The Mutant Menace

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In the lair mikey was watching a video about the turtles and Lizzie's adventures

Rebecca (on the video): Birthdays ruined, parks destroyed and museums vandalized. Tonight I Rebecca Hunter will hunt down and reveal the culprits! Beware the Mutant Menace!

The video ended and Mikey was shocked

Mikey: The Mutant Menace? Ohmigosh! She's talking about us!

Leo: I can't believe we're getting blamed for this. Virtually everything in there was somebody else's fault! I think...

Lizzie: I feel like know I her though

Donnie: yes Rebecca blames you for losing her friends, stealing her spotlight and ruining her band

Lizzie: wait what?! All I did was play a song!

Donnie: not only that she joined the purple dragons and tried to destroy us

Lizzie: why are you only bringing this up now?!

Donnie: you never asked but this is a boost for my emotionally unavailable bad boy image. Do you think Rebecca will notice?

Leo: Donnie do you like the person who is trying to hunt us down?

Donnie: ...No?

Raph: Look guys I think this might be an opportunity to turn a dark cloud into a silver lining. You fellas ever read this fine piece of literature?

He held a children's book

Donnie: Horrible Wolfie the harmless wolf pup?

Raph: Yes. It's the touching story of a kid wolf who shows up at a town full of humans who all want to run him through with a pitchfork.

Mikey: That's supposed to be touching?

Lizzie: yeah I don't see it either

Raph: But Wolfie didn't run away. He performed loving deeds for the hateful townsfolk and they welcomed him into their hearts. So that's what we'll do! We'll get in our giant Tank and smash people in the face with good deeds!

Mikey: Yeah we are good doers!

Lizzie: we could be accepted by the humans to

Donnie: Oh this is gonna look great on my college application!

Leo: Any votes for staying home during the mutant hunt?

Lizzie: we can at least talk some sense into her

Leo: Okay let's go!


The five of them drove through the city in the turtle tank

Raph: Now each time we do a good deed we'll leave behind one of our friendly calling cards.

Mikey: This good deed brought to you by 'Mutant Menace' Winky Face! Who wouldn't loved this?

Lizzie: Um why are we calling ourselves the same thing Rebecca is? Shouldn't it be something else?

Raph: It's just a joke! People will focus on the good deeds anyway!

Lizzie: I guess but we're starting simple though right?

Mikey: Yep!

A montage started and Donnie melted a fire hydrant but now firefighters couldn't use it, Leo let a cat into an apartment but the car just ate the pet bird and Donnie fixed some of the sidewalk but it was still wet

Mikey left a mutant menace card for every good deed

Raph: guys we're good doers and what do good doers do? They good do and they good do it well!

Donnie: New York is going to adore us! We should've done this sooner!

Lizzie: I wouldn't say that if I were you

Donnie: what do you mean?

Lizzie: after we finished the good deeds I watched the news but it wasn't good

Leo: oh come on it can't be that bad!

Leo pressed a button to show the news on the screen

Reporter (on the screen): In local news a team of heartless pranksters dubbed the 'Mutant Menace evil winky face' are wreaking havoc across the city. We go live to paid Rebecca Hunter

The news showed that all of the turtles good deeds went wrong

Rebecca (on the screen): a fire rages, a canary flees for its life and an old man is trapped in concrete. What do these tragedies have in common? The horrible villains called the 'Mutant Menace'! Just shows that I was right! They're not even trying to hide it anymore!

Leo: ok so this is bad

Raph: We called ourselves the mutant menace as a joke! That's why we used just kidding quotes! And the just kidding winky face!

Lizzie: I told you it wasn't a good idea

Leo: people don't focus on punctuation when they're stuck in concrete. I'm not looking forward to whatever this former purple dragon has in store for us

Rebecca (on the screen): but don't worry NYC I will expose these monsters for what they are! I have been tracking them from my very high tech drone

The screen switched to the drones camera showing the turtle tank

Raph: she's tracking us?

Mikey: Hey we look like a giant turtle!

Lizzie: I have to admit it does look cool

Donnie: Yeah everybody was saying 'go stealth go stealth.' But come on look at us. We all kinds of bad! Rebecca has to like it!

Raph: Donnie do not fall for the person who is tracking us!

Donnie: Fine but her determination is impressive

Rebecca (on the screen): You too can track the mutant menace by accessing my livestream! I'm expecting at least 2 million views by the end of the day!

Lizzie: 'at least'?!

Leo: We can't let anybody see us. We need to get home muy rapido!

Lizzie blushed then Raph drove off really fast but there was a crowd of people

Raph: what the?!

He stopped the tank right on time

Leo: You know you don't normally see pitchforks in MidTown Manhattan.

Lizzie: what is this the medieval times?

Mikey: yep people are getting rustic out there

Raph: We were trying to be nice to them. Have they never read Horrible Wolfie?

Donnie checked the the turtle tanks computer

Donnie: Force shields down by 50%

Leo: Wait a second we have force shields?

Donnie: We do not

Lizzie: then why did you-

Raph drove away agin but Rebecca used a small remote control robot to connected self to the turtle tank. Then she hacked into the tank and made it go faster

Donnie: Raph would you mind easing up on the gas dear friend?

Raph: I can't! The controls are stuck or something No brakes and no steering. Donnie what's going on?

Donnie: Oh no! Oh no!

He checked the computer again

Donnie: Okay. Good news guys my engineering's fine the bad news is something's taking control of the Turtle Tank

They were about to crash into a bunch of car's

Mikey: Look out!!

Lizzie summoned electricity in her hands

Lizzie: time to pick up the pace!

She used the electricity on the turtle tank and it went super fast

Leo: nice work Lizzie!

Lizzie: thanks but I can't keep this up forever!

Leo: just hang in there a little longer!

He tried to open the door but Rebecca's robot melted it shut

Leo: Trapped? I knew being nice to people would get us in trouble!

the Robot got in the tank and Rebecca started FaceTimeing them

Mikey: Chello?

Raph: Mikey we do not 'chello' the enemy!

Donnie answered it anyway and Rebecca showed up on the screen again

Rebecca (on FaceTime): hello again Othello Von Ryan and Elizabeth! you no doubt have noticed my micro bots are in control of your vehicle.

Lizzie: Rebecca I'm sorry I stole your spotlight but I didn't mean to!

Rebecca (on FaceTime): To late for apologies Lizzie! It only took one song and my friends left me because they liked you more!

Mikey: maybe you were just a jerk even before the purple dragons

Rebecca (0n FaceTime): scoff! I was the nicest person in our group!

Raph: that's hard to believe

Leo: so what's your plan anyway Rebecca?

Rebecca: just wait! New York I will deliver the Mutant Menace to the steps of City hall in five minutes! Subscribe and donate to my live stream to witness the spectacle or see it in person if you dare! I expect at least two million viewers and be sure to like subscribe and comment! HAHAHAHA! Victory laughter!

Rebecca hung up and the five of them were shocked

Leo: Wow... Donnie she's perfect for you

Donnie: yes I am seeing that now

Leo: but this is ridiculous! What's with this girl?! She's going to expose us all to New York just for the fame?!

Raph: yeah we're not famous and we get by just fine!

Lizzie: what about that time people thought you were a meme?

Raph: Oh yeah I forgot about that

Suddenly the turtle tank started to go faster and Lizzie finally let go but almost passed out

Raph: I can't steer and I can't stop!

Mikey: Liz we need you!

Lizzie tried using her electricity powers but only got one spark

Lizzie: I-I can't I need a break...

Leo: don't worry my love! it's portal time!

Lizzie was surprised at was Leo said and blushed. Then he created a portal and they were now about to be eaten by monster

All: AHHHH!!!

Leo waves the sword again making another portal that sends them back to the city

Lizzie: we made it!

Donnie: yes but one of Leo's portals didn't work we all totally expected

He noticed the floor hatch

Donnie: Oh Newton's Apple How could I forget the floor hatch? I can just shimmy out and see-!

Raph: No time for that I'll go!

Raph tried to jump outside but gets stuck in the hatch

Lizzie: you OK Raph?

Raph: yeah I'm good-

He got it in the head with a bunch of traffic cones

Raph: Donnie! to make this hatch bigger!

Donnie: I made it to your specks but that was when you were in your 'doing sit ups every day' phase

Rebecca used her robot to control the tank and drove it towards City hall where she waiting

Mikey: What do we do?! what do we do?! What do we do?!

Raph: liz is it too late to talk to Rebecca about this?!

Lizzie: are you kidding? She hates me!

Leo: great! we're going to be exposed smelling like the inside of this tank!

Lizzie sniffed her hand and she smelled as bad as the turtles did

Lizzie: Gross! How long has that smell been there?!

Donnie: that depends how long have you known us?

Lizzie: ...I'm taking 2 hour shower when I get home

Leo: that's fair

Mikey: Relax guys we still have nature's bowling ball! Me

Mikey got inside of his shell and into bowling ball launcher

Mikey: Launch me baby!

Lizzie: is this going to hurt?

Mikey: probably!

Donnie launched Mikey out of the tank and he tied his whip onto the tank to make it stop but Rebecca still saw it getting closer

Rebecca: There they are! They're right behind you! Just turn around!

Mikey turned the turtle tank in the opposite direction once the people turned around

Man: hey! That's an empty street!

Rebecca: oh come on!

She checked the livestream

Rebecca: only one million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight viewers?! I needed 2 million!


Meanwhile the turtle tank landed in the ocean destroying Rebecca's robot

Lizzie: Phew! That was too close for comfort

Leo: agreed! Nice one Mikey! You see that Raph?

Raph was still stuck in the hatch and holding his breath underwater

Leo: Hey Donnie we're sinking and Raph is swallowing the Hudson River

Donnie: Do you really think I would have built this tank without an amphibious mode?

Lizzie: Thank you!

Donnie hit a button on confetti shot out of a small cannon and a banner was hung on the wall that said 'happy birthday Lizzie'

Lizzie: Aww!

Leo covered her eyes

Leo: don't look that's for your next birthday!

Donnie: I pressed the wrong button! Here we go!

Donnie pressed a different button and airbags inflated lifting the tank out of the water then Raph got out of the hatch

Lizzie: well I guess Rebecca is a villain now and thanks to me she tried to hunt us down...

Leo: hey it's not your fault she was clearly always a jerk

Mikey: but what about people excepting us for being good doers like Wolfie?

Raph: that might not happen Mikey but we'll keep trying because we're the quote on quote Mad dogs! winky face!

Lizzie smiled and winked at the audience while Donnie read the rest of the book

Donnie: Hey Raph did you ever finish reading your book here? Because it turns out after the villagers accept Wolfie into their hearts he eats them all.

Raph: I have to start reading stuff to the end

Leo: do you think Rebecca will show up again?

Donnie: since she's a genius like myself... Yes

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