The Ballad Of Rat Man

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In the lair splinter was sleeping but Leo put whip cream on his hand and Mikey tickled his nose causing splinter to put the whip cream face waking him up

Splinter: Huh?! I was having such a glorious dream!

Splinter saw the turtles and Lizzie trying not to laugh

Leo: It was Donnie! Punish him!

Splinter: Get out of here you reckless teens!

Lizzie: Sorry splinter we just couldn't resist!

The five of them ran off


Donnie Mikey and Lizzie went to the arcade to play some games

Donnie: my gaming skills will remain supreme!

Lizzie: what about that time your game almost killed us?

Donnie: that doesn't count!

Splinter walked up to them

Splinter: excellent driving skills! Is it just me or are both of you taller than the last time I saw you?

Mikey: You mean like three minutes ago?

Lizzie: does this mean you're not mad at us for the prank anymore?

Splinter: I was never mad to begin with! When was the last time we did something together?

Donnie: let's see...

Donnie checked the calendar on his phone

Donnie: 278 days ago. You said 'Hi Purple'... to Raph

Splinter: Exactly! So what say we spend some quality time together now?

Lizzie: sounds fun! What do you have planned?

Splinter: How would you like to enter your tank in a father son car compilation?

Donnie: You want to enter my design in a father son compilation?! Omigosh!

He immediately hugged splinter tightly

Donnie: dreams do come true!

Lizzie: can I come with you guys?

Splinter: of course! Your family now

Lizzie: Aww thanks

She almost felt like crying


Donnie Mikey and Lizzie showed splinter the turtle tank which was in the garage

Donnie: well here she is!

Lizzie: pretty cool right?

Splinter: yes but like how much damage can this thing take?

Mikey: It is a tank so she's probably pretty good on defense

Splinter: Maybe we add another armor shell just or really protect your creation

Donnie: Great idea dad. I can't be too careful. She is my baby I mean if anything happened to her I'd be lost

Lizzie: didn't you say that about all of your other inventions?

Donnie: yes and it's always true!

Mikey: What kind of car compassion exactly is this?

Splinter: It is uh... a car fair! You know like what people bring their prized cars out to be pet and shown off. Like a pig or a spider.

Lizzie: that sounds safe so why add an extra armor?

Splinter: to uh... stand out! I bet other cars are nothing like this one!

Donnie: she is one of a kind!


Splinter drove the turtle tank down the road in a booster seat with Donnie Mikey and Lizzie

Splinter: This booster seat is amazing! I can actually see. No more guessing what that thing I ran over was

Donnie: I'm so glad you like it dad.

Splinter: Excellent work son. This is going to be a glory filled night. You have made me very-

He suddenly stopped the turtle tank

Lizzie: whoa! What was that for?

Splinters We're here!

They parked in front of an arena called the 'doom dome'

Mikey: Cool cool cool... Abort! We are in danger!

Donnie: Mikey I think he was about to say proud! It felt amazing! I'm gonna chase this feeling

The four of them enter the arena and there was a crowd full of people

Lizzie: something definitely isn't right here

Mikey: yeah I don't think this is a car fair

Splinter: You all ready to have some fun?

Donnie: You bet we are! We are number o-!

suddenly a van hits the turtle tank sending it across the arena

All: AH!

Donnie: My baby!

Lizzie: what the heck what that?!

Announcer: The last entry! Seal them all in.

Just then all the gates closed and locked

Announcer: Last car standing wins!

Lizzie looked out the window and saw a four other trucks

Lizzie: Uh oh...

Mikey: Did you bring us to a crazy mutant demolition derby?!

Splinter: Who is ready to win some glory?!

Splinter put on sunglasses and drove up to two other trucks but they both bumped into him on purpose

Donnie: I thought you said they'd be petting my baby not destroying her!

Lizzie checked the computer and saw the shields were at 80%. Then mikey noticed by meat sweats driving one of the trucks

Meat Sweats: Tonight's special roadkill!

Mikey: This guy? Oh he doesn't like us!

Lizzie: you think? He tried to cook Donnie alive!

Another truck bumped into them and it was driven by repo mantis.

Mikey: Oh no! It's Lizzie's horrible dad! He really doesn't like us!

Lizzie: for the last time he's not my dad!

Yet another truck bumped into the turtle tank and this time it was driven by hypnopotamus

Hypno: What are they doing here?

Mikey: He not only doesn't like us but I kinda broke his heart!

Lizzie: that's not what happened

Splinter: what have you all been up to?

Lizzie: just a few crime fighting missions!

Then Splinter Donnie mikey and Lizzie saw one last truck and it was driven by Warren stone

Mikey: Never seen him before

Lizzie: I think I recognize him from somewhere but can't be sure

Warren: I feel the chill of disrespect in the air!

Donnie: Everybody here is a villian We gotta get outta here!

Lizzie: good because I don't want to see Repo's face ever again!

Splinter: Battle stations! If we are going to win the trophy then we-

Donnie: Wait a minute... What is going on here?

Splinter: A little of this a little of that. All in the name of fun

Donnie and Lizzie: this is not fun!

He stopped the turtle tank and Repo's truck bumped into it causing it to flip upside down

Donnie: You said this was a car fair! You know I wouldn't come if you told me it was a demolition derby!

Lizzie: don't you see how dangerous this is?!

Splinter: Turn this tank back on now or else I will-

Donnie: Or else what? You tricked us into coming here. You said you wanted to spend time with us! You lied!!

Donnie was actually trying not to cry while all the all trucks surrounded them

Hypno: Why aren't they moving?

Repo: They're sitting ducks

Warren: Those fools. Now I'm going to break them wide open

Mikey looked out the windows and saw them all

Mikey: Uh guys maybe we could have this family discussion at a later safer time?

A wheel that was on fire rolled passed the turtle tank

Splinter: Donatello...

Mikey and Lizzie gasped

Splinter: I may have lied about this event but I never lied about wanting to spend time with you. I would have not brought you here if I did not. And Elizabeth I just wanted to give you fatherly love that repo never had

Mikey: Um great everyone loves everybody now let's-

Donnie: If you would just ask me to hang out with you I would have said yes. I like spending time with you too dad

Lizzie: Splinter you already gave me the love I didn't know I missed. I still have my mom but now I have you to and Leo mikey Raph and Donnie

Mikey: This will be the last time we have each other if we don't-

Splinter: You are both right. I went a little crazy. I just... I wake up every day as a tiny rat man and I wanted some glory back in my life and Elizabeth I should've realized that sooner. I'm sorry. Take me home kids

Mikey: Yes great Idea! Let's get out of here!

Donnie took the controls, flipped the turtle tank right side up and drove out of the way avoiding the other trucks

Donnie: Got him! All right let's win this thing. Dad drive!

Lizzie summoned electricity in her hands

Lizzie: this will give you even more power!

Splinter: What Donnie? Lizzie? You do not need to do this. We can just-

Donnie: Dad you're awesome okay? You're the guy who introduced us to Lou Jitsu and yeah sure you're a rat and it probably would've been cooler if you were a tiger or something. But that's not the point! The point is If winning this means that much to you then hit that button!

Donnie threw splinter back on the booster seat

Lizzie: Remember splinter no matter what happens I'll still see you as my dad to

Splinter: Thank you

Splinter drove into each truck knocking them against the wall

Announcer: and another car is destroyed!

Splinter: We did it boys I am so pr...

He saw one more giant truck drove into the arena

Donnie: Proud? You were going to say proud! Why do you keeping stopping it right before-

Lizzie moved Donnie's head towards the new truck

Donnie: Oh

Announcer: A last second entry! The greatest death tube champion of all time Big Mama!

Donnie and Mikey: Big Mama?

Lizzie: why am I not surprised to see her here?

Splinter: Hello Big Mama

Big mama shot missiles towards the turtle tank but splinter drove passed them

Mikey: What are we going to do?! I'm too pretty to be crushed!

Lizzie: I can't lose another life! That experience was terrifying!

Donnie: Get ready to launch the shell hogs. I'll draw her fire when she's got me lined up you take her out!

Lizzie: what?! That's way too risky! I'll do it!

Donnie: but you just said losing a life is-

Lizzie: I'll get injured but I won't die!

Splinter pushed both Donnie and Lizzie out of the way. Then got on a motorcycle that was connected to the turtle tank and drove off

Mikey: Father!!

Lizzie: be careful!

Splinter leads big mama away giving Donnie mikey and Lizzie there chance

Mikey: Hey it's working. She took the bait!

Lizzie: Now Donnie!!

Donnie fires lasers from the turtle tank and it destroys big mamas truck

Donnie: And boom goes the dynamite!

Big mama gets out of her truck and fell on the floor

Announcer: The tank wins! The tank wins!

Donnie: yeah!

Mikey: woohoo!

Lizzie: we did it! Way to go dad!

Splinter got off the motorcycle and waved to the crowd

Splinter: My boys I'm so proud

Donnie: wait did you just hear that?!

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