Cat Vs Sewer

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Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie were in the sewers watching Raph freak out. They were all wearing bathing suits

Mikey: Uh oh Donnie forgot to text Raph we were running late

Donnie: Oh sweet sweet Angelo how soon you forget that today I am on vacation. Hence my board shorts

He was wearing shiny purple shorts

Donnie: the international sign for 'I'm not a useful member of society'

Leo: We only left the guy alone for five minutes and we told him we had to find tubes!

Lizzie: I just needed to find a bathing suit since I don't usually go swimming

Leo: did I mention you look hot?

Lizzie: *blushes* Y-Yes

Mikey: This is a job for Dr. Delicate Touch... GET YOUR MIND RIGHT SON!

Raph got scared and fell into the water

Raph: What took so long? You know Raph gets weird when I'm left alone!

Lizzie: I didn't know that happens to you. Are you ok?

Raph: yeah I'll be fine...

Leo: Relax. Did you get a tube?

Raph held a tire from the turtle tank

Leo and Mikey: Whoa!

Donnie: where did you get that?

Raph: Uh...

Lizzie could've sworn she heard something fall in the lair

Raph: I-I borrowed it from... splinter?

Donnie: Splinter who only owns robes and a shady past let you-

Leo puts Donnie's tube over his body and tosses him into the water. Then everyone else got in there tubes and into the water

Raph: Tube time!

Lizzie: we definitely earned this vacation!

Leo: agreed!

Donnie: Okay men and cat New York sewers are a dangerous and complex labyrinth-

Mikey: Full of creatures and games and rides? This is gonna be amazing!

Don What? No! Where do you think we are? Just take every left turn to stay on the lazy river capisce?

Raph: Whatever Donnie. Mad Dogs ahoy!

The five of them floated in the water for a bit

Leo. Ain't this the life? A day off from Splinter's training to kick back and bask in the luxury of-

Raph: Dunk-a-roo!

Raph did a cannon ball into the sewer water

Lizzie: nice one Raph! I wish I got that on video

Donnie: Can't you guys just do a sports pass with your smelly ball or something?

Raph: Who you calling smelly? Lace Face has been part of this family longer than you

He held a red football

Raph: Now let's run the Midnight Special!

Raph threw the football into the air and Mikey caught it

Mikey: Look alive Leo!

Mikey kicked the football back to Leo who caught it

Leo: trick passing! Your up Liz!

Leo threw the football and Lizzie summoned electricity in her hands then jumped towards the it

Donnie: Oh no...

Lizzie: heads up Raph!

Donnie: Wait Lizzie don't-!

Lizzie hit the football towards Raph

Raph: I got it! I got it!

He caught the football but was then electrocuted

Raph: AH!

Lizzie: Sorry Raph!

Raph: it's all good! I still caught it!

Suddenly Raph fell down a sewer tunnel

All: Raph!

Mikey: our football!

Lizzie: what about your oldest brother?

Mikey: Oh yeah! and Raph!

The four of them fell down a different tunnel

All: Wrong way!

Raph: Guys! Don't leave me alone!

Leo: We will find you Raph!

Lizzie: keep your emotional crutches with you!

Then Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie landed into another part of the sewer

Leo: Raph is all alone! we need to-!

Mikey: Go down that slide again?

Donnje: Yes agreed. Raph'll make it home eventually I'm sure

Leo No Raph's our brother and-

Mikey: Then why doesn't he have Splinter's rugged good looks like we do?

Lizzie: that's not the point!

Leo: come on you called me handsome before!

Lizzie: we'll discuss that later

Leo: good idea anyway you all know how savage Raph gets when he's alone. He'll totally lose it if we don't find him fast. Clock's ticking

Donnie: Fine. But just so we're clear today is my day off. Respect the board shorts bros

Lizzie: what's more important Raph or your day off?

Donnie: Hmm...

Leo: Really?!

Donnie: alright fine! It's Raph


The four of them continued to look for Raph in the sewer. Then Lizzie heard more water coming

Lizzie: hey guys do you hear something?

Mikey: no why?

They were suddenly caught in a giant wave

Donnie: Ow my brain! my other brain!

Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie made it out of that tunnel with bruises

Lizzie: this is why I don't go in the water. Not only that I think I swallowed sewer water...

Leo: you'll get used to that

Donnie sips on a coconut drink

Leo: Uh where did you get that?

Donnie: Today's vibes were supposed to be chill so I went ahead and filled my Battle Shell with some refreshment

Lizzie: you could've mentioned this earlier

Mikey: Just one Donald?

Donnie: And ice. I'm not an animal

Leo: Then give us ice for our horribly mangled

They could all hear a mechanical whirring from Donnie's battle shell.

Donnie: it melted

Lizzie gave him a small electric shock

Donnie: Ow!

Lizzie: Sorry Donnie but we don't have time for this

Donnie: alright fine

Mikey: Guys I think something horrible happened here!

He pointed to a lot of pipes that were destroyed

Donnie: if I was able to do some analysis, I'd tell you that-

Leo and Lizzie: Raph was here. Ha! Jinx!

Donnie: Let's not jump to conclusions

Leo pointed to writing on the wall that said 'Raph WHS'

Mikey: Maybe this Raph's seen our Raph

Leo: We'd better hurry

Mikey: but where do we look? The sewers are huge! And I mean HUGE!

Lizzie: I should be able to hear Raph even if he is far away

She listened closely and heard Raph screaming which her ears

Lizzie: Ow!

Leo: you ok Liz?

Lizzie: yeah I'm fine but Raph can't be alone much longer! Follow me!


Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie made it to a long wooden bridge

Mikey: Someone could get really hurt on this. Let's see how far it swings!

Mikey started moving the bridge back and forth

Lizzie: Whoa!

Leo saw something and stopped mikey from moving the bridge again

Leo: chill I think I found something

He points to a large hole in the bridge

Donnie: Once again I'd love to help bail us all out with my undeniable and prodigious genius but-

Leo: It was Raph. Look

They all saw Donnie's tirewas in the water

Mikey: That's Donnie's tire. I mean- Raph's tube!

Lizzie: which means he doesn't have his emotional crutches

Leo: his what?

Lizzie: emotional crutches are things someone holds onto to feel comfortable and safe

Leo: Oh! Which means we're running out of time

Donnie: well Leo since you cell the fewest action figures why don't you go ahead and jump first?

Mikey: Donnie chill. We can't freak out. Nobody freak out

He started freaking out

Mikey: Stop freaking out Donnie!

Lizzie: guys stop! I'll go first! It's my fault Raph is lost since he fell in the tunnel when he caught the football I threw

Leo: but even though you can swim you still don't exactly like water!

Donnie: speaking of which way did you even come?

Lizzie: because this sounded fun and I needed a day off just like you. As for you Leo finding Raph is more important than me not liking water-!

Suddenly the bridge breaks and they all fall into mud water getting covered in it

All: Ew!

Lizzie: this is disgusting!

Leo saw Raph by a fire place

Leo: look we found him!

Donnie: Thousand percent not Raph. Staking my life on it shorts

Raph: Raph... alone!!

Lizzie: how about now?

Donnie: ok It might be Raph but who's to say anymore?

They all walked towards Raph

Leo: Raph we found you! You have no idea how-

Raph had the crab mutants Carl and Ben tied up

Leo: are you barbecuing villains?

Lizzie: I remember these guys when they teamed up with draxum

Raph though the four of them were sewer monsters since they were covered in mud

Raph: More sewer monsters?

Leo and Mikey: Huh?

Lizzie: what?

Donnie: I'm sorry sewer monsters? Raph hey you are harshing the rescue vibes my man. It's us okay? Your brothers and Lizzie! Who you should consider family as this point!

Lizzie: Aww!

Raph: No family! Savage Raph alone!

He attacked Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie but they all dodged him

Leo: We're here to bring you home!

Raph: Sewer monsters invade! Must squash!

Lizzie: Raph please relax! We're trying to help you!

Raph pushed Lizzie aside and threw mikey against the wall

Mikey: Ow! Okay I want off this ride now! Snap out of it Raph!

Raph: Squash you!

Lizzie: leave him alone!

Then Leo jumped on Raph's back and didn't let go

Leo: He still can't tell it's us! But if we get this sewer sludge off...

He saw a flood valve

Leo: Mikey open that flood valve!

Mikey: On it!

He tried to open the valve but it was stuck

Mikey: Hmm... I need something stronger

Lizzie: I got this mikey!

Lizzie summoned Electricity in her hands and punched open the valve. Then sewer water sprayed everywhere and cleaned them all. Carl and Ben also escaped

Lizzie: that's better. I still feel a little sticky though...

Donnie: hold on where's Raph?

Suddenly Raph gave Donnie a wedgie

Donnie: Ow! Board shorts were my undoing!

Raph: Clean sewer monsters still sewer monsters! Savage Raph destroy!

Lizzie: let him go right now Raph! Wow I sound like my mom...

Leo was able to find the same football from earlier and picked it up

Leo: Lace face! I know how we can get our brother back. The Midnight Special!

He threw the football into the air and Mikey caught it

Mikey: Look alive Leo!

Mikey kicked the football back to Leo who caught it

Leo: trick passing! Your turn Liz!

Lizzie jumped towards the it

Lizzie: heading your way Raph!

She hit the football with her tail and it was going towards Raph. He snapped out of it and caught the ball

Raph: Hahaha! Yo did you all see that?!

Donnie Leo Mikey and Lizzie immediately hugged him

Donnie: Raph!

Lizzie: we missed you!

Leo: You're back baby!

Raph: Back? Uh oh did I get weird again?

Mikey: Super weird! even by my standards

Leo: but we learned a valuable something about never something-ing you alone again

Lizzie: we are not leaving you alone again

Leo: yeah that! You said it better

Raph: Aw I love you guys now let's go home and try tubing again tomorrow

Lizzie: tomorrow? I need at least a week away from water

Leo: you have yourself a deal!


Donnie made it back to the lair a but saw a all tire's from the turtle tank were missing

Donnie: RAAAAPH!!!

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