Rebecca's Purple Game

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In the lair Donnie just watched an add for 'the purple game'

Donnie: I must have it!

Donnie downloaded the game and played it all night

Raph: Donnie have you been playing all night?

Donnie: Yes this is the greatest game of all time so stop talking to me

Leo: Really this?

Donnie: yes! Rank is rising. I have to make it to number one baby!

Raph: Well let's go get dressed. If we're late to FanCon we'll miss out on the Jupiter Jim swag

Lizzie: you were the one that wanted to go the most and I thought you liked more advanced games. This looks like it was made in the 90's

Donnie: it's called 'retro' Elizabeth! And I'll meet you there. I'm earning the purple points to unlock sweet upgrades!

Mikey: are you okay? Atomic Lass is going to be there. She's your favorite character from the extended Jupiter Jim Universe

Raph: She and JJ haven't spoken since-

Mikey: We don't speak of that

Donnie: I have to make it to number one! One!

Donnie even licked the screen

Leo: I know I say this a lot about Donnie but... demon possession!

Donnie: I'm fine!

Lizzie: I'm already starting to doubt that


Later that day Raph Leo mikey and Lizzie got back to the lair

Mikey: What a night baby!

Raph: Once in a lifetime!

Lizzie: we got so much merchandise!

Leo: We just shared a life changing experience!

The four of them walked into Donnie's lab

Leo: Donnie you're never gonna believe what just happened. I know It'll never make up for it but we got you a Jupiter Jim figure with real chopping action-

They saw donnie still playing the game and was dressed like a lumberjack

Lizzie: what the?

Donnie: Ten! So close to one. Nothing is going to stop Bootyyyshaker9000!

Raph stood in front of the screen

Donnie: Move! Move! Get out of the way!

Raph: Dude you okay? You're dressed up like lumberjack

Donnie: It's a new upgrade I unlocked. Not many have it

Lizzie: what does dressing up like a lumberjack have to do with the game?

Donnie: everything! It has everything to do with the game!

Leo: How'd you pay for that gear? Donnie how'd you pay for that gear?

Mikey saw his broken piggy bank

Mikey: He destroyed Mrs Porky Coin! I will avenge her!!

Lizzie comforted Mikey

Lizzie: Donnie's never acted like this before... and that's a lot

Leo: I know right? And he doesn't seem to care he misses a literal once in a lifetime experience. That lady in a wheelchair walked...

Raph: What do you do if someone you love is obsessed with something that's bad for them?

Leo: if only we knew someone that has great advice and guidance...

Mikey: we don't need that! Lizzie use your electricity powers to destroy his screen!

Lizzie: I'm sure we can think of something else... but let's keep that in mind

Raph Leo mikey and Lizzie go to the living room and looked online

Raph: So we read every internet doctor article on how to treat Recreational game obsession mania.

Mikey: RE-GOM!

Leo: I just read the comments

Lizzie: who knew New York city could be so mean

Raph: Oh you have no idea. But now we're all experts!

Leo got an alert on his phone and looked at the video. I giant robot was attacking New York

Raph: Giant mech! Maybe some action will snap Donnie out of it. You think?

Lizzie: this is Donnie we're talking about so... maybe

The four of them ran back into Donnie's lab

Leo: Donnie there's a giant mech destroying

They saw donnie got a new chair

Leo: hey Whoa! Nice chair. Wait where'd you get that?

Donnie: I unlocked it. And now I can explore a whole new world to rule! And-

Raph: No time except for hero time. Donnie we need you

Lizzie: your the only one who could know how to shut that thing down!

Donnie: you are right and I will be there you have my word


The turtles and Lizzie go to New York and saw the giant mech but Sheldon showed up instead of Donnie

Sheldon: Sup guys? Donnie couldn't make it I'm New Donnie. Obscure science reference set with total confidence

Raph: Donnie!!

Lizzie: Oh come on!

Leo: I don't know I kanda like new Donnie

Mikey: That's things huge! Looks like we've got a new mech villain on the scene!

Lizzie: lets recycle this tin can!

Leo: ...I love you so much

Raph: Attack!

Raph Leo mikey and Lizzie attacked the robot but the attacks didn't do much

Raph: Shelldon can you get a reading on who might be driving that thing?

Sheldon: Nah and I'm New Donnie

Lizzie: Just do it already!

Sheldon: I don't feel like it

Mikey: Let's see who's inside guys! Cowabunga!

He made it to the top of the robot and opened part of its head

Mikey: Knock knock metalhead!

There was no one inside

Mikey: What!? No one is driving this thing?!

Lizzie was still on the ground with Leo and Raph

Lizzie: MIKEY! Who's controlling the robot?!

Mikey: Nobody!

Lizzie: what?!

Mikey: I said-!

Lizzie: I heard you! How can no one be inside?!

Mikey: I don't know!


Meanwhile in the lair Donnie was fighting four plushies in his game. One red one blue one orange and one gray

Donnie: Get out of here you annoying little plush dolls! You're ruining Mr. Number one's mech!


Back with Mikey he looked at a screen in the robot which said 'Bootyyyshaker9000'

Mikey: does that say Bootyyyshaker9000? Donnie?

The robot grabbed mikey and threw him on the floor next to Leo Raph and Lizzie

Lizzie: mikey! What happened up there?!

Mikey: Donnie's controlling the mech!

Raph: Say what now?

Lizzie: why would he be attacking us?

Leo: You're telling me that big ugly thing is Donnie?I've so got this

Lizzie: what do you mean?

Leo: he probably doesn't know we're here!

He tried to get Donnie's attention

Leo: hey Donnie! It's us! Your brothers and one of your best friends!


Meanwhile Donnie didn't notice the blue bear was waving at him

Donnie: You know I know these graphics aren't great but points for solid writing. Time for the final blow!


Back with leo he saw the robots hand start to glow

Leo: ...ok that's not good

Lizzie: LOOK OUT!

She pushed Leo out of the way right when the robot started shooting blasters at them

Lizzie: are you ok Leo?

They both stood up and Leo kissed lizzie

Leo: yes thanks to you!

Lizzie: you would do the same for me

Raph: can you both stop flirting for one minute and focus?!

Lizzie: oh right! Leo you always distract me with your charm!

Leo: Ha! I knew that's what you liked most about-!

Raph pulled Leo mikey and Lizzie under cover

Raph: We have to get a message to Donnie

Mikey: How? He's not responding to anything!

Leo: What about our Recreational Game Obsession Mania Training?

Raph: RE-GOMT! that's it!

Mikey: Yes we can have a heart to heart with him about how his gaming is hurting us!

Lizzie: Or I could use my electricity powers to destroy it like Mikey suggested earlier

Raph: that'll be Plan B! First I'm going to use his obsession against him. Time for an upgrade!

Leo: I think we're bad people

Lizzie: if anyone's bad it's Donnie for destroying the city!

Suddenly a car almost hit the four of them and they ran off

Raph: Sheldon!

Sheldon flew up to Raph

Sheldon: It's New Donnie

Raph: Whatever! Can you hook my phone up to that thing so I can get Donnie a message?

Sheldon: I'll do it if you call me new Donnie-

Lizzie: if you don't do it Raph said there won't be a city left to save!

Sheldon: alright alright I'm on it!

Sheldon attached himself to the robot


Meanwhile Donnie saw an add pop up on the screen

Donnie: Super exclusive upgrade! yes!

He presses the ad until it shows Raph and Lizzie on the screen

Raph: Donnie the mech is real! Stop playing the game Donnie!

Donnie: Wow these pixel's feel so life like! And again ace writing

Lizzie: Just look!

Lizzie pointed the camera at the robot following Donnie's movements

Donnie: Oh that's not good

He tried to shut the game off but nothing worked

Donnie: I can't quit out. What is happening?

Suddenly cuffs trap him onto the chair

Donnie: what the?! This was not covered in the user manual!

Then Rebecca appeared on the screen

Rebecca: hello Bootyshaker9000. Or should I call you Othello Von Ryan Or should I call you Donnie

Donnie: I'm sorry but do I know you?

Rebecca: of course not we haven't been introduced. My name is Rebecca Hunter the newest member of the purple dragons, former leader of my band the thunder sisters, your placement and the creator of the purple game

Donnie: Oh the Purple dragons. I should have known- wait your replacing me?!

Rebecca: Yep and there's nothing you can do about it

Donnie: your so cute but so mean! Why do I always go for your type?!

Rebecca: Aww thanks for the compliment but I'm not the only one here!

Kendra Jase and Jeremy walked next to Rebecca

Kendra: Yes It is us The Purple dragons. The greatest team hacking trio of-

Jase: there are four of us!

Kendra and Rebecca: Shut up jase!

Kendra: You are on thin ice

Rebecca: I know I said my plan seemed crazy but it totally worked

Kendra: We wanted our revenge and you played your part perfectly. Rebecca has her own reasons so we're killing two birds with one stone. You almost destroyed your own brothers and friend!

Donnie: Yes but I didn't. Mostly... mostly... while we're on the subject what are your reasons for doing this Rebecca?

Rebecca: your friend made my two best friends abandon me and stealing my spotlight! It's payback time

Kendra: that's enough Rebecca! Anyway while we would've really enjoyed watching you smash them watching you watch us smash them will be just as nice!

Rebecca: this is going to be fun


Back with Raph Leo mikey and lizzie they saw the robot wasn't moving

Leo: So did it work or not?

The robot turned back on

Lizzie: I'm going to with no

Raph: He's still attacking!

Mikey: Do you think he knows we like new Donnie better?

Lizzie: well I definitely don't!


Meanwhile Donnie watched the Mech chased his brothers and Lizzie

Donnie: Make it stop! How are you controlling it?!

Jeremy: The mech is now full self operational. It;s AI learned from how you played the game.

Rebecca: AI stands for artificial intelligence in case you didn't know

Donnie: I know what that means!

Kendra: time to warp this up!

Rebecca: lets get a closer look shall we?

She changed the screen to show the turtles and Lizzie being chased by the robot

Donnie: brothers! Elizabeth!


Back with the four of them lizzie got an idea. She summoned electricity in her scythe

Lizzie: your in for a shock robot!

She moved as fast as lighting cut off the robots arm and landed safely on the ground. Rebecca saw all of this through her computer

Leo: Yes! that's my girlfriend!

Lizzie: I call that operation power out

Leo: yeah you did!

Suddenly the robot was about to crush them with its other hand but then stopped

All: Huh?

They all saw Donnie close by using a cheat code

Donnie: Cheat code baby! Let's finish this! up up down down left right left right B A start!

The robot suddenly exploded and fell on the ground. Then donnie ran up to the turtles and Lizzie

Donnie: Are you all okay?

Mikey: You hurt Mrs. Porky coin. I will have my-!

Lizzie: we'll talk about that later. Donnie... What on earth were you-?!

Donnie: I'm just glad you guys are safe and you don't know how sorry I am. I will never-

He saw a new game on the billboard

Donnie: Purple Game 2?! I must have it!


Meanwhile Rebecca threw her computer across the room in frustration.

Rebecca: that should've worked!

Kendra: we'll think of a new plan

Rebecca: No! that plan was so simple! How could you idiots let 4 turtles and a cat mess it up?!

Kendra: us? This was your plan!

Rebecca: that you failed! You guys are useless! I'm done with this stupid club!

Kendra: if you leave the purple dragons we won't let you join again!

Rebecca: good! I never liked you anyway


Rebecca left the and put her headphones on

Rebecca: from now on I'm doing things myself

She turned on the music

Rebecca: my name is
Rebecca Hunter and
I am a massive deal I
will grind you to sand
beneath my heel this
is all I get for helping
helping others freaks
enjoy your temporary
wins and my name is
Rebecca Hunter hey
freaks how ya like me
now I want to watch
the world burn get all
the gasoline I want to
watch the world burn
I got the gasoline so
now watch your back
your time to turn and
cough cause you took
me down but you did
not finish me off and
my name is Rebecca
Hunter in case your
keeping score freaks
may have won all the
battles but I'll win the
war for I wanna watch
the world burn I have
the gasoline I wanna
watch the world burn
everyone turn mean I
want to make a world
turn so mean I wanna
watch the world burn!

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