splinter: of course

None of them heard what Alexa and splinter just said

Leo: Haha! Wow

Leo attacked splinter but he kicked him against the wall

Lizzie: Leo!

Leo: I-I'm good...

Splinter: Never underestimate your opponent even if he does have a bad back

Raph: Underestimate this!

Raph tried to attacked splinter but Alexa punched him against the wall

Alexa: always expect the unexpected

Lizzie: you're starting to get on my nerves!

Lizzie threw her scythe at Alexa but the dodged

Alexa: never throw away your weapon

Lizzie created more electricity in her hands

Lizzie: I don't need one!

Lizzie tried to punch Alexa but she tripped her and Lizzie fell on the floor

Mikey: Sayonara!

Mikey tried to tie splinter and Alexa up with his whip but they both punched him aside

Splinter: That should have been spin duck thrust

Alexa: don't be predictable

Splinter and Alexa continued to fight against the turtles and lizzie and eventually won

Splinter: thus end the lesson

Alexa: hopefully you all learned something from this

Splinter fell on the floor

Splinter: ...I really do have a bad back...

Alexa: you can still fight and that's what matters

Foot Lieutenant and foot brute walked up to them

Foot Lieutenant: Hand me the artifact

Splinter: Oh wait. You know I think I dropped it. My bad

Alexa: I don't have it either

Foot Lieutenant: Look for it!

Suddenly draxum showed up and covered the subway station in vines. Splinter and Alexa were able to hide

Splinter: Draxum I am shocked as I am repulsed

Alexa: no it can't be... draxum was the one who kidnapped Lizzie...

Splinter: you knew him?

Alexa: Lizzie told me about him

Leo: Baron Draxum? It's like a bad guy convention

Raph: Once again my plan worked.

Lizzie: it wasn't your plan. So draxum where's your little mutant army? Is Repo still ok with you destroying me?

Draxum: Yes but you should call him father

Lizzie: Repo is NOT my dad!

Leo: can't you see my girlfriend has been through enough! We're here to stop you!

Draxum: For kids that claim they don't like me you sure are clingy

Raph: Wait a minute? You're working for these jerks?

Lizzie: a jerk working for jerks makes sense to me

Draxum: Correction we are working together

He used his vines to bring April in front of him. She was tied up in more vines

Draxum: Except for this one stealing our property

Alexa: splinter now would be a good time to do something

Splinter: agreed

Splinter and Alexa jumped out of their hiding place and landed in front of draxum

Splinter: Unvine the tractor so I can show her how we treat people who betrayed the Foot!

Alexa: we will not let anyone do this again!

Splinter pretended to attack april but went after draxum instead but then he broke his back

Alexa: oh no...

Splinter: Okay give me a quick ten! I'll be right with you...

Donnie: Father?

Lizzie: splinter?

Mikey: omigosh!

Raph: It's Pops

Splinter: no do not reveal-!

Draxum tied up splinter in vines and took off his mask

Draxum: You call this gutter trash father? As if this could be the great Lou Jitsu-

Suddenly Alexa kicked draxum in the face and he actually fell on the floor

Draxum: who dares attack the great baron draxum?!

Alexa took off her mask to reveal who she is

Alexa: one of your many... many enemies

Lizzie: MOM?!

Turtles: Mrs. Miller?!

Alexa: I hid who I used to be for to long

Splinter: so have I now I shall no longer deny my destiny

He broke out of the vines

Splinter: Hot soup!

Draxum: Hot soup? That same fire! I see it now. You are Lou Jitsu

Turtles and Lizzie: no way!

He looked at Alexa fighting back to

Draxum: and you are a kunoichi!

Lizzie: WHAT?!

Leo: what's a kunoichi?

Donnie: a female ninja

Leo: oh... What?!

April ran up to the turtles and Lizzie

April: alright guys let's fight these bozos!

All: Yeah!

The turtles lizzie and April all fought off the foot clan and Raph punched draxum into the wall making him drop the armor piece

Splinter: they must not get the armor!

Raph: there's to many of them we have to go!


The turtles Lizzie april splinter and Alexa escaped through the subway

Splinter: thank you all and might I add the four of you are all grounded!

Turtles: what?!

Splinter: for not telling me you knew draxum!

Leo: come on what about Lizzie and all your secrets?

Splinter: she is not my daughter and I will not ground me for my secrets but I will tell you everything my sons our destiny begins tomorrow and way are way behind

Alexa: as for you Elizabeth you are grounded for not telling me how dangerous these missions actually are!

Lizzie: me?! Your the one who used to be a kunoichi and knew our ancestors were mystic warriors and never told me!

Leo stood closer to splinter

Leo: uhh... should we say something?

Splinter: no this is between them

Lizzie and Alexa continued to argue

Alexa: it was for your own safety!

Lizzie: Safety?! you have no idea what I've been through! I can handle you that!

Alexa: I don't know what you've been through because you never told me! That's why I was with splinter in the first place! To check on you since it's clear to me your still hurting over everything you told me!

Lizzie: for the last time I'm not still hurt over the fact that my own dad doesn't even care about me! I'm not still hurt over the fact that draxum almost killed my boyfriend! I'm not still hurt over the fact that my ancestors were mystic warriors and I didn't even know! I'm not still hurt over the fact that I died when I was only 12 years old! Oh and on top of all that I'm not hurt over the fact that you never told me you were a kunoichi!

She started crying

Lizzie: o-or maybe it does still hurt and I didn't even know!

Everyone hugged her

Leo: we're in this together Liz your not doing anything alone

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